Erhard Schoen, Army Train.
Date Description Source Reference
1535 A.D. One Pavilion and two bell tents. 

Pavilion, two tailed banners, ball apex with mid rib on cone via ring (right only), line decoration on roof (at ridge line and just above apex), valance decoration, two point guy rope attachment through valance, peg shape unusual, it also appears that this pavilion has a circular chiminey near the right apex (or it a separate tent behind the pavilion). 

The two bell tents to the rear and right of the pavilion have similiar apexes, the rear most has a cylindrical apex guy rope attachment and possibly three guy ropes attached, the same shaped peg from the pavilion are used on the bell tents.

Erhard Schoen. G.1225 - 1234, Army Train, c. 1535, Wolfenbüttel, Munich. entire series printed originally by Niclas Meldemann, then reprinted by Hans Guldenmund, both at Nuremburg. From ten blocks. 

G.1225; Rö.234b, Master of the Barricades, Gotha

Geisberg, M., The German Single-leaf Woodcut: 1500 - 1550, Volume 3, New York, 1974, p. 1171.

Other works by Erhard Schoen:

Siege of Vienna

Ravages of the Turks

Siege of Betulia

War between Dogs, Cats, Mice and Rats

Siege of Münster

Bird’s Eye view of Tunis

The Siege of Munster

Massacre of Lansquenents

Siege of Budapest

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