Unidentified Artists, The Welcoming of the Bride by his Imperial Roman Majesty on the Shore of the Danube with Guard of Honour.
Date Description Source Reference
1540 A.D. Single bell tent, apex guy rope, alternate light and dark roof panels, valance guy ropes and pegs, white walls. Unidentified Artists. G.1600-3. The Welcoming of the Bride by his Imperial Roman Majesty on the Shore of the Danube with Guard of Honour, c. 1540. (Auction, Gutekunst and Klipstein, Bern, April 28, 1955). Bottom right missing. Printed from four blocks. Strauss, W.L., The German Single-leaf Woodcut 1550 - 1600, Volume 4, New York, 1975, p. 1560.

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