Futühat-i-Jamî, Siege of the Fortress of Temesvar (Timisoara).

Date Description Source Reference
1557 A.D. From the colour picture on page 24. Four bell tents. 

Right foreground. 

Light blue bell tent, pointed gold and black apex, curved plant decoration on roof, similar gold and black designs as apex situated above door, valance consists of; thick orange horizontal line, white band with diagonal red lines followed by a wobbly green band, the walls are decorated in two large blue and green designs, around the door with a pointed apex is green edging followed by a blue line, the interior of the tent is orange, the pole is black with gold spiral decoration, finished with an orange and gold carpet. 

Centre (Ahmed Pasa’s tent). 

Gold pointed apex on a light purple roof with dark purple plant decoration, three gold medallions also decorate the roof, above the valance is a gold line connecting gold dots spread at uniform intervals, the valance is an orange multi-piece affair with gold designs and very dark blue lining, the walls are dark blue with gold stars and other designs, the pole is gold, while the light blue interior is decorated with blue designs spread evenly about the walls. 

Left background. 

Tan bell tent, a green dot sits a top the domed apex, surrounded by a red band followed by a blue and white striped band, the roof has a number of green dots spread evenly about its surface, the valance consists of; a red band with alternate green and gold dots spread throughout its length, followed by a another blue and white striped band, along with  a number of green dots along its base, the door flaps are tied back to reveal a white interior and a brown pole. 

Right background. 

White bell tent, domed apex, the band about the domed apex consists of; a red strip with a gold line, then a dark blue and then a light blue diagonal stripe, the apex, roof and part of the upper walls are decorated with plant designs and dots, the door flaps are tied back revealing a tan interior and a green pole with spiral gold decoration.

p. 75. Fig 59. Siege of the Fortress of Temesvar (Timisoara) by Futühat-i-Jamî. Turkey 964/1557. Istanbul, Library of the Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi H 1597, f. 18 vº- 19 rº. 

“...On the right (f. 18 vº) can be seen, among others, the tent of Ahmed Pasa, who commanded the army...”

Taylor et. al., The Age of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, Sydney, 1990, p. 24 & 75.

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