Michael Peterle, Funeral of Suleiman II and his five brothers, strangled by order of his son at Constantinople.

Date Description Source Reference
1575 A.D. Single dark bell tent, apex hidden by border, white crescents in groups of three adorn the roof, the valance is light with line decoration, from the valance hang multi-lobed decoration, the edge of the door flap and bottom edge is scalloped, tow point guy rope attachment, the door flaps are tied up to the guy ropes on either side of the door, the pole is white and quite thick. 

Note; the tent appears to be set up on a stone courtyard.

Michael Peterle, Active in Prague, 1576 - 1595.
No. 4. Funeral of Suleiman II and his five brothers, strangled by order of his son at Constantinople, 1575. Anonymous copy printed at Strassburg cf. App. B. P1343. Zürich (PAS II 12:8).
Strauss, W.L., The German Single-leaf Woodcut 1550 - 1600, Volume 2, New York, 1975, p. 832.

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