Date | Description | Source | Reference |
16th century | Two hundred plus tents, a combination of bell tents, pavilions, wedge tents and lean-to's. Some of the wedge tents and pavillions have sections of the ridge pulled back to allow smoke to escape. | "First used as a tactical ploy in the Hussite Wars, the 'wagon fort' only proved really effective if the army was accompanied by a considerable artillery train. To add strength and fire power to the outward 'walls', large arquebuses were often loaded on to wagons with sliding doors. The commander's tent was invariably found in the centre of the camp and each standard stood at the head of every group of tents or shelters belonging to the Fahnlein. (Amman, Courtesy of the British Museum). | Miller, D., The Landsknechts, Osprey Publishing, 1976, p. 13. |
Other works by Jost Amman:
The Vereidigung (The Oath Taking)
Copyright © Stephen Francis Wyley 1999 - 2001 |