Jost Amman, The Bridge of Adultery.

Date Description Source Reference
16th century Seven bell tents, two pavilions, one awning and one unknown. 

Bell tent, apex consists of a spike a top an ovoid shape on top of a cone, the roof and valance are decorated in lines and shapes, the valance bottom edge is in the the form of small scalloping, there is one guy rope visible on the left and that has a two point attachment under the valance. 

Only the roof of the next bell tent is visible, roof panels are defined. 

The next tent is of unknown design, there appears to be a wooden frame with fabric draped over it descending from a great height beyond the frame of the picture. 

Awning, plain decoration on roof, ball apexes on some of the near poles. 

Bell tent, roof only, two tailed banner, a top a ball apex and apron, roof panels are defined. 

Pavilion, banners fly from each apex, above ball and cone apexes, crenelated scalloping along roof ridge, roof panels defined by double lines, two point guy rope attachment. 

The four bell tents on the top right of page 60, banners a top ball apexes (two with aprons), roof and wall panels defined, valance in defined, two point guy rope attachment. 

Pavilion, curved scalloping along roof edge, panel definition on roof, long side open for arbelest competition. 

Right page 61. Twelve bell tents and two pavilions in far right background.

Jost Amman. No. 29. 'The Bridge of Adultery'. '...A fine and courtly history of the wonderfully contrived Bridge of Adultery, erected by King Arthur because of a suspicion about his wife, upon the secret and wise counsel of the artful Virgil. According to Beck, printed by Hans Wolf Glaser (c.f. Hans Wolf Glaser No. 10). Strauss, W.L., The German Single-leaf Woodcut 1550 - 1600, Volume 1, New York, 1975, p.60 & 61.

Other works by Jost Amman:

 David and Goliath

The Vereidigung (The Oath Taking)

Wagon Fort

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