The Tents of History

Part 12. 17th Century

Edited by Stephen Francis Wyley

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1602 A.D. (Siege of Dunboy)
1613 A.D. (A siege battery from a French artillery treatise published in 1613)
1614 A.D. Reza-e Abbasi Esfahan, Makhzanol - Asrar of Haydar-e Kharazmi
1615 A.D (Peter Iselburg, 'Neues Soldaten Buchlein')
1617 A.D. (Utriusque Cosmi Maiaris scilicet et Minoris Metaphysica, Johann Theodore de Bry)
1622 A.D. (The Thirty Year’s War: Tilly besieges Heidelberg)
1628 A.D. (Williem Akersloot, The Siege of Harlem)
1630 A.D. ("Wollgastum", the Swedish siege of Wolgast )
1633 A.D. (Jacques Callot, Misères et Malheurs de la Guerre) Link to picture
1639 A.D. (Wenceslaus Hallar, 'Manner in which a single regiment of foote should make camp')
1639 A.D. (Pieter Snayers, Battle of Thionville)
1640 A.D. (J.W. Dilich, Cavalry encampment from 'Peribologia')
1643-46 A.D. (The De Bry Recension Bible, Isfahan 1643 - 46
1650 A.D. (Payne Fisher, Battle of Dunbar)
1677 A.D. (Roger Lord Orrery, 'Scenoographie of a Regimente of Foote' from Treatise of the Art of War)
1683 A.D. (Sobieski attacks the huge Turkish camp outside Vienna, just as the Ottomans prepare to storm the city)
1686 (Franz Gottfels, La Siege de Buda)
17th century (Conquests of Louis XIV, Bivouac scene. Tapestry.)

This page was last updated on the 20th March 2001

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