This section was opened in order to celebrate this site 4th anniversary!!! I really hope you fans will enjoy this and I'm waiting to hear all your comments and suggestions.
Every two weeks I'll put a couple of clues which imply on some story line, incident or event that happened in OLTL through the years. I promise I'll try not to make it to easy nor to hard so both long time viewers and new viewers could participate in this.
As you can probably see I don't have a lot of time so PLEASE if someone has an idea he want me to do or make something like this mystery of his own and send it to me I'll appreciate it VERY MUCH.
Note 1/26/2002:
I've put up a new mystery but this time it will take more than two weeks to have a new one and because of that I'm going to make the mysteries a bit harder. If I see that there are no fans participating I'll close this section once again but I hope there'll be many.
And for the new mystery...

These pics are the clues. I'll give you another hint - it's some sort of an event. Lets see who knows the ANSWER!
The ANSWER is: Asa's Masquerade Ball in 1981

And the WINNERS Were: Debby Taylor & Johnny Baldwin!
Here is a following question:
The clues are pictures of some characters' costumes. Match these costumes to the correct charcters and if you remember more costumes from the masquerade ball feel free to tell me.
To Answer the mystery CLICK HERE
Mystery by Ido
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