Connie's Page

connie carlson

I will tell you of my pain,
or maybe your own. I'll start
with words away from the heart
of it. I will say 'sea of grain'
instead of fields and you will think
you understand better. I will not say
'brown,' but 'sable,' or maybe 'mink'
and try to make you feel the way
I do. Or not. Maybe you will come
to better know your own thoughts through
my metaphors and similes. As if you
didn't have your own beat, your own drum.

Original photo: courtesy of connie carlson


connie carlson

What were we then? Related
by blood? Women always?
Or brothers? Bonds created
surely in another time. Our days,
perhaps, spent at looms weaving
plain, coarse cloth. Or exploring
new worlds, fighting natives, retrieving
grails - some part of our minds storing
bits and pieces of the scene.
Small pieces, through ages scattered
as river rock. Strewn, serene,
awaiting another flow. Memories splattered
across eons, and gathered in flashes.
Invisible filaments that connect and hold
through life and death and life clashes.
Some other far off epoch, all will be told
when the pieces fit and memory is clear.
Will we remember we were always here?

connie carlson

She shakes a pretty finger at me,
as I set aside my paper, pen.
I avoid her eyes. Again.

She disappears repeatedly,
popping up to suggest, she said,
another way to see things. My head

is full of other ways to see.
It's writing it down that's causing
stress. She clicks off, without pausing

four or five ideas. Smug. Free.
Turns off the light. Stands in shadows.
Fades rather quickly. Wonder where she goes?

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

The endings in life block the sun,
surround us, hover, loom.
Appear so quickly, surprise, stun,
leaving little hope. No room
to see the small bright light, just there,
the candle newly lit, fresh flame.
The new beginning, if we dare.
No two moments are the same.
No two loves, two lives, two plans.
As one thing ends another starts
Our breath the new fire gently fans.
Beginnings, endings, just separate parts.

Photo courtesy of Desktop Themes; The Nature Conservancy, June-July 2001

connie carlson

When this orb called earth was dark and cold
and the sun had not caught fire.
When history was unmade, untold,
no life to live or expire.
What was there, then, before the heat,
before life imagined, known?
Before decay, mold, mildew, peat,
how were the first seeds sown??
And what walked, first, upon the land?
What form first roamed and wandered?
When the solar flames were finally fanned
who was the first who pondered??
What was the first beast to be killed?
Which being the cause of his end?
And what prayers, when his heart was stilled,
and to whom, did the slayer send??

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

The sky, still bruised from the early storm.

Threatening. Brooding.

Around purple-black centers white clouds take form.

The anger muting.

Cool, damp air rustles tall grass and leaves.

Supple limbs bending.

A fresh clean world the good wind weaves.

The tempest is ending.

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

There are so many winds.
Each with a feel its own.
High mountain wind that
forces itself with a groan
through tall pines and fir.
Dry desert wind
blistering camel-colored sand,
leaving life stronger, able to defend
against more powerful gusts.
Sea breezes. Ahhh. Not just the press
of air upon skin, but the magic
that the ocean air brings. Guess
at where it's been. Uninterrupted
for hundreds of miles. Carrying
foreign weather, secrets scrambled
from opposite shores. Ever ferrying
dreams fragmented, to be, perhaps
restructured again in ways
not yet imagined. On the wind
all and nothing stays.

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

Oh how I wish that I could draw
the wondrous things I've seen!
Just to be able to capture the awe
of a landscape so serene.
Holding a paint brush in my hand
I'm afraid that I'm all thumbs,
but when I look at the beautiful land
phrases to my mind quickly come.
So, while I'm unable to paint for you
on canvass the world that I see.
I'll capture with words the beautiful view
so you can share it with me.
I'll use all the brilliant colors' names,
pastels and earth tones as well.
With words I'll paint the land untamed
and forest pictures I'll tell.
Perhaps you'll see with the words I'll use
the natural world I love.
I'll use the rainbow's very hues
for the sea and the sky above.

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

The fruit is heavy on the tree this year.
Gold, pink, orange blended to what we know
as apricot. A bit of green on sides near
the tree limb. No sun there. That spot slow
to ripen, a bit firmer than the rest.
The ready ones come away at the least touch,
falling, almost, into your hand. One bite. The best
of course, have been bitten already. Birds have such
particular tastes. Nibbling a bit here, a bit there.
Never eating the whole of one, leaving, instead,
many ruined. Soft, fragrant flesh exposed where
the skin has been punctured, torn. Some small creature fed
happily, then darted to another perfect fruit.
They leave the over-ripe specimens where they lay
rotting on the ground. Their beaks becoming flutes
full of nectar. Beating me to the best. Flying away.

Photo courtesy connie carlson

connie carlson

The chaos swirls in clouds above
my head. Beneath it, I am wrapped
securely, warm in my alcove.
Awaiting calm, energy sapped.

Darker grow the clouds, the gloom.
Safe, still, am I, though I am drained.
Storm woven on an unseen loom.
Secure but by my fear am chained.

The blankets which have kept me warm,
too heavy now upon my chest.
I fling them back, and face the storm
fearful, yet prepared to wrest

the wizard of the darkened sky.
To call him out into the clear.
To ask of him, just once, why?
To face, to conquer, wretched fear.

connie too

Connie is published!

Click here to order Connie's "Connecting Lines"

Read about her publisher, "PublishAmerica", here.

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