...Lagniappe! page seven

Original art by Marie J. Spinella-Phillips

by Marie J. Spinella-Phillips

The black void greyed as awareness returned to her mind. Images flashed briefly, gaining color and clarity as her alertness returned.

Sunlight bathed the garden she found herself in, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tree casting shade over the garden. She blinked, clearing away the last blur of unconsciousness. She stood up, and gasped. The golden russet leaf above her head filled her vision. Huge, but beautiful, it waved like a giant flag. She shivered, and glanced wildly around. To her astonishment, she perched on a limb, high above a riot of profusely blooming flowers below. Alarm quivered her entire body.

She shouted and in flinging back her head, caught sight of gorgeous butterfly wings to either side of her. They shimmered, in brilliant red, scarlet, and crimson, etched with black. In that split second of wonder, she realized these splendid pinions were hers! Hers to control. What had happened? She had to find out.

She hesitated. Her body moved effortlessly. She looked down. Hooves? Yes, those were golden hooves, attached to legs as black as obsidian. She stepped forward, liking the power she felt in those long, muscular limbs. Gathering her courage, she sprang from the branch, launching herself into the sun. She soared, astonished at the ease with which she controlled her body.

A flash of light caught her attention, and she fluttered in that direction. An ornate bird bath, filled with clear water, beckoned to her. She swooped down, swiftly gaining command of her wings. As she passed over the water, she saw herself.

"Oh my," she cried out. She banked sharply and landed on the edge, her tiny golden hooves ringing delicately on the cement. She peered into the still water.

"A horse." She gaped at her reflection. Indeed, she was a sleek, graceful equine, whose pelt gleamed blue-black in the sun. Her golden mane and tail shimmered iridescent Her bright green eyes sparkled. Those gorgeous wings fanned, and she laughed with delight.

"I am beautiful!"

She launched herself skyward, fluttering, dipping and sailing. She suddenly spotted a lone human seated in a gazebo. Strong emotion flooded her being. Drawn by a powerful love she did not comprehend, she altered her flight and hovered above him. He ate from a steaming bowl of chili, his eyes riveted on the book he held in his other hand. She drifted to alight on the bench.

"Hello!" She neighed as loudly as she could. He turned his head. Filtered sun refracted off his glasses. He smiled.

"Greetings, Tara."

"Is that my name?" She twitched her long golden tail.

"Of course." He nodded. "Everyone in this land knows you and me"

"They do?"

"You do not recall your identity?" The man frowned briefly. "Then I will show you, and teach you all you need to know. Memory will return."

"I do not understand."

"I am the Spreader of Knowledge. You are my Companion. Many oppose our task, thinking to seek knowledge is sin, but our task is of tremendous importance. You have sustained injury."

"Injury?" Tara tossed her head. A dull pain throbbed the back of her skull.

"Yes. Some fool tried to kill you." The man gently scooped her up, cradling her with tenderness. She sensed his love. "You will in time recall all, my Keeper of Words, Whisperer of Dreams."

The titles jolted Tara's memory. Tears blurred her vision. The sunlit garden faded briefly as she shut her eyes. Yes, she indeed was the Keeper of Words. Her job, to spread them in the dawn, to sleeping dreamers who might act upon the visions, and dare to learn. She let her head drop, shame flooding her soul.

"Have we failed?"

"No." He laughed softly. "The Words got through, and that same fool who tried to hurt you has joined our cause."

Tara reared with sudden joy. Full memory crashed over her like storm-tossed waves. She scanned the Garden, drinking in the familiar, kaleidoscopic beauty of her home. She leaped into the air, her wings fanning her friend.

"I remember!" She neighed her joy, flitting from leaf to leaf in wild abandon. Finally she landed on his book. She snorted. "I remember now. We will not fail. You are the best. In time, everyone will know the name of the wisest Teacher this Land has ever seen."

"Ah, my Sweet Word Whisperer, your enthusiasm thrills me, as always." He held out a hand, and Tara stepped nimbly onto his palm. She danced in place.

"I remember our last foray. We will overthrow tyranny and ignorance. The thirst for knowledge has been sparked. Our great Library will soon see those questing faces.

"It has begun." He said quietly, gesturing to the granite structure beyond the garden. Tara saw the bustle of activity. People carried books, many reading as they walked.

"It is your name I whispered to all. I told them, seek this wise man, for he shall teach thee all thou may wish to know." Tara turned her gaze back to her friend. "It is you, David, who made this be."
