Ar Wai's Website 
Helpful. Nice. Easy to know.


Ar Wai's Website is the srcond website write by me. The first one's website is "". Who am I? I am a form 5 student. My name is Taurus Chan, you can call me Ar Wai.

This website is the first time use english to write. if you see any wrong words, please don't mind~ I will not always update this website, because I have a exam at next month and this exam is very inportant for me. So I just will update when I have a free time. I am not good at english, but I will do it better and better!! So thank you to my website, Welcome~


  • Home :
    1. That is the first page for my Homepage.
    2. That may have some news of the update with this homepage.
    3. That may have some special news.
  • What's News :
    1. That page have all the news of the update with this homepage record.
    2. That have the detail of the news about Ar Wai's Homepage.
  • Who am I? :
    1. This page have all the information of mysalf. (ie : name, age, birthday, height, weight, favourite sports, favourite singer, dream......)
    2. You wil know who am i when you already read this page.
  • Download Software : Cool!
    1. There have some new software for you to download.
    2. There have some software for you to download that are good and helpful.
  • Download Music : Cool!
    1. In there, may have some new songs for you to download and listen.
    2. There have some best songs and my lovely songs for you.
  • Download Picture : Cool!
    1. That page have some picture that are good for i feel.
    2. There have good wallpaper that have 1024*768 and 800*600 size.
  • My Friends : Cool!
    1. That page have some information for my friends.
    2. There have some links for my friends. (ie : homepage, message board, diary, ftp......)
  • Ar Wai's Diary :
    1. That is my diary, I hope I will write diary everyday.
  • Ar Wai's Chatroom : Cool!
    1. That is my chatroom, you may talk with another person who is watching my homepage.
    2. You can meet more friends here.
  • Contact Me :
    1. You can leave you message here, I will read it later.
  • Best Links : Cool!
    1. This page have some website that is good and helpful for you see.

Good Browser :


Crazy Browser 1.05 is now available here. It's Freeware!

Support Operating System : Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows NT 4.0 or later



|Home|News|Ar Wai|Software|Music|Picture|Friends|Diary|Chatroom|Contact|Links|

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Ar Wai - All Rights Reserved.