碧兒相片 Bernice’s photo

首次聚會+碧兒生日會 (特別多謝小玲借出她的數碼相機, 又幫我將d相放上網)

first meeting+Bernice’birthday party (Special thanks for Charlotte to lend me her digital camera. She also help me to put them on the net.)

個日真係好開心, 未試過同碧兒傾咁耐, 仲同佢影合照. 個日返屋企開心到訓唔著呀!希望下次可以再同碧兒傾計啦!!!^^

I was so happy on that day. Because I can chat a long time with Bernice. Also, I can talk photos with her. I can't sleep at night since I was so glad!!! I hope that I can chat with Bernice again.^^


17/9-18/9碧兒在多倫多的相 (特別多謝多倫多的fans-----Eugenie)

Bernice's photos in Toronto on 17/9-18/9 (Special thanks for fans from Toronto-----Eugenie)


碧兒function相 (特別多謝Anita&加拿大fans-----Henry) Bernice's function photos (Special thanks for Anita& fans from Canada-----Henry.)

碧兒新聞相 Bernice's news photos

碧兒2006年function相 (特別多謝Suki欣) Bernice's function photos in 2006 (Special thanks for Suki)