Product Development & Marketing Laboratory 5

(Market Segmentation ; Targeting and Positioning)

Name of Product / Service : Courier Service
Name of Market Planner: Lee Chi Kit Bryan
Types of Segmentation


Price Place  Promotion
Age Segmentation


Courier Service                 (Gifts purchasing ; Urgency delivery) $30 to $50 per call (exclude price of product) Office or Outdoor Service Web Site Promotion; Facsimile Promotion
Income Segmentation

($10,000 to $30,000)

Payment Service (Government; Banking & Telecommunication) $10 to $ 30 per call Office ;                    Estate Handbills Promotion ; Phone Promotion ; Magazine  Promotion
Education Segmentation

(Secondary School Graduates)

Product Design            (Card ; Flower Design) $250 to $ 600 for gifts Shopping Mall ;          Office District Poster Promotion;             Street Promotion;        Handbills Promotion
Benefit Segmentation

(Base on Quality; Speed)

On-Time Delivery;     Care-In Delivery Low price for payment service Company Cashier; Government Cashier Poster Promotion;             Street Promotion;        Handbills Promotion
Usage Rate Segmentation

( Medium Level)

Monthly Bill Payment $10 for 3 days before Office;                          Estate High-Frequency Discount; Membership Price Promotion
Occasion Segmentation

(Regular Occasion)

Festival Reminding & Gifts Delivery Free Charge for Reminding Office;                  Telephone Service Web Site Promotion; Facsimile Promotion; Phone Promotion ; Magazine  Promotion