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  Laserlife - Body Sculpture
ĦE KAman Facial Beauty has recently used the world's most advanced smi-conductor laser equipment Laserlife from Italy to treat skin problems, including acne, scar and wrinkle.

ĦE The advantage of Laserlife is that it will return the skin to normal and healthy state by applying laser under the skin and without requiring any medical injection.Generally, customer can receive the treatment in an hour on once a week and may recover in one treatment depending on the severity of skin problems.

  Abrasion Crystat Therany
Using the latest technology from Germany, skin problems, including acne, scar and wrinkle, can be treated in a short time without any mark or pain, giving back the skin white and clean. Our cosmetiv expert simultaneously uses two tubes, one for emitting partile and the other for reabsorption, creating a stream of particle to bombard dead cells off the surface of the affected area of the skin. This action can lead to skin growth which ultimately improves the beauty of the skin. Generally a young male call undergo the treatment in every four to five days and those at higher age expect to receive the treatment in every ten days. Aiternatively, consult our experts for advice on the frequency of teatment.


* For more information, please call our customer
service hotline (852) 2833-3333 or e-mail to enquires@kaman.com