JazzFM Radio
Flash KLDC


¤¤¤å | English | Gallery Tonnic | Cafe Eternal |

Kelvin Lam Design Centre (KLDC) is a Hong Kong based design consultancy, which works mainly on advertising design, corporate design, and packaging design. Except the core business above, it also offers consultation on the fields below: architectural, interior, industrial, and transportation design occasionally.
KLDC's philosophy emphasizes on original concept, creativity, and cooperation. With strong enthusiasm and sincerity on design, KLDC cares your business with fully open throttle running to cope with your expanding needs.
Feel interested in how to strengthen your business? Just give me a call within office hours at (852) 6357 3870.
Or through email smil_nic @ yahoo.com.hk
You'll be well treated then ... and I'm sure you would come again! See you.

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