Uniform of  ASU

Head dress

HKPF Beret

ASU's JPOs and Officers wear a dark blue beret with HKPF Beret Badge above the left eye same as a number of other unit in the force like EU, Marine, PDU.  But unlike PTU beret, it does not have the Force color behind the Force badge.

Shoulder Insignia


Blue Epaulettes

ASU's JPOs and Officers wears blue epaulettes with white color embroidery of UI number and Rank Insignia for JPOs or Rank Insignia and HKPF titles for officers on their uniform same as a number of other unit in the force like EU, Marine, PDU.


ASU Duty Uniform

ASU Officers are seen worn wearing this uniform when patrolling in HKIA. It is tailor made by a local uniform manufacturer.

Reversible Jacket

ASU Officers are seen worn wearing this uniform when patrolling in HKIA during the winter. It can be reversed into Black or Orange. The manufacturer is unknown.

DPM Uniform

ASU Officers are seen worn wearing this uniform during training. It is manufactured by the Correctional Service Industry (CSI).

ASU T-shirt

ASU members are seen worn wearing this T-Shirt during Physical Training.

ASU Polo Shirt

None has been seen wearing this Polo shirt but it has exactly the same logo as the T- Shirt.