On February 12th 1886 James Stewart Lockhart proposed that a club be formed... "to consist of members proposed and seconded in the way usual with other clubs and with a subscription sufficient to cover the cost of balls and tea for the ladies who like to see this form of sport…"

That proposal was accepted and the Hong Kong Football Club came to be. Rugby, naturally, was the first sport to be played by the Club with a game held on February 16th 1886 between members of the civilian population hoping to gain membership of the Club and the garrison of the British Army then stationed in Hong Kong. That game was played on a pitch within the Happy Valley racetrack on Hong Kong Island where the club is still located today.

From these simple beginnings the Club has grown to become one of Hong Kong’s more famous clubs and a premier sporting institution within Asia. In addition to rugby, the Club organises competitive soccer, hockey, squash and lawn bowls and also provides a wide range of leisure, recreational and food and beverage facilities. The Club’s Sportman’s Bar is a recognised focal point for both residents and international visitors alike during the annual festival of rugby in March which hosts both out own International 10-A-Side tournament and of course the Hong Kong 7’s.

Club has always played a key role in both the playing and organisation of rugby in Hong Kong, with many of Hong Kong’s leading professionals and business persons having played for Club during their playing days. Historically, rugby in the former territory revolved around the rivalry between Club, the British Army and the Royal Navy, but with the reorganisation of rugby at the conclusion of World War II the Royal Air Force and latterly the Royal Hong Kong Police Force also became significant powers on the rugby scene. Since the reunification of Hong Kong to China the Peoples Liberation Army have started to close the gap left by the British forces with their Sport’s Institute now a regular member of the 1st division.

The Hong Kong 7’s, was founded by, and indeed first played at the Club in 1976. Not satisfied with having created one world class tournament, in 1986 Club held the inaugural International 10-A-Side tournament which immediately precedes the 7’s. The 10’s is organised and managed by Club Rugby section members and hosts teams from , among others, Australia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom and China.

If you wish to know more about the Rugby Section, the Club, tournaments or just get in contact then send us and E-mail. Also you can visit the 10’s page for more information on this year’s competition.

For further information about Club, please contact :
Adam Horler, Club Captain, tel: 2828.1444 or email: ahorler@hk.loreal.com
Jason Toms, Hon Sec, tel: 2820.0217 or email: jason.toms@srtlaw.com.hk
Janice Pakchung, Rugby Administrator, tel 28930274 or
  email mjacob@netvigator.com

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