This site provides links to the sites of HLHS kids from all over the world. This site is not offered as medical advice and should not be used as such for that is not the purpose of these pages. It is hoped that by sharing their stories these families might pass along all the hope, support and love that was given to them during their search for information and hope for their children. This web site is dedicated to all children born with HLHS and to the families that love them.

If you would like your HLHS child's story told on the web or added to this site please contact me.

I have tried to categorize the following site according to outcome and treatment.  At first glance there may seem to be an extraordinary amount of "angel" stories.  I would like you to keep in mind that in all likelihood this does not mean that more children die than survive.  In this technological age many find that sharing their angels on the web is a way to keep their memories alive.

3 Staged Procedure Transplant Compassionate Care
Ryan Mannie Christina Logan ^i^ Mandy ^i^
Kailey Akaila Johnathan ^i^ Savannah David ^i^
Colena Jessica Matthew Jason Joshua ^i^
Amber Tom Jacob Kelcey Ann ^i^
Jesse ^i^ Emma ^i^ Joey
Mikayla ^i^ Jaedin Tobias ^i^
Courtney ^i^  Connor Lauren
Natalie ^i^ Taylor London
Jared Samantha Molly ^i^
Kacy Brock Citlali ^i^
Benjamin ^i^ Callum Derek ^i^
Zachary ^i^ Andrew Quinn

These children died before diagnosis or treatment.

Cole Joshua Cameron Ashleigh ^i^
Joshua ^i^ Eric Jason
Aaron Leif James
Bronson Grace Nathan
Sam Sammy
Zachary Brett

Most of these sites are part of the HLHS web-ring so you may also follow those links.

HLHS Web-Ring
HLHS Web-Ring Logo