
Hello, one and all, and welcome to our pleasant home, Tara. Here myself and my husband Keith Moon have loads of parties all the time. If you like you can join us, the more the merrier! Please bring copious amounts of alcohol and purple hearts or French blues with you, trust us, you'll need them! If that's not your bag, then come anyway and just have a laugh with us. Upon your departure (if you *really* want to leave us *gazing with big puppy dog eyes* that is...) please don't forget to sign the guestbook. Hope you like the background image. Thank you to Shanna's Keith Moon Page and Armenia City in the Sky for my pictures. If anyone anywhere has the picture of Keith from his Behind the Music where he's wearing the leather trousers and pointing into the camera with that scowly scowly look on his face then please send it to me at this address! Cheers!

Peace, love and Keith John Moon,

Spev xx

PS, click here to see one of my favourite pictures.

Keith Bio Keith Pix Two Sides of the Moon
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Surely I'm not the only person who thinks Keith was an extremely sexy 15 year old!!

Fiddle About!I'll always love you...