His Majesty King Boris III of Bulgaria, the King Unifier and Saviour of the Bulgarian Jews THE NATIONAL HERO

A Brief Historical Background

Hello and welcome to the page dedicated to his Majesty King Boris III of Bulgaria, the greatest King from the Third Bulgarian Kingdom.

The Third Bulgarian Kingdom was a constitutional monarchy with a very democratic constitution. Although pro-German, Bulgaria did not take part in World War II with its armed forces. King Boris III was always trying to find diplomatic solutions to the difficult problems of the time. He joined the Axis to prevent an imminent German invasion in Bulgaria, but he refused to send Bulgarian troops to German aid on the Eastern front.

He died suddenly after a meeting with Hitler and there have been speculations that he was actually poisoned by the Nazi dictator who wanted a more obedient Bulgaria. So, because of His Majesty's insistence, Bulgarian soldiers did not fight in the War. Bult Bulgaria had national ideals: the returning of Bulgarian territories, such as present-day Macedonia and part of the present-day Greek Macedonia. These territories were invaded by the Germans and were given to the Bulgarian ally for formal administration. But the King himself, Bulgarian intellectuals, the Orthodox Church and the general public resisted strongly Hitler's demand that all Bulgarian jews be deportedto the death camps in Poland. Bulgarian jews were saved from the Holocaust and almost all of them regard the King as their saviour.

50,000 Bulgarian Jews survived, but 11,000 from the new territories were sent to the camps.

In 1996, Bulgarian Jews living in the U.S. decide to thank the King. They plant a forest in Israel, naming it the
Bulgarian Forest. They build monuments to the King, his wife Queen Giovanna of Bulgaria, Dimitar Peshev - the Deputy-Speaker of the Parliament, the Bulgarian Church and people.

In July of 2000, a commission in Israel makes a decision that all the monuments should be removed.

Why are the monuments removed?

UPDATED!!!: Check out all the Bulgarian articles for a sequence of events.

Queen Giovanna of Bulgaria

Have a look at the Tribute to Her Majesty Queen Giovanna of Bulgaria.


Check out some great links about King Boris III and the saving of the Bulgarian Jews.

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