The Elster Index

This is the collected index of all of Elster's books in English.
It does not include the edited books (except for Foundations of Social Choice Theory).
The format is: Index term 1, term 2 (if it exist), source (ie. book title), pages


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> A
A Theory of Justice (J. Rawls), , Local Justice, 14, 17, 204, 223
Aaron, Henry J. , , Local Justice, 6, 65n , 77n , 102n, 150n
Aasness, J., , Solomonic Judgements, 12
abdication, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 54, 61, 90, 96, 98ff
ability , , Local Justice, 208, 243
ability , equality of , Local Justice, 106
ability , evaluation of , Local Justice, 40
ability , principle of , Local Justice, 43
ability , use of in layoff cases , Local Justice, 27, 39-40 , 106, 125
Abraham , K. , , Local Justice, 39n
absolute veto, , Political Psychology, 28, 28n
abstention from revolutions , , Political Psychology, 16
academic achievements , , Local Justice, 46, 108
accountability , , Local Justice, 163
accretion , , Local Justice, 172, 177-180
accumulation, in capitalism, Making Sense of Marx, 39, 79, 143, 177-8, 223-4
accumulation, in communism, Making Sense of Marx, 226, 228, 516-17
accumulation, primitive, Making Sense of Marx, 215, 222-3, 280, 281-2
act versus rule, , Solomonic Judgements, 26, 144
active indifference , , Political Psychology, 93
actors , , Local Justice, 136, 184, 236
actors , corporate , Local Justice, 248
actors , groups of , Local Justice, 5
actors , main, involved in bargaining , Local Justice, 175
actors , motivation of , Local Justice, 165, 180-182
actors , motives and constraints facing , Local Justice, 172
actors , political , Local Justice, 5-6 , 140, 143, 180
actors , preferences of , Local Justice, 17, 183
actors , survey of , Local Justice, 138
actors, first order , , Local Justice, 140-141 , 160, 175, 181
actors, first order , political , Local Justice, 143, 180
actors, first order , principles preferred by , Local Justice, 183
actors, first order , relation between second- and , Local Justice, 142
actors, first order , responses of , Local Justice, 158
actors, second-order , , Local Justice, 143, 166, 170, 175, 180
actors, second-order , and point systems , Local Justice, 152
actors, second-order , first-best principle of , Local Justice, 167
actors, second-order , motivation of , Local Justice, 181-182
actors, second-order , principles preferred by , Local Justice, 183
actors, second-order , relations between third- and , Local Justice, 142
actors, second-order , responses of , Local Justice, 158
actors, second-order , views of , Local Justice, 236, 237
actors, third-order , , Local Justice, 143, 175, 180
actors, third-order , motivation of , Local Justice, 1, 82
actors, third-order , principles preferred by , Local Justice, 183
actors, third-order , relation between second- and , Local Justice, 142
adaptive preferences, , Political Psychology
adaptive preferences, and choice behavior , Political Psychology, 54-7
adaptive preferences, extremes in, Political Psychology, 56-7
addiction , , Sour Grapes, 120
additivity , , Local Justice, 104
admission , , Local Justice, 16, 27, 47
admission , criteria , Local Justice, 45-47 , 87
admission , kinbased , Local Justice, 59
admission , of black students , Local Justice, 79
admission , open , Local Justice, 43, 168
admission , policies, Local Justice, 25, 157, 179
admission , preferential , Local Justice, 102, 107-108
admission , problems , Local Justice, 26
admission , procedures , Local Justice, 24-26
admission , selective , Local Justice, 43
admission , threshold for , Local Justice, 24-26
admission , see also college admission, students (admission of), Local Justice
adoption , , Local Justice, 21, 85, 139
adoption , age limits for , Local Justice, 171
adoption , allocation of children for , Local Justice, 68
adoption , by homosexuals, Local Justice, 79
adoption , decisions , Local Justice, 50-52
adoption , matching of children and parents for , Local Justice, 47, 48-49
adoption , role of age in 76n , Local Justice, 77
adoption , see also agencies, parents , Local Justice
aftereffects, , Political Psychology, 106, 106n
age , , Local Justice, 26, 76-78 , 91
age , as factor for kidney transplantations , Local Justice, 27
age , constraints related to , Local Justice, 177
age , importance of , Local Justice, 43
age , limits , Local Justice, 171
age , of college applicants , Local Justice, 119
age , of employees , Local Justice, 25-26
age , preferential treatment by colleges for , Local Justice, 179
age , use of , as proxy , Local Justice, 65, 124
Age Discrimination in Employment Act , , Local Justice, 40, 42, 77
age limits for , , Local Justice, 171
age limits for , centers for , Local Justice, 164-165
age limits for , see also sperm, Local Justice
agencies, adoption , Local Justice, 48, 48n , 49, 50, 79
agencies, dilemmas of , Local Justice, 90
agriculture, , Making Sense of Marx, 57-8, 155, 187-93, 273-81, 285-6, 497-9
agriculture in America, , Political Psychology, 131
Ahmed, A. , , Explaining Technical Change, 104
Ainslie, G., , Local Justice, 127n
Ainslie, G., , Making Sense of Marx, 80 n.1, 86 n.2, 466 n.3
Ainslie, G., , Solomonic Judgements, 18
Ainslie, G., , Ulysses and the Sirens, 36, 41, 43, 74, 85ff, 95, 105, 107, 108, 110
Ainslie, G. , , Sour Grapes, 7, 21, 56, 115, 136n.
Akerlof, G., , The Cement of Society, 122, 137-8, 145
akrasia, see Will, Ulysses and the Sirens
Alembert, J. d', , Making Sense of Marx, 41
alethic logic, , Political Psychology, 76, 95n
alienation, , Logic and Society, 105
alienation, , Making Sense of Marx
alienation, and revolution, Making Sense of Marx, 75-7, 105-7, 263-6, 290, 529
alienation, and adaptive preferences, Making Sense of Marx, 77
alienation, and exploitation, Making Sense of Marx, 105-7, 449, 516-17
alienation, and fetishism, Making Sense of Marx, 101, 107
alienation, and reification, Making Sense of Marx, 103
alienation, and the contradiction between productive forces and the relations of production, Making Sense of Marx, 75, 263-5
alienation, and the falling rate of profit, Making Sense of Marx, 104-5
alienation, and the production of unintended consequences, Making Sense of Marx, 100-1
alienation, social, Making Sense of Marx, 100-7
alienation, spiritual, Making Sense of Marx, 74-8, 515-16
aliens , , Local Justice, 81
aliens , excludable classes of , Local Justice, 178-179
aliens , see also immigrants, Local Justice
Allen, F., , Solomonic Judgements, 101
alliances , , Local Justice, 173, 174
allocation , , Local Justice, 136, 186, 245
allocation , criteria for , Local Justice, 96
allocation , decisions , Local Justice, 22, 97
allocation , dilemmas , Local Justice, 90
allocation , in-kind , Local Justice, 7-8 , 10, 186
allocation , issues of micro- , Local Justice, 229
allocation , macro- , Local Justice, 15
allocation , procedures of , Local Justice, 9, 16, 50
allocation , process , child-related , Local Justice, 47-52
allocation , processes , fear of litigation in , Local Justice, 249
allocation , second-order , Local Justice, 10, 97
allocation , through committees , Local Justice, 248
allocation , see also goods (allocation of ), organs, principles (allocative, resources), specific issues, Local Justice
allocation of scarce resources, , Solomonic Judgements, 2, 67-78
allocative issues , , Local Justice, 153
allocative issues , classification of , Local Justice, 21
allocative issues , examples of , Local Justice, 28
allocative issues , regarding adoption , Local Justice, , 48-49
allocative schemes , , Local Justice, 63, 172, 177, 184
allocative schemes , failures of , Local Justice, 124
allocative schemes , supply-related arguments for , Local Justice, 161
allocative systems , , Local Justice, 103, 154, 249
altruism, , Making Sense of Marx, 9, 10n.3, 66-7, 87-8, 361-4, 458, 524-5
altruism, , Nuts and Bolts, 52-60, 78
altruism, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 25ff, 63ff, 141ff
altruism, conditional, Ulysses and the Sirens, 21
altruism, reciprocal, Ulysses and the Sirens, 145
altruism, unconditional, Ulysses and the Sirens, 21
altruism, see motivations, The Cement of Society
altruism , , Sour Grapes, 10, 13
altruistic motivation , , Political Psychology
altruistic motivation , as explanatory mechanism, Political Psychology, 3-4
altruistic motivation , democratic societies, Political Psychology, 130
ambition , , Local Justice, 207, 237, 239
ambition in democracies, , Political Psychology, 116-17, 170-1
American Management Association, , Local Justice, 39
amorality, Zinoviev's sociology, Political Psychology, 86, 98
amour-propre, , Political Psychology, 27-8
anarchists , , Local Justice, 84, 122-123
Anarchy, State and Utopia (R. Nozick) , , Local Justice, 17, 230
ancestors , , Local Justice, 199, 200
ancient mode of production, , Making Sense of Marx
ancient mode of production, class formation in, Making Sense of Marx, 327-8
ancient mode of production, class relations in, Making Sense of Marx, 341
ancient mode of production, class struggle in, Making Sense of Marx, 184, 332-3, 373, 391-2
ancient mode of production, decline of, Making Sense of Marx, 316
ancient mode of production, emergence of, Making Sense of Marx, 277, 305, 313-14, 315
ancient mode of production, exploitation in, Making Sense of Marx, 167-71, 184-5, 197-8
ancient mode of production, freedom in, Making Sense of Marx, 206
ancient mode of production, politics in, Making Sense of Marx, 404
ancient mode of production, productive forces in, Making Sense of Marx, 275-7
ancient Rome, , Political Psychology
ancient Rome, contradiction in emperor system, Political Psychology, 669
ancient Rome, euergetism, Political Psychology, 39-43, 47-8, 59
ancient Rome, function of collegia, Political Psychology, 59
ancient Rome, ideology, Political Psychology, 63
ancient Rome, oligarchy, Political Psychology, 46-7
ancient Rome, social psychology, Political Psychology, 48
Andersen, H. C., , Nuts and Bolts, 92
Anderson, P., , Making Sense of Marx, 258 n.1, 422
Angelos, C. , , Local Justice, 56n
animal behavior, , Nuts and Bolts, 47, 84-7
anomie, , Political Psychology, 170-1, 175
antecedentalist theories , , Local Justice, 210, 211
anti-paternalism, see paternalism, Foundations of social choice theory
antibodies , , Local Justice, 35, 36, 36n , 37, 37n
antigens , , Local Justice, 37n
antigens , matching of , Local Justice, 35, 36, 36n , 38, 106, 152, 153
antigens , of blacks , Local Justice, 37, 116, 116n
appearance, see essence and appearance, Making Sense of Marx
applicants, , Local Justice
applicants, for scarce goods , Local Justice, 124, 133
applicants, for immigration , Local Justice, 59
applicants for college , , Local Justice, 96, 144
applicants for college , acceptance of , Local Justice, 43, 44-45
applicants for college , disadvantaged , Local Justice, 107, 133, 176
applicants for college , evaluation of , Local Justice, 106
applicants for college , information about , Local Justice, 167-168 , 170, 171
applicants for college , minority , Local Justice, 46-47 , 66
applicants for college , numbers of , in U.S. , Local Justice, 45
applicants for college , preferences of , Local Justice, 45n
applicants for college , preferred , Local Justice, 180
applicants for college , selection of , Local Justice, 119, 167-168
application forms , , Local Justice, 170
appropriation , , Local Justice, 230-231 , 234
Aquinas, , Solomonic Judgements, 51, 52
Arendt, H. , , Sour Grapes, 35, 40, 98
arguing, and constitution making, Political Psychology, 24-5, 25n, 30
arguments , , Local Justice, 185
aristocracies, , Political Psychology
aristocracies, compensation effect, Political Psychology, 187
aristocracies, durable passions in, Political Psychology, 158-9
aristocracies, honor in, Political Psychology, 160
aristocracies, love marriages in Tocqueville, Political Psychology, 104-6
aristocracies, social norms, Political Psychology, 159-61
aristocracies, Tocqueville's attitude, Political Psychology, 107-10
Aristotle, , Logic and Society, 39, 46
Aristotle, , Making Sense of Marx, 43, 77, 219, 515
Aristotle, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 52, 56, 83, 105, 106, 176
Aristotle , , Sour Grapes, 53, 77
Arkwright, Richard , , Explaining Technical Change, 173
armies, , Political Psychology
armies, anomie in democracies, Political Psychology, 170-1
armies, in democratic societies, Political Psychology, 174-5
army , , Local Justice, 20
army , getting out of , Local Justice, 33-34 , 235
army , surveys conducted by , Local Justice, 34
army , voluntary , Local Justice, 8
army , ways of joining , Local Justice, 29-30
army , see also military service, soldiers, Local Justice
Aron, R., , Making Sense of Marx, xi, 16
Aron, Raymond , , Explaining Technical Change, 56
Aronson, E., , The Cement of Society, 131-2
Arrow, Kenneth , , Local Justice, 48n , 216-218 , 216n , 224n
Arrow, Kenneth , impossibility theorem by , Local Justice, 34
Arrow, K., , Logic and Society, 130, 137, 143, 150
Arrow, K., , The Cement of Society, 139
Arrow, Kenneth J. , , Explaining Technical Change, 124, 150, 215
art , , Sour Grapes, 76, 77ff
artificial insemination, , Local Justice
Asiatic mode of production, , Making Sense of Marx
Asiatic mode of production, class formation in, Making Sense of Marx, 320-1, 328
Asiatic mode of production, class relations in, Making Sense of Marx, 341
Asiatic mode of production, exploitation in, Making Sense of Marx, 167-71 , 198
Asiatic mode of production, productive forces in, Making Sense of Marx, 58-60, 274
Asiatic mode of production, relations of production in, Making Sense of Marx, 257-8
Asiatic mode of production, stagnant character of, Making Sense of Marx, 277, 305
Asiatic mode of production, the state in, Making Sense of Marx, 198, 258, 274, 320, 405, 424
Assembl‚e Constituante in Paris, , Political Psychology, 26-7, 30-1, 33
Assurance Game, , Logic and Society, 123, 153, 154, 215
Assurance Game, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 20ff, 146
Assurance Game , , Sour Grapes, 29
Athens , , Local Justice, 33, 73, 151
athetism, , Political Psychology, 80-1
attitudes toward death, , Political Psychology, 60-2
Augustine, , Solomonic Judgements, 52
Aumann, Robert , , Local Justice, 192n
Austin, J. , , Local Justice, 56n , 57n
Australia , , Local Justice, 27, 103
authoritarian regimes, , Political Psychology
authoritarian regimes, and dissonance theory, Political Psychology, 54-5
authoritarian regimes, pollitical typology, weaknesses, Political Psychology, 1-2
authoritarian regimes, threats to, Political Psychology, 43-5
authoritarian regimes, upward mobility in, Political Psychology, 45-6
authoritarian regimes, use of power, Political Psychology, 97
authorities , , Local Justice, 158
authorities , first-order , Local Justice, 143, 160, 172, 236, 237
authorities , immigration , Local Justice, 160
authorities , second-order , Local Justice, 172
authority, , Political Psychology
authority, compensation effect, Political Psychology, 190
authority, in democratic societies, Political Psychology, 180
authority, Veyne's interpretation, Political Psychology, 43-46
autonomy , , Local Justice, 210
autonomy , , Sour Grapes, 20ff, 128ff
Avineri, S., , Making Sense of Marx, 451
axiomatic method, , Foundations of social choice theory, 38, 46

backward induction, , The Cement of Society, 4-8, 43, 74
bad luck, , Local Justice
bad luck, compensation for , Local Justice, 134
bad luck, geographical , Local Justice, 38, 82
bad luck, medical , Local Justice, 37, 133, 173
bad luck, social , Local Justice, 206
Badeau, A. , , Local Justice, 127n
Baerum , Norway , Local Justice, 112
Bagehot, W., , Making Sense of Marx, 412
Bakke case , , Local Justice, 46-47
Bakunin, M., , Making Sense of Marx, 442, 456-7
Balcom, M.N. , , Local Justice, 59n , 60n , 176n
banality of evil, , Political Psychology, 84
bandwagon effect, , Political Psychology, 3
Banfield, E., , The Cement of Society, 147, 269
bankruptcies in America, , Political Psychology, 113-14, 161
Bar-Hillel, M., , Local Justice, 20n , 192n , 238n
Barcan formula, , Logic and Society, 18
Bardhan, P., , Making Sense of Marx, xiii, 334 n.3, 347 n.1
bargaining, , Nuts and Bolts, 135-46, 150
bargaining, , Political Psychology
bargaining, , Solomonic Judgements, 156, 164-70
bargaining, in constitution making, Political Psychology, 24-5, 30
bargaining, secrecy effect, Political Psychology, 30
bargaining , , Local Justice, 140, 143, 152, 172, 174-176
bargaining , between coalitions , Local Justice, 183
bargaining , between government and institutions , Local Justice, 176
bargaining , between poor and rich , Local Justice, 213n
bargaining , over allocation , Local Justice, 153
bargaining , power , Local Justice, 154, 175
bargaining , union-management , Local Justice, 142
bargaining , see also collective bargaining a greements, Local Justice
bargaining power, , The Cement of Society, 73, 74-82, 89n, 276-7, 283
Barry, B. , , Sour Grapes, 98
Barry, Brian , , Local Justice, 9n , 10, 70n , 114n , 242n
Barton, John , , Explaining Technical Change, 164
Bateson, G., , Logic and Society, 76, 135
Bateson, G., , Sour Grapes, 44, 60
Bauer, B., , Making Sense of Marx, 478
Bazerman, M. , , Local Justice, 104n
Beauchamp, Tom L. , , Explaining Technical Change, 25
Beck, B., , Making Sense of Marx, 64-6
Beck, Benjamin , , Explaining Technical Change, 111-5
Becker, G., , Logic and Society, 160, 161
Becker, G., , Ulysses and the Sirens, 25, 26, 28, 64, 115, 126, 137, 143, 144, 145, 148, 150
Beecher, H. K., , Local Justice, 98n
behavior , , Local Justice, 99, 100, 125, 128, 130
behavior , changed , Local Justice, 166
behavior , corrupt , Local Justice, 162
behavior , discretionary , Local Justice, 163
behavior , modification of , Local Justice, 126, 127
behavior , moral , Local Justice, 194
behavior , of actors , Local Justice, 140-141
behavior , of doctors , Local Justice, 148
behavior , responsibility for , Local Justice, 197
behavior , second-order allocators , Local Justice, 162
behavior , strategic , Local Justice, 128, 142, 158
belief, , Logic and Society
belief, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 47ff, 103, 104, 130, 157
belief, contradictory beliefs, Logic and Society, 70, 71, 81-90
belief, rational belief, Logic and Society, 82, 83
belief, revealed belief, Logic and Society, 84, 87
belief formation, , Making Sense of Marx
belief formation, apologetic, Making Sense of Marx, 500-3, 505-6
belief formation, by projection, Making Sense of Marx, 479-82
belief formation, by abstraction, Making Sense of Marx, 477-9
belief formation, by dissonance reduction, Making Sense of Marx, 505, 509
belief formation, by wishful thinking, Making Sense of Marx, 466, 482-6
belief formation, ideological, Making Sense of Marx, 459-510
belief formation, illusionary, Making Sense of Marx, 19, 46-7, 95-9, 107, 124-7, 208-11, 466-7, 487-90, 494-7, 500-4
beliefs, , Political Psychology
beliefs, , Sour Grapes
beliefs, and cognitive dissonance, Political Psychology, 12
beliefs, biased , Sour Grapes, 141-66
beliefs, contradictions in Veyne's analysis, Political Psychology, 60-2
beliefs, distorted , Sour Grapes, 148ff
beliefs, formation of, Political Psychology, 11-15
beliefs, illusory , Sour Grapes, 143ff
beliefs, in America Tocquerille, Political Psychology, 126-7
beliefs, inconsistent , Sour Grapes, 4ff, 20
beliefs, logic of, Political Psychology, 76
beliefs, need fot meaning origin, Political Psychology, 14
beliefs, well-grounded , Sour Grapes, 16ff, 150ff
benefits , , Local Justice, 132, 150, 209
Benn, S., , Sour Grapes, 98
Bentham, Jeremy , , Local Justice, 150
Bergen , Norway , Local Justice, 109
Bergh, T., , Making Sense of Marx, 420
Berlin, I. , , Sour Grapes, 127ff
Bernstein, E., , Logic and Society, 143
Bernstein, E., , Making Sense of Marx, 344, 446
Bernstein, E. , , Sour Grapes, 100
Bhaduri, Amid , , Explaining Technical Change, 172
biaoxian, , The Cement of Society, 229
bias , , Local Justice, 156, 184, 188
bias , in survey of enlisted men , Local Justice, 34
, bias , knowledge-based , Local Justice, 115
bias , self-serving , Local Justice, 193
bias in Marx, , Making Sense of Marx
bias in Marx, of exhortation, Making Sense of Marx, 297, 439
bias in Marx, of anticipated censorship, Making Sense of Marx, 238, 438n.1
bias in Marx, of compromise, Making Sense of Marx, 438-9, 442
bias in Marx, of wishful thinking, Making Sense of Marx, 54-5, 92, 100-1, 297, 396
bidding , , Local Justice, 100-101
bills, , Local Justice
bills, draft , Local Justice, 156
bills, immigration , Local Justice, 121, 122
bills, private , Local Justice, 103
biology, , Nuts and Bolts, 73-5, 112
blacks , , Local Justice, 67, 120, 188n
blacks , ancestors of , Local Justice, 199
blacks , and kidney transplantation , Local Justice, 115-117 , 123, 154, 155
blacks , as donors of organs , Local Justice, 37, 116, 197
blacks , as renal disease patients , Local Justice, 37, 116, 197, 84
blacks , demands of , Local Justice, 154
blacks , exclusion of , Local Justice, 79, 84
blacks , in higher education , Local Justice, 188
blacks , income distribution between whites and , Local Justice, 198, 198
blacks , representation of , Local Justice, 119, 188
blacks , segregation of , Local Justice, 40, 42
blacks , transfers to , Local Justice, 200
blacks , see also antigens, children, patients, specific issues, Local Justice
Blagg, C. R. , , Local Justice, 222n
Blake, W., , Ulysses and the Sirens, 160
Blake, William , , Explaining Technical Change, 24, 206
Blau, P., , Making Sense of Marx, 335
Blaug, M., , Making Sense of Marx, 123, 131 n.1, 143 n.2
Blaug, Mark , , Explaining Technical Change, 181
Bloch, M., , Making Sense of Marx, 278, 327-8
blocked exchange , , Local Justice, 12
blood , , Local Justice
blood , donation of, in Great Britain , Local Justice, 235
blood , types, for kidney transplantation , Local Justice, 35, 35n
Blum, A. , , Local Justice, 31n
Bobbit, Philip , , Local Justice, 12n , 24n , 74n , 99n , 102n , 114-115 , 144, 157n
Bobbit, Philip , and public opinion , Local Justice, 155
Bobbit, Philip , approach of , Local Justice, 136, 137, 139
Bobbit, Philip , studies by , Local Justice, 810
Bobbit, Philip , terminology of , Local Justice, 97
bodily parts , , Local Justice
bodily parts , donation of , Local Justice, 139
bodily parts , right to one's own , Local Justice, 235, 242
Bohr, Niels , , Explaining Technical Change, 72-3
Bois, G., , Making Sense of Marx, 124 n.3
Bonaparte, Louis, see Napoleon III, Making Sense of Marx
Borges, J. L., , Solomonic Judgements, 67, 90
Borkenau, F., , Making Sense of Marx, 473 n.1, 508 n.3
Boserup, E., , Making Sense of Marx, 250 n.2, 253 n.1
Bossuet, , Logic and Society, 106, 107
Boudon, R. , , Local Justice, 144n
Boudon, R., , Making Sense of Marx, 354 n.1
Boudon, R., , Ulysses and the Sirens, 18, 24, 138, 147
Boudon,R., , Logic and Society, 123, 125, 126, 127, 146, 161
Bourdieu, , Political Psychology, 142n, 159
Bourdieu, P., , Making Sense of Marx, 330 n.1, 333
Bourdieu, P., , The Cement of Society, 107, 129
Bourdieu, P. , , Sour Grapes, 69ff, 76, 105, 106ff, 111n
bourgeois revolutions, , Making Sense of Marx, 429-37
bourgeois revolutions, English Revolution of 1640-88, Making Sense of Marx, 431-2, 492
bourgeois revolutions, French Revolution of 1789, Making Sense of Marx, 431-3, 486
bourgeois revolutions, German Revolution of 1848, Making Sense of Marx, 434-7, 441
Bowlby, J., , Solomonic Judgements, 133
Bowles, S., , Making Sense of Marx, 176 n.4, 200, 393 n.1
Bowman, J., , Making Sense of Marx, 353 n.2
Bowman, J., , The Cement of Society, 175-7
Boyes , W.J. , , Local Justice, 100n
Braverman, Harry , , Explaining Technical Change, 171
Brazil , , Local Justice, 3
bread , , Local Justice, 147, 216
Bread and Circuses (Veyne), , Political Psychology, 35-69
Brenner, R., , Making Sense of Marx, xiii, 185 n.6, 317 n.3, 423
bribery , , Local Justice, 145, 169, 182
Briggs, V. , , Local Justice, 27n , 104n
Britain , see Great Britain, Local Justice
British Diabetic Association , , Local Justice, 154
British Kidney Patient Association , , Local Justice, 153
Brock, D. , , Local Justice, 110n
Broome, John , , Local Justice, 22n
Broome, J., , Solomonic Judgements, 114-15
Bruni, L., , Solomonic Judgements, 85, 111
Brunt, P. A., , Making Sense of Marx, 333
Buchanan, A., , Making Sense of Marx, 217 n.1, 357 n.3, 364
Buddhism, , Nuts and Bolts, 40, 67
Buddhism, , Sour Grapes, 21, 44, 48ff, 54, 65, 117
bundles of primary goods , , Local Justice, 225, 244
burdens , , Local Justice
burdens , allocation of , Local Justice, 14, 18-20 , 87, 88
burdens , consequences of allocation scheme of , Local Justice, 113
burdens , in-kind , Local Justice, 189
burdens , perception of , Local Justice, 20
burdens , principles and procedures used for allocating , Local Justice, 2, 62
burdens , unequal , Local Justice, 22
burdens , unfair , Local Justice, 132
burdens , use of gender for allocation of , Local Justice, 78
Bureau of Labor Statistics , , Local Justice, 20, 20n
bureaucracy, , Making Sense of Marx
bureaucracy, class status of, Making Sense of Marx, 320-1, 328-9
bureaucracy, exploitation status of, Making Sense of Marx, 197-9
bureaucracy, in France, Making Sense of Marx, 416
Burrell, A. , , Local Justice, 108n
businessmen , , Local Justice, 217, 218
Butler, S., , Nuts and Bolts, 63n

Cahn, E. , , Local Justice, 71 n
Calabresi, Guido , , Local Justice, 12n , 24n , 74n , 99n , 102n , 114-115 , 144, 157n
Calabresi, Guido , and public opinion , Local Justice, 155
Calabresi, Guido , approach of , Local Justice, 136, 137, 139
Calabresi, Guido , studies by , Local Justice, 8-10
Calabresi, Guido , terminology of , Local Justice, 97
Califomia , , Local Justice, 48n , 49, 80
Canada , , Local Justice, 27, 59, 103, 108
Cancian, F., , The Cement of Society, 125n
candidates , , Local Justice
candidates , acceptability of , Local Justice, 27
candidates , for dialysis , Local Justice, 156
candidates , for transplantation , Local Justice, 95, 96, 133
cannibalism, , The Cement of Society, 99, 109, 141
capital, , Making Sense of Marx
capital, as a collective entity, Making Sense of Marx, 7, 35, 514
capital, constant, Making Sense of Marx, 132
capital, contradiction between labour and, Making Sense of Marx, 44n.1
capital, deduced from money, Making Sense of Marx, 39, 313
capital, industrial, Making Sense of Marx, 98-9, 489-90
capital, interest-bearing, Making Sense of Marx, 99, 489-90
capital, merchant's, Making Sense of Marx, 255, 314
capital, organic composition of, Making Sense of Marx, 104, 132
capital, subsumption of labour under, Making Sense of Marx, 103, 282-5
capital, technical composition of, Making Sense of Marx, 132
capital, usurer's, Making Sense of Marx, 183-5, 255, 313
capital, value composition of, Making Sense of Marx, 104, 132
capital, variable, Making Sense of Marx, 132
capitalism, , Logic and Society, 97, 105, 131, 132, 133, 134, 143, 147, 148, 200
capitalism, , Making Sense of Marx
capitalism, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 92, 94, 96ff, 162
capitalism, centre and periphery in, Making Sense of Marx, 295-9, 305-9
capitalism, class formation in, Making Sense of Marx, 173-4, 324-6, 329-30
capitalism, class relations in, Making Sense of Marx, 338-9, 341
capitalism, class struggle in, Making Sense of Marx, 186-96, 373-90
capitalism, development of the productive forces in, Making Sense of Marx, 143-51, 259-63, 289-90
capitalism, dynamic inefficiency of, Making Sense of Marx, 146-51, 259-63
capitalism, exploitation in, Making Sense of Marx, 171-80, 182-3, 186-96, 202-3
capitalism, historical function of, Making Sense of Marx, 109-15, 289-90
capitalism, inhumanity of, Making Sense of Marx, 74-81, 515-16
capitalism, injustice of, Making Sense of Marx, 222-9, 516-17
capitalism, nature of the state in, Making Sense of Marx, 408-28
capitalism, static inefficiency of, Making Sense of Marx, 75, 263-6, 294
capitalists, , Making Sense of Marx
capitalists, allied with other classes against workers, Making Sense of Marx, 379-90, 411-28, 436-7
capitalists, as "satisficers" or maximizers, Making Sense of Marx, 13-14, 146-8
capitalists, as consumers, Making Sense of Marx, 13, 137n.1, 142, 177-80
capitalists, as agents of progress, Making Sense of Marx, 114-15
capitalists, as subject to ideological illusions, Making Sense of Marx, 98-9, 489-90
capitalists, as the functionaries of capitalist production, Making Sense of Marx, 13, 79-80
capitalists, class consciousness and cooperation of, Making Sense of Marx, 188, 360-4, 376, 408-1, 415
capitalists, class status of, Making Sense of Marx, 174, 324-5
capitalists, common interests with workers, Making Sense of Marx, 178-9, 187-91, 374-6, 377
capitalists, economic vs. political interests of, Making Sense of Marx, 386, 406-8, 412-14, 417-18, 426-8, 436-7
capitalists, exploitation status of, Making Sense of Marx, 173
capitalists, financial vs. industrial, Making Sense of Marx, 374-6, 380, 384-6
capitalists, individual vs. collective interests of, Making Sense of Marx, 45-6, 100-1, 147n.2, 152, 154, 158-9, 187-9, 47-8, 286, 347-8, 408-11
Caplow, T., , Making Sense of Marx, 319
Carens, J., , The Cement of Society, 220
cartel, , Logic and Society, 125, 129, 130
cartels, see market structure, Making Sense of Marx
caste , , Local Justice, 81
Catch 22, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 109, 152, 157, 159
Catch 22 (Heller), , Political Psychology, 89
Catholicism, , Political Psychology, 129
Catholics , , Local Justice, 83, 84
causality, , Logic and Society, 39, 80, 81, 157-163, 175, 176, 188, 189, 190, 195
causality , , Sour Grapes, 24ff., 117, 151
causality , non-standard causal chains , Sour Grapes, 4, 53ff, 61, 65, 87, 91
causation, , Nuts and Bolts, 4, 6
censorship, see filtering, Foundations of social choice theory
census , of 1890, Local Justice, 122
census , of 1910 , Local Justice, 121, 122
Central America , , Local Justice, 59
Central Office for the Allocation of Places in Higher Education , , Local Justice, 43, 44
central planning, , Solomonic Judgements, 178, 180, 199-200
Centres d'‚tude et de conservation de sperme" , , Local Justice, 47
certainty effect , , Local Justice, 147
Chamberlain, W., , Making Sense of Marx, xiii, 227
Chambers, John W. , , Local Justice, 6, 28, 29n , 31n , 33n , 109n , 127n , 139n , 145n , 154n , 156n
Chambers, D., , Solomonic Judgements, 153
Chammah, A., , Making Sense of Marx, 359 n.2, 365 n.2
change, , Logic and Society
change, changing preferences, Logic and Society, 39-42, 78, 162
change, social change, Logic and Society, 134-150
change, technical change, Logic and Society, 204, 205, 206
chaos, , The Cement of Society, 2
character , , Local Justice, 99-100
character , differences in national , Local Justice, 149
character planning , , Sour Grapes, 2, 53ff, 117ff, 127, 138, 141
charisma, , Political Psychology, 60
charity, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 116, 117, 154ff
Chavance, B., , Making Sense of Marx, xiii
checks and balances, , Political Psychology, 33, 33n
chemistry, , The Cement of Society, 1n, 250
Chernyshevsky, N., , Making Sense of Marx, 307
Chicken, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 121, 123
Chicken (game of) , , Sour Grapes, 28
Chicken, game of, , Logic and Society, 114, 153, 154
child custody, , Nuts and Bolts, 5, 25-6, 136-9, 152
child custody, , The Cement of Society, 58-61, 69, 83, 88
child custody , , Local Justice, 52, 85, 88
child custody , allocation of on basis of past contributions , Local Justice, 211
child custody , award of , Local Justice, 28, 130
child custody , award of, in divorce cases , Local Justice, 47
child custody , awarded to mothers , Local Justice, 98
child custody , by mechanical rule , Local Justice, 159
child custody , cases, legal decisions in , Local Justice, 222
child custody , cases. problems of , Local Justice, 168
child custody , decision of , by toss of coin , Local Justice, 244
child custody , decisions of , Local Justice, 27, 50-51
child custody , denial , Local Justice, 99, 159
child custody , disputes , Local Justice, 164, 209
child custody , loss of , Local Justice, 88, 88
child custody , maternal presumption for , Local Justice, 20, 78, 133, 171
child custody , opposition to joint , Local Justice, 22
child custody , paternal presumption for , Local Justice, 78
child custody , preference of one parent for , Local Justice, 215
child custody , rights , Local Justice, 23
child custody , to primary caretaker , Local Justice, 98, 130
child custody , use of rotation for , Local Justice, 73
child custody , see also foster homes, Local Justice
child custody principles , , Solomonic Judgements, 123-74
child custody principles , best interest of the child, Solomonic Judgements, 132, 134-150
child custody principles , fault-based presumption, Solomonic Judgements, 130-1, 152
child custody principles , joint custody, Solomonic Judgements, 128-9, 163
child custody principles , maternal preference, Solomonic Judgements, 131-2, 159
child custody principles , parental needs and rights, Solomonic Judgements, 139-43, 154-5
child custody principles , parental preference, Solomonic Judgements, 130
child custody principles , primary-caregiver preference, Solomonic Judgements, 133, 152-3, 159-62
child custody principles , random choice of custodial parent, Solomonic Judgements, 163-72
child custody principles , status quo presumption, Solomonic Judgements, 133, 153-4
children , , Local Justice, 91n , 130
children , abduction of , Local Justice, 159
children , admitted to kindergarten , Local Justice, 67
children , allocative decisions involving , Local Justice, 47-52
children , best interest of , Local Justice, 168, 171
children , black , Local Justice, 49-50
children , handicapped , Local Justice, 51
children , harm done to , Local Justice, 223
children , needs of , Local Justice, 51
children , numbers of , Local Justice, 10, 104-105
children , of alumni, preferential admission , Local Justice, 68, 103
children , of bourgeois parents , Local Justice, 200
children , of politicians, preferential ad mission to , Local Justice, 102
children , per family in China , Local Justice, 98
children , preferential admission to nursery school of , Local Justice, 83
children , right to bear , Local Justice, 7
children , special education for , Local Justice, 90
children , supply of , for adoption , Local Justice, 139
children , see also adoption, allocation, infants , parents, Local Justice
Childress, J. , , Local Justice, 92n , 161n
China , , Local Justice, 70n , 98
China , activists in Maoist , Local Justice, 99
China , allocation of land in , Local Justice, 96
China , discrimination against children in , Local Justice, 200
China , examination system in , Local Justice, 163
China , immigration from , Local Justice, 58-59
China , influence in , Local Justice, 102
China , recommended liability in , Local Justice, l64
Chinese , , Local Justice, 179
Chinese economic reforms, , Solomonic Judgements, 183, 192-4, 197-200
Chinese legal system, , Political Psychology, 88n, 90, 90n
choice behavior, , Political Psychology
choice behavior, and self-control need, Political Psychology, 56
choice behavior, cognitive dissonance theory, Political Psychology, 54-6
choice behavior, extremes in, Political Psychology, 56-7
choice behavior, Veyne's theory, Political Psychology, 50-7
choices , , Local Justice, 139
choices , see also hard choices, tragic choices, Local Justice
Choisel, F. , , Local Justice, 72n
Choosing Elites (R. Klitgaard) , , Local Justice, 6
church , , Local Justice, 14
church , see also religion, Local Justice
Circuit Courts of Appeal , , Local Justice, 41n
citizens'sovereignty, , Foundations of social choice theory, 111, 233
citizenship , , Local Justice, 70, 189
civil associations, , Political Psychology, 188-91
civil life, and religious life, Political Psychology, 124-5
Civil Rights Act , , Local Justice, 120, 121, 178
Civil Rights Act , Title VII of , Local Justice, 40-41 , 175
Civil War , , Local Justice, 29, 33, 80, 96
claimants , , Local Justice, 5, 10
class, , Making Sense of Marx, 318-97
class, and exploitation, Making Sense of Marx, 173, 185, 198-9, 323-4, 328-9, 337-40
class, and power, Making Sense of Marx, 199, 216, 327-3o, 340-1
class, and social conflict, Making Sense of Marx, 390-7
class, and social mobility, Making Sense of Marx, 35, 342-4, 355-6
class, and status (in the sense of Max Weber), Making Sense of Marx, 331-5, 392
class, and status (in the sense of stratification theory), Making Sense of Marx, 335-6
class, as a source of political power, Making Sense of Marx, 406-8
class, see also bureaucracy, capitalists, landowners, managers, peasantry, petty bourgeoisie, slaveowners, slaves, workers, working-class movement, Making Sense of Marx
class structure, America, Political Psychology, 130-1
cleaning , , Local Justice, 53, 54
clearing systems , , Local Justice, 131
Clermont-Tonnerre , , Local Justice, 84n
Climo, T. A., , Logic and Society, 188, 189, 190
clustering , , Local Justice, 119n
coalition-building , , Local Justice, 17, 124, 172-174 , 182
coalitions, , Nuts and Bolts, 145-6, 164-5
cobweb cycle, , Nuts and Bolts, 93-5, 101, 108, 112
cobweb cycle, , The Cement of Society, 3-4, 209
Cobwebmodel, , Logic and Society, 111, 112, 113, 123, 125, 135
codes of honour, , The Cement of Society, 87, 116-18, 134-6, 144, 279-80
Coenen-Huther, J. , , Local Justice, 4n
coercion, , Making Sense of Marx, 212-14
coercion, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 81-2, 83
coercion, ecomomic, Making Sense of Marx, 213
coercion, extra-economic, Making Sense of Marx, 167-71
coercion, see also domination, Making Sense of Marx
coercion , , Local Justice, 140, 140n , 141n , 162, 242
cognition, , Political Psychology, 10- 11
cognitive dissonance, , Logic and Society, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
cognitive dissonance, , Nuts and Bolts, 4, 8
cognitive dissonance, , Political Psychology
cognitive dissonance, adaptation to authoritarianism, Political Psychology, 54-5
cognitive dissonance, in choice behavior, Political Psychology, 54-7
cognitive dissonance, role in motivation, Political Psychology, 12-13
cognitive dissonance , , Sour Grapes, 36, 110, 119, 122, 141
cognitive fallacies, , Nuts and Bolts, 38-9
Cohen , G.A. , , Local Justice, 13n , 85n , 186n , 193n , 195n , 207n , 208n , 226n , 231n , 232n , 242n
Cohen, G. A., , Making Sense of Marx, xii, xiii, 7 n.1, 10 n.1, 28 n.1, 30-1, 31-4, 56, 73, 76 n.1, 92 n.1, 98, 169, 179, 197, 214-15, 224-5, 229 n.1, 242, 243-8, 252
Cohen, G. A., , Making Sense of Marx, 253-4, 256-8, 260 n.2, 268-9, 270-1, 273-4, 286 n.4, 326 n.1, 343-4, 392, 393 n.2, 403, 405, 428 n.2, 460 n.2, 481 n.2, 508 n.3
Cohen, G. A. , , Explaining Technical Change, 61, 64, 66-4, 181-4, 192, 210-11, 214, 226
Cohen, J., , Making Sense of Marx, 274 n.2
coherence, forms of , , Local Justice, 237n
Cold War, , Political Psychology, 80
Cole, G. D. H., , Making Sense of Marx, 340 n.1, 413-14, 472
Coleman, J. S. , , Local Justice, 232n
Coleman, J., , Making Sense of Marx, 323 n.1, 329
Coleman, J. S., , The Cement of Society, 137, 139n
collective action, , Making Sense of Marx, 349-71
collective action, , Nuts and Bolts, 17-18, 124-34, 153-4
collective action, and class consciousness, Making Sense of Marx, 345-9
collective action, see also capitalists (individual vs. collective interests), workers (class-consciousness of), Making Sense of Marx
collective bargaining agreements , , Local Justice, 3, 20, 39, 215
collective choice rule, see decision procedure, Foundations of social choice theory
collective decision, , Foundations of social choice theory, 39, 45, 118, 202
collective rationality, , Foundations of social choice theory, 60, 71, 107
collective wage bargaining, , The Cement of Society, 76-7, 81-2, 84, 89-96, 221-4, 275-8
collective wage bargaining, centralized versus decentralized, The Cement of Society, 156-7, 159, 160-2, 178-85, 236-7
collective wage bargaining, in Norway, The Cement of Society, 165n
collective wage bargaining, in Sweden, The Cement of Society, 155-65, 177-8, 222, 224, 225, 236, 237, 241, 245-6
college admission , , Local Justice, 2, 22, 44-45 , 66, 124, 145
college admission , academic merit in , Local Justice, 63
college admission , criteria for , Local Justice, 179-180
college admission , policies , Local Justice, 3, 179
college admission , practices , Local Justice, 138
college admission , preferential, for disadvantaged students , Local Justice, 107, 133
college admission , priority for veterans in , Local Justice, 210
colleges , , Local Justice
colleges , choices of, by deferment rules , Local Justice, 128
colleges , diversity in , Local Justice, 66-67
colleges , elite , Local Justice, 107, 133, 179
colleges , funding for private , Local Justice, 175
colleges , preferential access to, in U.S. , Local Justice, 102, 103
colleges , preferential treatment in , Local Justice, 82, 179
colleges , selective , Local Justice, 44-45 , 66
colleges , see also applicants for college, specific issues, Local Justice
Collins, K., , Making Sense of Marx, 280 n.4
Collins, S., , Making Sense of Marx, 73 n.2
commands , , Sour Grapes, 60ff
commissioned officers, , Political Psychology, 171-2, 174
committees , , Local Justice, 248-249
commonsense conceptions , , Local Justice, 4-5 , 17, 231, 236-244
communism, , Making Sense of Marx, 446-58, 521-30
communism, as a political system, Making Sense of Marx, 456-8, 527
communism, as an economic system, Making Sense of Marx, 229-33, 453-6, 523-30
communism, attractions of, Making Sense of Marx, 82-4
communism, economic transition to, Making Sense of Marx, 449-53
communism, political transition, Making Sense of Marx, 447-9
communism, unity of work and education in, Making Sense of Marx, 81
communism, unity of work and family life in, Making Sense of Marx, 81
communism, will bring about a flowering of the productive forces, Making Sense of Marx, 261-3
communism, will bring about full and free self-realization of the individual, Making Sense of Marx, 82-92, 521-2
communism, see also Utopianism in Marx, Making Sense of Marx
Communist regimes, , Political Psychology, 65, 183
communist revolution, , Making Sense of Marx, 437-46, 528-31
communist revolution, causes and conditions of, Making Sense of Marx, 75-6, 154-65, 209-10, 217-19, 266, 288-99, 349-58, 383-4, 529-31
communist revolution, could occur prematurely, Making Sense of Marx, 293-9, 309, 451-2, 531
communist revolution, dynamics of, Making Sense of Marx, 439-46, 447-9
communist revolution, international character of, Making Sense of Marx, 297-8
communist revolution, modelled on Revolution of 1789, Making Sense of Marx, 297
communist revolution, preemption of, Making Sense of Marx, 294-5, 531
Communists , , Local Justice, 84
Communists , Chinese , Local Justice, 100
communities , , Local Justice, 18, 248
comparative method, , Logic and Society, 176, 218, 219
comparisons , , Local Justice, 19n , 212
comparisons , increment , Local Justice, 91-92 , 214
comparisons , level , Local Justice, 91-92 , 214
comparisons , of national culture , Local Justice, 3, 149-151
comparisons , of utility , Local Justice, 218-219 , 220
compassion , , Local Justice, 159
compassion , norm of , Local Justice, 38, 94, 150, 247-248
compensation , , Local Justice, 187, 202, 207, 215, 220, 239-240
compensation , claims to , Local Justice, 207
compensation , cross- , Local Justice, 133, 134
compensation , for past injustices , Local Justice, 199-200
compensation , of blacks , Local Justice, 188
compensation effect, , Political Psychology, 180-91
compensation effect, as explanatory mechanisms, Political Psychology, 4, 6
compensation effect, in Tocqueville's writings, Political Psychology, 187-8
competition, see market structure, Making Sense of Marx
competition , , Local Justice, 138
compossibility, , Logic and Society, 177
compromise, , Political Psychology, 96-7
compromise , , Local Justice, 174
compulsory military service, , Political Psychology, 115, 151
condemnation, , Political Psychology, 92
condition of independence of irrelevance alternatives , , Local Justice, 217
condition of non-dictatorship , , Local Justice, 217
condition of Pareto-optimality , , Local Justice, 217, 238
condition of unrestricted domain , , Local Justice, 216
conditional altruism, , Political Psychology, 4
Condorcet paradox , , Local Justice, 34
Condorcet, Marquis de , , Local Justice, 217
conflicts of interest , , Local Justice, 23, 24
conformism and anti-conformism , , Sour Grapes, 23, 40, 67
conformity, , Political Psychology
conformity, and public opinion, Political Psychology, 180-3
conformity, in democracies Tocqueville, Political Psychology, 119, 180-3
Congress , , Local Justice, 23
Congress , adoption of head tax by , Local Justice, 123
Congress , and quotas , Local Justice, 122
Congress , immigration measures taken in , Local Justice, 27, 103
Congress , proposals for en listment by , Local Justice, 155
conjunctive systems , , Local Justice, 32, 103, 105-106
Conley , Patricia , , Local Justice, 115n , 163n , 188n
conscious motivation, , Political Psychology, 9-10
consciousness, Hegel's theory, Political Psychology, 79
Conscription Acts , , Local Justice, 29
conscription in America, , Political Psychology, 115, 151
consequences , , Local Justice, 113, 233-234
consequentialism , , Local Justice, 208-211 , 235
consequentualism, , Foundations of social choice theory, 30, 33f, 36, 89, 122
constituent assembly, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 93ff, 103
constitution making, , Political Psychology, 24-34
constitution(al), , Foundations of social choice theory, 8f, 56, 95, 117, 121, 128
constraining , , Local Justice, 140, 140n
consumer sovereignty, , Foundations of social choice theory, 111, 233
consumption norms, , The Cement of Society, 101-2, 107-8, 140-1
context-free grammars, , Logic and Society, 42-44
continuity , , Local Justice, 215
contractarian, , Foundations of social choice theory, 134, 158f, 225
contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, , Making Sense of Marx, 47, 75, 155-8, 258-66, 288-90
contradictions, , Logic and Society, 65-150
contradictions, , Ulysses and the Sirens, 93, 117, 150ff, 158, 161, 163, 174, 175
contradictions, amomg capitalists, Making Sense of Marx, 15, 25-6, 44-7, 100-1, 158-9, 164-5
contradictions, among workers, Making Sense of Marx, 100-1, 347
contradictions, among consumers, Making Sense of Marx, 70
contradictions, among nations, Making Sense of Marx, 47
contradictions, and change, Logic and Society, 3, 68, 69, 70, 71, 90, 134, 135, 136, 150
contradictions, and dialectics, Logic and Society, 3, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 108
contradictions, in communism, Making Sense of Marx, 87-8, 232, 523-4
contradictions, in collective action, Making Sense of Marx, 359-60
contradictions, in Marx, Logic and Society, 97, 103, 104, 113-118, 130-132
contradictions, in pre-capitalist societies, Making Sense of Marx, 26-7
contradictions, social, Making Sense of Marx, , 43-8
contradictions, see also free-rider problem, capitalists (invidual vs. collective interests of), workers (class consciousnes of), Making Sense of Marx
contribution , -based systems , Local Justice, 99
contribution , , Local Justice, 98-99
contribution , equal , Local Justice, 243, 244
convention equilibria, , The Cement of Society, 12-13, 101-2
conventions, , Nuts and Bolts, 102, 104, 110-11
Coons, J., , Solomonic Judgements, 99, 102, 151-2
cooperation, , Nuts and Bolts, 44, 101, 116-17, 126-34, 135, 153-4
cooperation, , The Cement of Society
cooperation, conditional, The Cement of Society, 43-4, 123, 187-92
cooperation, norms of, The Cement of Society, 123, 187-202
cooperation, unconditional, The Cement of Society, 123, 192-202
Copeland, J. G. , , Local Justice, 93n
Cornell University , , Local Justice, 118
correlation, , Nuts and Bolts, 5
correlations, , Political Psychology, 5-6
corruption, , Nuts and Bolts, 157-8
corruption , , Local Justice, 10, 105, 145, 163, 182
corruption , , The Cement of Society, 25-6, 39-40, 189, 264-72
corruption , in selection of applicants , Local Justice, 168
corruption , risk of , Local Justice, 162, 169
Coser, Lewis , , Explaining Technical Change, 59
costs , , Local Justice
costs , issues of , Local Justice, 248
costs , of discretionary decisions , Local Justice, 168
costs , of allocative procedures , Local Justice, 50
costs , process , Local Justice, 10
costs of decision making, , Solomonic Judgements, 15-17, 26, 73, 75, 107-8, 145-8
counter-preferential behaviour, see preferences (and choice), Foundations of social choice theory
counterfactuals, , Logic and Society, 175-218
counterfactuals, and conditionals, Logic and Society, 12
counterfactuals, conditions of assertabiity, Logic and Society, 181, 182, 191
counterfactuals, conditions of legitimacy, Logic and Society, 184, 190, 191, 201, 202, 204
counterfactuals, meta-linguistic theory of, Logic and Society, 181, 182
counterfactuals, ontological theory of, Logic and Society, 177, 181, 186, 187, 188
counterfactuals, truth conditions, Logic and Society, 181, 182
counterfinality, , Logic and Society, 56, 106-118
counterfinality, , Nuts and Bolts, 95, 97
countermobility, , Logic and Society, 147
counterparts, , Logic and Society, 178, 192
courage , , Sour Grapes, 51, 57
court , , Local Justice
court , decisions regarding seniority , Local Justice, 40-41
court , German federal labor , Local Justice, 64
court , see also jurors, jury duty, litigation, specific cases, Local Justice
Crawford, V., , The Cement of Society, 171-2
credibility , , Local Justice, 175, 175n
credibility of threats and promises, , The Cement of Society, 40n, 69, 70-2, 91-2, 272-84
credibility problem, revolutionary governments, , Political Psychology, 18
Creppell, I. , , Local Justice, 84n
Crick, B. , , Sour Grapes, 67
crime, , Logic and Society, 160, 161
crimes , , Local Justice, 55, 57, 124
crises, , Logic and Society, 97, 117, 149
criteria , , Local Justice, 62, 63-64
criteria , exclusionary , Local Justice, 80
criteria , individualized , Local Justice, 103
criteria , secondary , Local Justice, 106
criteria , status , Local Justice, 81n , 125, 172
criteria , substantive , Local Justice, 110
criteria , welfare-related , Local Justice, 87, 88-89 , 174
criteria , see see also admission, increment criteria, level criteria, Local Justice
crowding-out effect, , Political Psychology, 180-91
crowding-out effect, and instability of desire, Political Psychology, 148
crowding-out effect, and religion, Political Psychology, 118-19, 126-7, 171
crowding-out effect, Assemblee Constituante opinion, Political Psychology, 31
crowding-out effect, compensation effect, Political Psychology, 187-8
crowding-out effect, conformity in, Political Psychology, 180-3
crowding-out effect, crowding-out effect, Political Psychology, 188-9
crowding-out effect, desire and opportunity in, Political Psychology, 162-79
crowding-out effect, effect on ambition, Political Psychology, 116-17, 170-1, 176
crowding-out effect, impact on women, Political Psychology, 104-6
crowding-out effect, in Tocqueville's writings, Political Psychology, 188-9
crowding-out effect, love marriages in, Political Psychology, 104-6
crowding-out effect, political typology weaknesses, Political Psychology, 1-2
crowding-out effect, selection of leaders, Political Psychology, 168-9
crowding-out effect, spillover effects, Political Psychology, 185-6
crowding-out effect, Tocqueville's writings, Political Psychology, 101-91
cult of the king, , Political Psychology, 42, 61, 65
culture, , The Cement of Society, 248-9
culture , , Local Justice, 155
culture , national , Local Justice, 3, 138, 143, 149-151 , 155
cumulative inertia, , Logic and Society, 30, 53
Curio, E., , Ulysses and the Sirens, 3, 14, 15, 23
custody , see child custody, Local Justice
Cwartosz, Z. , , Local Justice, 112n
cyclical majorities , , Local Justice, 217


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