The Jon Elster Page
- Updates
3 December 1998
1. The table of contents for the following new or recent books by (or edited by) Elster have been added:
- Alchemies of the Mind: Rationality aand the emotions
- Getting Hooked: Rationality and Addicction
- Deliberative Democracy
- Institutional Design in Post-Communisst Societies: Rebuilding the Ship at Sea
- The Round Table Talks in Eastern Euroope
2. Suggestions
- I am still working on an overview of books that include substantial discussions of some of Elster's arguments. Suggestions are very much appreciated.
- The design and some of the content off the pages will be changed after Christmas. As always, suggestions are welcome.
20 October 1998
The last issue of Social Science Information (Information sur les sciences
sociales) has three articles about Jon Elster and the book "Alchemies of the
Mind."There is also a reply by Elster himself. The articles are in Frence,
Elster's reply is in English.
Journal: Social Science Information, vol. 37, no. 3, 1998, pp. 403-468.
Topic: emotions, rationality, Jon Elster
Articles by Paul Veyne, Alain Wolfselspergler, Pierre Lievet
Reply ("postscript") by Jon Elster.
17 October 1998
The following articles by Jon Elster have been added:
1 Bargaining over the presidency
East European Constitutional Review
2(4)/3(1) (1993/94): 95-98
2 Consenting adults or the sorcerer's apprentice?
East European Constitutional Review
4(1) (1995): 36-41
16 September 1998
I have just been informed that the article listed below was NOT written by
Jon Elster. The Times Literary Supplement used his name by a mistake. I have
deleted the entry from the list of articles by Jon Elster.
Hegel's heirs and errors
(Review of Michael Rosen: On Voluntary Servitude - False consciousness and
the theory of ideology)
The Times Literary Supplement, no. 4930, September 26, 1997, pp. 8-9.
16 August 1998
1. New article by Jon Elster:
Coming to terms with the past.
A framework for the study of justice in the transition to democracy
European Journal of Sociology (Arch. europ. sociol.) vol. 39 (1998) 1, 7-48
Thanks to John Verkuilen for giving me this information.
2. Forthcoming book
Jon Elster is co-editor of a book on Rationality and addiction due to be
published in 1999.
16 June 1998
New article by Jon Elster:
in Journal of Economic Literature vol. 36 (March 1998), pp. 47-74
27 May
Added full text of one new article, reference to two new articles and books and one refrence for discussion of Elster's work
A plea for mechanisms
ch. 3 (pp. 45-73) in Peter Hedstrø
m and Richard Swedberg (eds.) (1998): Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (text)
Deliberation and Constitution Making
ch. 3 (pp. 97-122) in Jon Elster (ed.) (1998): Deliberative Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Constitutional Politics in Eastern Europe
(with Ulrich K. Preuss)
ch. 3 (pp. 63-108) in Jon Elster, Claus Offe and Ulirich K. Preuss (1998): Intitutional Design in Post-communist Societies: Rebuilding the Ship at Open Sea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
About Elster: Russell Hardin's book "One for All: The Logic of Group Conflict" has a discussion of Elster's view on norms and functional explanation.
10 March
The full text of the following article has been added:
Jon Elster (1985): The nature and scope of rational-choice explanations
in Ernest LePore and Brian P. McLaughlin (1985), eds., Actions and Events:
Perspectives on the philosophy of Donald Davidson, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.
Available at
9 February
New book (Social Mechanisms) edited by Swedstrøm and Hedstrom with a chapter by Elster (ch. 3 A plea for mechanisms)
14 January
1. Article about Elster
Frans van Zetten wrote an article "What's Wrong with Social Norms? An Alternative to Elster's Theory", in the *Canadian Journal of Philosophy*, Vol. 27 (1997), no. 3, pp. 339-360.
(Thanks to Jeroen Knijff for telling me about this article)
25. May
1. New article by Elster
More Than Enough: Accounting for Tastes
The University of Chicago Law Review (Spring 1997) [64 (2):749-]
2. Full text
The full text of the following article has been added:
Jon Elster goes to China
London Review of Books (October 27, 1988) [10 (19):7-9]
3. Changes
A page of Elster quotations has been added (under construction). See the main menu. Contributions are welcome.
1. April
1. New addition. The full text of :
Elster, Jon (1981)
Snobs (Review of Pierre Bourdieu (1979), La Distinction)
London Review of Books (November 5, 1981) vol. 3, no 20, pp.10-12]
2. News
I will soon update the page to include BOOKS with substantial discussions of Elster's works. As I do not have a complete overview, I would be happy to receive e-mails from people who know of such books.
17. March
1. New addition
The full text of the following article has been added:
Lukes, Steven (1980)
Elster on counterfactuals
(Review of Logic and Society)
Inquiry [23 (2):144-155]
2. About this e-mail list
This list is administered by Hans O. Melberg, NOT Jon Elster. He is in no way responsible or involved with The Jon Elster Page. This means that we are not told by him when or where he publishes his new articles. I regularly scan the major databases, but it would be of great helpt to me if people who discover a recent article by Elster (or about him) in a journal or a book could send me an e-mail with the reference. I can then spread the news to the people on this list.
February 1:
Added full text: Elster, Jon (1995), The idea of equality revisited, in J. Altham and R. Harrison (1995), eds., World, Mind, and Ethics: a Festschrift for Bernard Williams, Cambridge University Press, pp. 4-18 (text)
Added reference: Two reviews from 1996:
Review of Local Justice, Riley, J., Ethics (1996) [106 (2):459-461]
Review of Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being, Morton, A., Economics and Philosophy (1996) [12 (1):101-104]
Added old reviews and articles in Norwegain
a) By Elster
1972: Phänomenologie des Geistes: Forarbeider til en kommentar, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift (1972) [7:161-196]
1977: Tilsvar til Karl Egil Auber, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift (1977) [12 (3):217-217]
b) About Elster
1977: Zenons paradokser - Et vitenskapsfilosofisk apropos, Karl Egil Aubert, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift (1977) [12 (3):203-215]
1978: Anmeldelse av Elster: Rasjonalisme og rasjonalitet: Økonomi, Filosofi og vitenskap fra Descartes til Leibniz, Arild Utaker, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift (1978) [13 (1):77-81]
1978: Zenons paradokser - En farse?, Karl Egil Aubert, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift (1978) [13 (1):69-73]
January 10: Added article - full text. [Elster, Jon (1993), Why things don't happen as planned, in N.Åkerman, ed., The Necessity of Friction, Heidelberg: Physica Verlag, pp. 248-56.]
January 8: Small corrections (bad links and wrong reference). Thanks to Karl Henrik Sivesind.
December 23: New addition: Hardin, Russell (1980), Rationality, irrationality and functionalist explanation, Social Science Information [19 (4/5):755-772]
December: Added two articles: Richard Swedberg's interview with Elster (1990) and Elster's article Transition, constitution-making and separation in Czechoslovakia) (1995). Also made some corrections thanks to Byung-Jae Lee.
December: Redesigned the pages (The most recent articles and reviews are listed first
Introduced new pages for unpublished manuscripts, definitions, debates, e-mail news list started
Started to log all updates + more)
November: Correction of French spelling and addition of French book. Thanks to Jean-Philippe Touffut.
Added Elster's Curriculum Vitae
Thanks to Chris Brooke who suggested some links.
April: Thanks to Arve Hjelseth ( for noticing a confusing detail about the reference to Ulysses and the Sirens.
1996: Articles and Reviews added
1995: Continous corrections and new information added
1995 December