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    Toronto skyshots taken with a Canon PowerShot G3


    Toronto skyshots taken with a Canon EOS-D30

    Click on selected image to enlarge

    These fractal images illustrate both Mandelbrot and Julia sets. The program used to generate these images has been lost but for anyone interested in doing their own thing there are several downloadable and interactive programs available on the web. The fractint homepage is a great place to start. The Fractals section of the Mathematics Archives should contain the answers to all your questions concerning fractals!

    About me...

    I grew up in Montreal and after receiving my B.Sc. from McGill University I joined the Canadian Met Service as a meteorological officer trainee in June of 1964. After relatively short stints in St. Hubert and Halifax I arrived in Toronto in June of 1968 where I remained until I retired in May, 1995. Fifteen of those Toronto years were spent developing software for the King Weather Radar, a state of the art facility located in King Township, about 20 miles northwest of Metro Toronto. My programming experience includes everything from Cobol (no pain, no gain!), Fortran, Basic, several different assemblers and of course good(?) old C. My fractals program is mainly Fortran with some C overtones and up until now I have resisted any challenges to convert all the code to C but you never know...

    My other main interests include classical music - guitar in particular, bridge, ice hockey, inline skating, fishing, oil painting, astronomy, science in general and of course observing and photographing the weather.

    Unfortunately, since this page first appeared in 1995 most of my fractal stuff was lost (hard drive crash) and injuries and aging have probably ended my career as a bad hockey player but all is not lost. I am just getting into digital photography and some of my pictures will be posted here shortly.

    The best of my bookmarks

    I do very little casual surfing - most of my bookmarks were found while searching for a specific piece of information or were given to me by friends who thought I too would find them interesting. The following links have been checked pretty thoroughly. Some are better than others but every single one has at least one unique feature that merits it's being included here.

    Fractals, Market Watch, Weather, The Final Frontier, Fun and Games, Music, Photography, Miscellaneous
    Pardon my HTML; believe it or not I am STILL coding this stuff. Comments (be nice), questions, suggestions, etc., can be sent to hnhersco@hotmail.com

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    This site was last updated on Feb 26, 2008 by Howard Herscovitch

    The Infinite Fractal Loop

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