Name :       hyde

Realame :   Hideto Takarai

Height :   about 160 cm     (so short...)

Birthday :    29/1

Blood Type : hyde said that he's not a human and so he doesn't have                           blood  (.......?!)

Place of birth:Osaka,Japan

Martial Status : married(with Oishi Megumi)

Hobby: cooking(it seems that he only know how to cook instant curry rice) ;             collecting blue glass products ; playing video games(he always wins when  he plays with tetsu,yukki and ken) ; writing poems

Favourite things: music,cigar,women...

Favourite artist: Oishi Megumi , Marilyn Mansoon ,Billy Joel ,
                  radiohead, BAKI Cranberries, David Sylvian

Favourite food:curry rice,smooth things

Hated things: cigar , TV , frogs ...
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