Board Member Mapitzmitl

Mapitzmitl dances the winter ceremony Tonatzin at Santa Ana Pueblo.
Mapitzmitl in performance

Mapitzmitl, a community activitist of indigenous and Hispanic descent, has been working for indigenous rights since 1970. He has participated in the Chicano Movement, AIM (American Indian Movement), Congress of the Fifth Sun, and Mecayotl Chiciltick (Red Tradition), which includes the dance and ceremonial aspects of the Mexica people of Mexico.

Additionally, he has worked with and supported the Tracking Project for many years, participating in their Nurturing the Roots Project as a mentor, working as a staff member of the Hawkeye Training Camp, and assisting in translating the Thanksgiving Address into Spanish. He is a member of their advisory board.

He is an accomplished sculptor, painter, and jeweler. He directs the immensely successful Ehecatl Aztec Dancers and Voladores.

To contact Mapitzmitl about his work, click here


To see photos of Kalpulli Ehecatl, go to Finest Aztec Dancing.

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