My Life with the Devil. My Life with Christ. And now Helping Others Find Freedom In Christ through H.O.F.F.I.C. MINISTRIES.
As you browse through the pages of this site hopefully you will gain insight into me. The Lord is my all and all. I am blessed because of him in my life. "Elder Carolyn Maye", the Founder of H.O.F.F.I.C. MINISTRIES. Helping Others Find Freedom In Christ. My life is found in Christ.
In a very devastating time of my life living in an unholy world with the devil, drugs, alcohol and partying, I realize that I need Jesus Christ in my life.
My life drastically changed when I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. My life was never the same from that day on.
The power of the Holy Spirit revealed to me the need of the Lord Jesus in my life. I immediately surrendered my life to Christ. I became a member of Philippi Church of Christ in Greenville NC, and began to work in the church in whatever capacity was needed; sharing the Gospel through song in churches, prisions, jail, retreats, revivals and community functions.
The Lord revealed to me that I was called to the ministry and to teach his words.
I was ordainded to the ministry Sunday August 27, 2000 by my Pastor Bishop Randy B. Royal of Philippi Church of Christ, where I am currently attending and basing my ministry.