Holy Cow, He's Got Links!
Sports Links:
The National Hockey League - The Official Website of the N.H.L.
Smallworld Hockey - Another Hockey Link
The Vancouver Canucks Official Homepage - The soon-to-be best team in the N.H.L.
Henderson's Canucks Fan Central - The Newsgroup FAQ, Hall of Fame, and a link to live Canucks chat!
Entertainment Links:
Mike Bonnell's Wallpaper! - The BEST in computer wallpaper! I love his work!
Maxim Magazine Online - I highly recommend this magazine!
Bored Dot Com - What better place to go to waste time at 3am when you should be studying or something!
Banged Up Dot Com - A great site for the sicko in all of us!
Don5408's Aptiva Support - Great support site for Aptiva owners! Helped me get through some tough times. I run an anceint (purchased in 1996) Aptiva M61 Model #2168. It's only a Pentium 120 with 32MB RAM, a 4x CDROM, 28.8 modem, Mwave soundcard/modem, my IBM monitor that came with it G50 (I think) kicked the bucket a few years ago so I bought a Seanix Generic model. But this gallopy gets me by just fine.
Happypuppy - Download game demos, reviews & previews, cheats, etc.
Mirabilis (Download ICQ!) - ICQ. . .the best way to communicate with friends online
Visit My Neighbours:
Peder's Brain - He uploaded his brain to the internet. . .ANY QUESTIONS?!
Shania Twain Fan Page - What a BABE!