Oznaka 3 - Slaba otrovnost: ako dodju u sistem varenja mogu prouzrocite slabije simptome poput osipa, povracanja ili proljeva. Kod uzimanja malih kolicina mogu potpuno izostati simptomi.
Oznaka 5 - Dermatitis: Soku ploda ili biljke ili ubodna rana od trna/iglica moze izazvati osip i nadrazaj koze. Rane na kozi koje nastaju nakon dodira sa nekom od biljaka sa ove liste mogu biti izuzetno bolne uz pojavu plikova i zarenje koze.
Nas naziv | Engleski | Latinski naziv | oznaka |
**** | Camphor Tree | (Cinnamomum camphora) | 3 |
**** | Catnip | (Nepeta cataria) | 3 |
**** | Eucalyptus globulus | (Species) | 3 |
**** | Holly | (Ilex) | 3 |
**** | Johnny-jump-up | (Viola cornua) | 3 |
Svekrvin jezik | Mother-in-law Tongue | (Sanseveria trifasiata) | 3 |
**** | Naked Lady | (Lycoris or Amaryllis) | 3 |
**** | Pansy | (Viola tricolor) | 3 |
**** | Poinsettia | (Euphorbia pulcherrima) | 3 |
**** | Pokeweed | (Phytolacca americana) | 3 |
**** | Privet | (Lugustrum species) | 3 |
**** | Snowberry | (Symphoricarpos racemosus) | 3 |
**** | Sweet William | (Dianthus barbatus) | 3 |
**** | Umbrella Plant | (Cyperus alternifolius) | 3 |
**** | Vinca Major | (Botanic name) | 3 |
Ljubicice | Viola | (Species) | 3 |
**** | Achillea | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Agapanthus | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Allium Canadense | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Amaranth | (Celosia cristata) | 3, 5 |
**** | Barberry | (Berberis species) | 3, 5 |
**** | Birch Tree | (Betula species) | 3, 5 |
**** | Black Eyed Susan | (Rudbeckia hirta) | 3, 5 |
**** | Blue Flag | (Iris versicolor) | 3, 5 |
**** | Boxwood | (Buxus sempervirens) | 3, 5 |
**** | Carnation | (Dianthus caryophyllus) | 3, 5 |
**** | Century Plant | (Agave) | 3, 5 |
Krizanteme | Chrysanthemum | (Species) | 3, 5 |
Stablo kave | Coffee Tree Plant | (Polyscias guilfoyei) | 3, 5 |
**** | Croton | (Codiaeum) | 3, 5 |
**** | Crown of Thorns | (Euphorbia milii) | 3, 5 |
**** | Daisy | (Chrysanthemum) | 3, 5 |
**** | Dutch Iris | (Species) | 3, 5 |
Engleski brsljan | English Ivy | (Hedera helix) | 3, 5 |
**** | Four-o-clocks | (Mirabilis jalapa) | 3, 5 |
Gladiole | Gladiola | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Hydrangea | (Species) | 3, 5 |
**** | Iceland Poppy | (Papaver nudicaule) | 3, 5 |
Irisi | Iris | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Lily of the Nile | (Agapanthus africanus) | 3, 5 |
Margarete | Marguerite | (Chrysanthemum species) | 3, 5 |
**** | Mounds of Snow | (Hydrangea arborscens) | 3, 5 |
**** | Pyracantha | (Botanic name) | 3, 5 |
**** | Redwood Tree | (Sequoia sempervirens) | 3, 5 |
**** | Shasta Daisy | (Chrysanthemum maximum) | 3, 5 |
**** | Yarow | (Achillea millefolium) | 3, 5 |