Passover Easter

Welcome to the Holidayman Website. If you are like us and love to celebrate holidays, you've come to the right place. Throughout the year, we will focus on the unending parade of holidays that mark our calendars. We will provide information about the holidays, the history of the holidays, recipes to make your holidays a little tastier, holiday entertaining ideas, suggestions for appropriate holiday movies and music, home decorating notions to theme your holiday, and easy holiday projects to add a personal touch.

However, unlike other noted personalities (who shall remain nameless), our ideas do not require Masters Degrees in Floral Design and Carpentry, unlimited budgets, full-time production staffs and access to gourmet foods and materials from the four corners of the globe.

We've designed this site to give you easy access to all the different sections. So if you're ready, get comfortable and enjoy our take on holidays. And of course, if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas of your own that you would like to share with us, please use our "Contact Us" feature to drop us a line.

Happy Holidays!

The Holidayman

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  Website Designed and Created by Celeste Dunn, Webmaster

Copyright © 2003 The Holidayman. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 05, 2004 .