2. Currently the last beanie I bought.
(2)I Love Texas Beanies, Sis, Mi Lei, Jaz, Libert-e, Ratzo, Juneau, Alani BBOM and the Garfield Set.
3. For now, my favorite beanie (this changes from time to time).
Oh Dear...hmmm Wrinkles (beanie and buddy), Smoochy, Squirmy, all my monkey beanies and Garfield Set...at present :)
4. How many beanies do you own? Buddies? Ty Classics? Other Ty products?
543 Beanies, 42 Buddies, 12 Classics, 103 Teenies, 7 Attic Treasures, 31 Jingle Beanies, 14 Basket Beanies, 1 Pluffy, 2 Punkies and 2 Beanie Kids. I also have 15 Beanies On My Wish List ;)
5. Favorite Beanie Quote (make up your own or borrow one from Ty.com).
"The Bond Of Friendship Between Your Beanies And You Will Never Break!"
6. Any other beanie info about you that you want to share?
Seems like I decide I'm not interested in a certain set of beanies, etc. but when I start chatting with beanie baby pen pals, I all of a sudden, get the "urge" to collect what I thought I wasn't interested in. LOL
7. Which beanies in your collection do you most prize?
Hmmm let's see Nectar as my sister surprised me with it, she bought it at retail and it's still selling for approximately $30.00 or so on Meta Exchange. I have all five Dizzies and Buddy set. My new Garfield set and I love my Halos I & II Beanies & Buddies as that was my daughter's nickname when she was little. I love my Kicks Beanie & Buddy as it reminds me of my son when he started playing soccer at the age of 4 and I also love my Scooter Classic as that was my son's nickname when he was a baby.