Judges base their opinions on the "Standard of Perfection". This publication is created by The American Rabbit Breeders Association which allotes points to different catergories of the breed. The Body counts for 32 of the 84 points allotted for General Type and carries more weight than any other facit in the schedule of points.*
The general look that is to be captured by a Holland is massiveness. Picture a bull or a Bull dog. Width should balance with depth as much as possible. The essence of the proper Holland body is something that can be pictured but is better learned with the hands. You need to feel a good body to understand it best. Go to shows, a rabbit registar, or to a breeder's rabbitry and ask to feel their bunnies! You will find most to be more than helpful.
These animals exhibit a compact body and have a massive appearance.
The shoulders and chest should be broad and well filled.
The width of the shoulders should be nearly equal to the width of the hindquarters.
Shoulders lacking in width
Shoulders better in width
A good Holland should be muscular and have a short, compact body. A ratio of balance should be captured by the correctly typed animal. One head length should equal two lengths in body.
This rabbit lacks balance of body and depth. It appears longer than it is deep.
The line created by the rabbit's back, known as the "topline", should flow in a gradual line that neither spikes up or down in a radical manner. This bun's buns fall off quickly, causing a slope. Some judges call this a "fast hindquarter".
The hindquarters should be full and flow all the way to the ground.
The more "stuffing" the better! This is truly an aspect of a rabbit that must be felt. Fur can hide a hindquarter that is too narrow or sinks inward.
CJ's Cid
CM's Oliver
HH Tryst
Some examples of topline...
CC's Jewels
RH's Baxter
RH's Sizzle
This rabbit is too long in the shoulder. It's topline flattens out over the shoulder creating a dipped area.
This bun is too long in it's midsection.
C's Dazzle
SB's Nettie
O's Tequila
V's Uro
*Quote taken from the "Standard of Perfection" authored by the ARBA.
SF's Roirdan