Photos taken at Hollycombe Steam Collection, Liphook in Hampshire. A unique collection of steam attractions including a complete Edwardian Steam Fair, railways and traction engines.

Visiting Hollycombe is a unique experience, and there is something to interest and fascinate people of all ages. These photos were taken on a family trip whereby three generations of my family went there together in the summer of 2002. I have fond childhood memories of many hours spent at Hollycombe with my own grandmother in the early 1980s, and it's thanks to the volunteers who keep Hollycombe alive today that my own children are now able go there with their grandparents. Hollycombe is operated by volunteers who share the same goal: to keep the age of steam alive. The steam collection holds much history and the atmosphere at Hollycombe is one of quaint nostalgia!

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Click on Thumbnails to view full-sized Photos.

The Steam Yacht
(built in 1911)

Traction Engine

The Big Wheel

The Razzle Dazzle
(built around 1908)

View from the
Razzle Dazzle

People riding on
The Steam Yacht

The Small Swings

The Razzle Dazzle
(built around 1908)

The Big Wheel

The steam engine &
mechanism that drives
The Big Wheel

View from Big Wheel
(half way up)

The Steam Yacht
(built in 1911)

A view from
The Big Wheel

A view from
The Big Wheel

A view from
The Big Wheel

View on
Big Wheel's descent

A view from
The Big Wheel

A view from
The Big Wheel

A view of Steam Swings
taken from
The Big Wheel

A view of Steam Swings
taken from
The Big Wheel

The Engine that powers
The Steam Swings

The Lighthouse
Helter Skelter

The Chair-o-planes

The Steam Swings

Mini Cars

The Chair-o-planes

Mini Cars

The Steam Organ

Traction Engine

Under the Razzle Dazzle
(The Steam engine
that powers it)

Juggler in front of
Steam Organ

The Razzle Dazzle
(built around 1908)

The Farm

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