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About Me

Full Name: Holly Marie Wright
Nicknames: Bolla, Bolla-chee, Telf, Tree, Killer (hehe), Holbol (I don't ask for these names...I am "gifted" with them by friends ^_^;)
Born: January 8th 1986
Location: New York State, near Saratoga
School: 12th grade in BOCES Alternative High
Living arrangements: Oi...
Relationship Status: All alone!  Bah!
Physical Description: I change my hair color from time to's naturally dark blonde.  Right now it's a a mix...I have blonde hair in the front and a burgundy color in the back!  I have green/blue/yellow eyes...  Normal body build I guess.  Hmm...that's it I guess?  Wanna picture?
AIM Screen Name: cothes k, or llex aquifolium, cothes MEW
Yahoo Messanger Name: cothes_k or tigre_of_rose
Things I like: tolerance, nature, mazes, music boxes, things that have a meaning to them, walks, voices, unique things/people
Things I don't like: meaningless words, annoyingly loud people, constant complaining over trivial matters, one particular BITCH I wont mention, tastes you seem to never forget

Extra Stuff
Not too much to say about me...  If you want to know me better check out my poem thingys...  I'm not much of a socializer, so don't be too suprised if I'm quiet if you ever meet me.  I like games...not a huge gamer or anything, but they give me something to do when I'm bored.  I LOVE Street Fighter, CAPCOM is god...  Right now I'm playing Onimusha 2.  Good game.  I'm also a huge anime fan.  If you've seen it, I PROBABLY have too.  As far as I'm concerned, Yoko Kanno is the best composer ever to live.  I love all sorts of music though.  Well I guess that covers it.

People have been asking me why I picked Leona from SNK's King of Fighters as my icon... Mainly, I just feel like her and I somewhat alike.  Both of us have a huge amount of "evil" in us that we don't seem to always have control of.  Both of us have tempers.  Both of us have been screwed over.  I like Leona...  Plus she's cool cuase she's not some priss like Mai.  (don't get me wrong, I like Mai...but she's not not my type of character.)

----SHE NO I DOT!!!!----

Here's my AIM subprofile if you want more info...