Animated GIFs
This section of my page is a collection of some animated gifs I have found relating to one of the shows on my page.
If you have any other animated gifs that you have found or have made send them in to me so I can expand this collection. Please include where you got it from and/or who made it so that credit can be given to the appropriate person.

Star Trek animated gifs
The Voyager closing in on you. (27k)
The Wormhole from DS9 opening and closing. (20k)
The Enterprise D flying across the screen. (20k)
DS9 rotating around. (116k)
Starfleet comm badge rotating. (19k)
Defiant - rotating profile shots. (51k)
Enterprise A firing its phasars. (6k)
Enterprise D flying onto the screen, then warping out (like in the intro). (25k)
Enterprise D rotating profile shots. (63k)
Enterprise D moving across the screen. (64k)
Enterprise D just warping out. (13k)
Scrolling numbers like the ones on ST panels. (63k)
Enterprise A firing a photon, then phasars to blow up a Klingon brid of prey. (52k)
Star quadrants being zoomed into. (7k)
Shining UFP logo . (38k)

X-files animated gifs
The X-files logo rotating. (25k)

My own animate GIFs
A Babylon 5 vortex. (83k)
The Enterprise-D from "All Good Things" blowing up a Klingon ship. (70k)

© 1999 Luki Danukarjanto