Disclaimer: The characters from The Sentinel are the property of UPN, Paramount Television, Bilson and DeMeo and who ever else lays claim to them officially. The situations and ideas in the stories belong to the writers. Any publishing rights must be cleared through the inviduals who wrote them. Thank you and enjoy!

by Lisa J. Gosselin

Lisa's missing Cypher scene!
Check out the end of the story for one of Lisa's famous graphics!

Aftermath - Missing Scenes from Cypher
by Katherine A. Ring

This is what they left out from that episode!

Before I Sleep
by Ashtareth
A Post Sentinel Too story; Blair has a dream while dying.

The Black Bear
by Anonymeek
A script for The Sentinel
Jim and Blair look into an industrial accident at a lumber mill that turns out to be murder.
Because this file is in text form, I can't do an email link at the end.
Please send all comments regarding "The Black Bear" by Anonymeek to Shelagh. I'll forward them to the author.(See? I fixed it!)

by Anonymeek
A "Crossroads" missing scenes story

Intro to Destruction
by Laura F. Schomberg
This story is of an adult nature, and concerns rape. The author recommends a PG-13 rating.
Blair is the victim of a gang rape.

Friendship - Missing Moments from Flight
by Shelagh Collins

What went through Blair's mind on that rescue mission in Peru that brought about his decision to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime in Borneo and stay with Jim?

First Instincts
by Shelagh Collins
How well does Jim really know his roommate?

Also included with this story is an original piece of artwork created by Lisa Gosselin (Megared).

A Nod to the Mirror
by Anonymeek
Missing scenes from "Mirror Image"
Moments between what we saw on the screen

by Anonymeek
A follow-up to "Survival"
Blair is still recovering from a bullet wound in his leg when Jim asks him to help on a case - and someone from his past is involved....

Random Thoughts - Jim
by Elizabeth Bach

What goes through Jim's mind when he watches his frenetic young friend?

Random Thoughts - Blair
by Elizabeth Bach

And what goes through Blair's mind during those darker moments of personal contemplation?

Intro to Reconstruction
by Laura F. Schomberg
This story is of an adult nature, and concerns rape. The author recommends a PG-13 rating.
The sequel to Destruction - Blair's healing and the aftermath of his assault.

Snow Angels - teaser for Holiday Sensations
by Anonymeek
A special request by the author
This is a teaser for Anonymeek's story - found in the zine "Holiday Sensations." For ordering information, see the Zines Page or the email link at the beginning of the teaser.!

Who Am I Now
by Anonymeek
A Cypher missing scene
A chilling version of the scenes between the scenes in the Sentinel's most popular episode..

This page was last updated November 1st, 1998

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