Gumby Ate My Balls!

Inspired by ye old Mr. T Ate My Balls Page

Note: This wasn't the first Gumby Ate My Balls page, but the other one wasn't on the Ate My Balls Mega-Page, so I decided, hell, why not make one, get it put there, and say, "Hah! I'm on the mega-page! Bizznatch!"

And now, on with the show!

Who knew getting balls was so easy?

But wait! Those sneaky Blockheads have a plan to foil Gumby and company... mwahahahahaaa...

Mulder and Scully, eat your hearts out.

After the balls have been purchased, rivalries break out...

Gumby's armed and ready to defend his share of the balls.

Gumby, the victor! He holds the largest ball of all!

Deep in their laboratory stronghold, the gang enjoys their treasured balls. But wait...! The Blockheads have found their way in!!

Will the Blockheads snatch the gang's balls? Will Gumby find true happiness with his testicular morsels? These questions and many more will be answered in the next installment of Gumby Ate My Balls!

hate mail, suggestions, praises, etc.

The Ate My Balls Ring

This Ate My Balls Ring Site
is owned and operated by Caine.

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Hey! Fan mail!

Subject: gumby ate my balls

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 15:18:34 -0400 (EDT)

From: (private)


I love it! I love it! Put up more pics!

MORE praise!


Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 09:08:25 -0500

From: private

Reply-To: private


This is the best ate my balls page I've ever seen!!!!!

Thanks for enriching my throughly constructive day of skipping school.

Legal sheist: Gumby is a trademark of his creator, and whoever owns the copyright, or both. All images were originally owned by Gumby On the Web. Thank you for coming, please drop by soon. Get the hell out of my store, infidel dogs.