DC's Brightest New Star

Heralded as "DC's brightest new star," the Will Payton Starman made his shinning debut in 1988. Sharing no ties with the predecessors of the name Starman, Roger Stern, Tom Lyle, and Bob Smith created a fresh new character who was as unfamiliar with his new powers as we were. We followed this Starman through 48 issue, watched him grow, and then saw him give his life in battle.

Will Payton awoke in a morgue in Colorado after being believed dead by a couple of campers. After accidentally jumping through a window that happened to be over a cliff, Will discovered he could fly. After realizing that he wasn't drugged but had actually been in a comatose state for a month, he made his way home to Arizona sharing his secret with his sister Jayne. Being a fan of superheroes, Jayne suggested he become one himself and even went as far as to make a yellow and purple costume with a large star on the front, an idea that Will turned down almost immediately.

When a TV broadcast showing a man pinned under a crane, it caught Will's attention and he showed his true colors. Donning the suit his sister had made for him and using his shape changing ability to disguise himself, he arrived on the scene in time to save the man by lifting the 10 ton crane long enough for paramedics to free him. The crane eventually became too much for Will, and he was caught underneath when it fell. Many around believed him dead until Will melted his way from under the rubble. A young boy inadvertently named him by calling out "Way to go, Starman."

It wouldn't take Starman long to meet up with some fellow superheroes and play host to many guest stars. Batman appeared in two issues during Will's confrontation with Blockbuster, and Superman flew by for a one issue guest appearance that was originally planned to be a crossover with Action Comics and then turned up in the Man of Steel's comic later on. The Invasion gave Will a first hand view of superheroes in action. Teaming up with Firestorm, Firehawk and Power Girl, Will went up against the alien alliance. After the liberation of Australia Will met the Atom and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) while repairing the Sydney Opera House.

Starman became an instant celebrity with his debut being broadcast live on TV. He went on to distinguish himself against enemies such as Bolt, Blockbuster, Dr. Polaris, and Deadline a deadly assassin who became a constant foe for Starman. But his worst enemy was the man who created him -- Dr. Harold Melrose. His plan to create a group of heroes patriotic to his cause was halted when the satellite which was directing the energy beam to power his team was struck off course. Using alternate treatments Melrose created the Power Elite and worked on retrieving the power meant for his team from Starman. But Will's worst enemy was himself; unsure of his powers and how he used them he would often blame himself for the actions of others. During this time he also discovered that the energy beam that hit him not only gave him his powers but changed his body into a fusion reactor. In effect he was a living star.

Will discovered soon after that his father who had left when he was only a child was in hospital dying after saving a small boy from being killed. While visiting his Dad, Will lost his temper and revealed his secret to his father just before he died. His confusion over his powers and body coupled with his own feelings of guilt over the death of an abusive husband led him to leave the name Starman behind him and set off to discover himself. He arrived in Hollywood several months after setting out and became a stunt man for a new INVASION film that was being made. It was here that Will finally realized where he belonged and decided to return home. Eventually Will came to terms with the role of Starman, and as soon as he returned he was caught in another confrontation with Deadline - which resulted in Will's original costume being destroyed.

Now sporting a black, red, and white costume created at STAR labs, Starman crossed paths with David Knight, the son of the first Starman Ted Knight. Under the influence of the mist David challenged Will to a contest to see who could hold the name Starman. After a brief battle between the Starmen, the Mist stole David's cosmic belt and became Nimbus. Combining against him, the Starmen defeated Nimbus, but both the cosmic rod and belt were destroyed leaving David powerless. David's equipment must have been replaced by his father some time after this story, and resumed his career as Starman. At one stage Will was invited to join the Justice League, but unfortunately he turned them down (What do you expect when you send Guy Gardner recruiting?). Dr. Melrose returned soon after and was killed by a terrorist group who he had betrayed, in turn removing a major thorn from Starman's side. Starman's comic soon began to play host to a few guest stars including a second appearance from Batman, and Lobo and Power Girl popped in during Will's final issues when he battled Eclipso for the first time.

Starman's comic faced flagging sales even after a new costume and creative team was brought in. Starman's comic was cancelled after a four part encounter with Eclipso, leading up to DC's big annual summer crossover Eclipso The Darkness Within. Starman played a major role in this series when he was possessed by Eclipso and forced to turn against his own comrades. Starman faced his darkest hour while being possessed by Eclipso and forced to do his bidding. Taking advantage of his shapshifting abilities Eclipso was able to disguise the fact that Starman had been possessed and began to use Will as one of his pawns to maneuver the heroes into a final confrontation in Eclipso's castle on the dark side of the moon. Will eventually broke free of Eclipso's control and in a final heroic act destroyed Eclipso's castle and was killed in the process.

Or was he?

Starman's character had two great things to offer. The youthful enthusiasm of the character and his inexperience with his powers early in the run of the series. Wrestling with everyday problems as well as those of a superhero always made the comic feel like it should have been named Will Payton instead of Starman. This comic gave us a great supporting cast in Will's family and friends as well as being a hub of activity for guest stars.

Will Payton has been shown in the current series of Starman alive, but certainly not well. Held captive on an alien planet and powerless he is studied and probed all the time in agony. It appears that his last memory before waking up in the lab was the attack on Eclipso and he's been held for about 5 years. Rumor has it that Will may return around issue #50 of the current series during the new Starman's first space adventure. This will be a welcome return for the most requested guest star in the new series.

Starman was an immensely powerful being able to lift over ten tons and fly at great speeds. His body was almost invulnerable, and he could survive in the vacuum of space. Will also developed the power to control the shape of his features and voice to become virtually anyone he pleased. Once while Superman was powerless Will stepped in for a short time by changing his features and voice to match Superman's. He also impersonated Jay Leno while in Vegas while confronting Deadline. Will was also able to generate intense heat and light from his body and focus it through his hands into an energy beam. But Will's greatest strength was his values. Being compared to the Lone Ranger more then once Will used his powers to help those who needed it, often placing his own personal life on the backburner to become Starman.

With the younger generation of hero's such as Green Lantern, Flash, Impulse, and the new Starman being passed the torch, Will's power and youth could see him take on a role similar to that of Superman's to his own generation. As time goes on it would be good to see Starman become a bright star in the DC Universe again.

Article by Steven Conroy
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