Important Historical Events

-13 DD (521 AI) Lord Davon, a noble of the Hillian Empire, establishes his colony of Davon's Berm on the southernmost tip of his newly discovered land.

1 DD
Lord Davon dies.

4 DD
Imperial colony of Caledon established (on the site of present day Caledonia)

c 20 DD
The first pirate camp is known to have been established by this date on the Island of Buvia (somewhere near present day Skulldive)

27 DD
Imperial colony of Hajik established on west coast of 'The New Land' (first record of the use of this term). It was located somewhere near present day Dalia.

30 DD
The Emperor Dalvi II issues warrants commissioning exploration of 'The New Land' claiming all of it as his own.

37 DD
Nuvis Bay discovered and settlement of Nuvis is established. First recorded encounter with the indigenous people of 'The New Land' somewhere near this site.

42 DD
The Great Eastern Bay is discovered by Julius Grendle, Captain of the Second Squadron of the Third Imperial Fleet.

46 DD
Julius Grendle establishes the colony of Badia at the site of present day Grendle Point.

48 DD
Colony of Eagle Rock established.

51 DD
Port Green established as headquarters for the Sixth Imperial Fleet under the command of Admiral Julius Grendle.

52 DD
Admiral Grendle begins systematic subjugation of the indigenous people of the Badian Spit (the lands now held by the Barons of Yungia, and Grendle Point).

54 DD
The native Badians are defeated at the Battle of Holy Maddle.

57 DD
Colony of Northing established on the northern shore of the Great Eastern Bay.

58 DD
Discovery of God's Landing.

59 DD
Buvian Pirates establish settlements at Howton and Samelada. Beginning of the Buvian War.

67 DD
Buvian War ends. Imperial Colony of Tribute established on northern coast of Buvia.

69 DD
Death of Emperor Dalvi II.

70 DD
Colonies of Brae and Helgravia established.

72 DD
Trading settlement established at Helvetica.

73 DD
The Imperial Decline begins when the Imperial Lands of Karth (far off to the south) secede from the Empire.

75 DD
The New Land, comprising the three islands of present day Helgraad, Caledon, and Buvia are proclaimed as the Imperial Nation of Davonia. Davon's Berm is the capital.

77 DD
Imperial Nation of Saquistia (to the west) secedes from the Empire. The Second Saquistian War is fought and lost by the Empire.

79 DD
Buvia secedes from Davonia. A huge sea battle is fought just north of Caledon Island. The Sixth and Seventh Imperial Fleets are destroyed. The survivors establish a settlement at Ursis.

82 DD
Caledon and Ursis secede from Davonia.

84 DD
Barbarian attacks begin on the Hillian Empire.

86 DD
All of mainland Davonia east of the Central Mountains secedes from the Empire. War rages between Loyalist and Secessionist forces across the Island.

92 DD (626 AI)
Hillia is sacked and the Hillian Empire is extinguished.

94 DD
The Davonian War ends with a treaty line being drawn approximately from Nuvis Bay to Eagle Rock. To the south and west of this line is Davonia, ruled from Davon's Berm, by Lord Justica Davon. To the north and east is Terra Brae ruled from the city of Brae, by King Caisus I.

94 - c 130 DD
Over this period, the Kingdom of Terra Brae fragments and falls into chaos. King Caisus I dies c 97 DD, and without his strong rulership a Dark Age ensued.

98 DD
The indigenous peoples of the islands (now called 'Orcs' erupt in rebellion against their oppressors all across the islands, but primarily in the south west, apparently originating from Cranton Wood.

101 DD
Orcs sack the town of Helvetica. Orcish advance south is finally halted at the Battle of Helvet Field (now the site of Orc's Revenge.)

c 123 DD
All lands in the regions now held by the Barons of Nusturm, Nuvis and the Count of Helvet with addition of Cranton Woods, Cranton, Eagle Rock, and the exception of a small area around Nuvis come under the control of between 5 and 30 Orcish tribes.

132 DD
Lord Frasier Yang builds Yangthorn Keep in an attempt to protect his lands. Yangthorn Keep was the only stone castle in all of the islands until very recently, and was expanded over several centuries. It has never fallen to attack.

150 DD
Date normally given as the start of the islands Dark Age. Very little is known of the history of this time which lasted until approximately 800 DD.

c 150 DD
At this time only that part of Davon's Peninsula south of Orc's Revenge, the region for approximately 20 miles around Yang, and the towns of Grendle Point and Nuvis had maintained any degree of the civilisation of one hundred years earlier. The rest of the islands were ruled by a succession of lords each ruling little more than a village. These lords spent their time raiding each other, and trying to control their small fiefs. The most powerful group in the islands was the Orcish 'nation' based at Cranton. It maintained tenuous control of an approximately triangular area with Nuvis, Cranton Wood, and Helvetica at its apexes.

c 250 DD
King Hess I rules the Kingdom of Davonia, which comprises the modern day Baronies of Berm, Caledon, and Ursis. Lord Petri Yang rules the country of Yang which incorporates Nuvis, Trica, Yang, Ferda, the Braeburg Forest, and Yangthorn Castle. These are the only two significant political entities in the entire islands.

c 260 DD
Dwarves and Elves appear in Buvia, apparently arriving from the east. They each establish their own city on the island.

c 290 DD
First known record of Freeport and the Freeport Marauders.

c 315 DD
The Kingdom of Davonia has retreated back to the mainland, losing Caledon and Ursis. However with the diminishing of the power of the Orcish nation, Davonia manages to annex Helvetica.

337 - 372 DD
The Kingdom of Great Yang rules all of the island north of Nuvis, Trica, Yangthorn, the Helg Mountains and the Badian Spit (the present day Baronies of Yungia, and Grendle Point). The Kingdom did not long survive the death of its founder, King Yadle I (309 DD - 365 DD), and by 372 had shrunk back to Yang, Yangthorn, Trica and Nuvis.

c 500 DD
Davonia has extended its rule to include Nusturm, Vanburm and Eagle Rock. However its rule does only apply in these cities. The land between the cities is becoming increasingly lawless. The area controlled by the Orcs has become increasingly constricted and now comprises little more than Cranton and the Cranton Wood.

542 DD
Cranton falls to Davonian forces. The Orcs retreat to Cranton Woods. This date is considered to mark the end of the Orcish nations.

c 550 DD
The Fief of Braeburg, ruled by Lord Navime, has, over the last ten years, moved from being just another squabbling city state to a genuine power. While it is not yet a threat to the Kingdom of Yang, it no longer needs to fear summary annexation. For the first time the borders of Yang and Davonia are close enough that tensions are developing. The island can now be considered to be divided roughly in two. West of a line which includes the Southern Peninsula, Cranton Wood, Braeburg Forest, Brae, and the lands west of the Helg Mountains (but not the mountains themselves) is broadly civilised and under the control of two nations, Davonia and Yang, with Brae the only exception. East of that line are the uncivilised lands, which may be ruled by up to 150 petty lords, some ruling as little as one village of 20 people, with the most powerful ruling a town of several hundred.

This dividing line also serves to identify the area that were most often raided by the Freeport Marauder's. The Marauders primary targets were on the eastern side of this line, and also on the island of Caledon.

c 620 DD
The Davonian Navy mounts an attack on Freeport. While it was repulsed the Freeport Marauders walled the town and also built the Keep and tower at the entrance to their bay, which are called the Hellsgates.

c 640 - 675 DD
The Davonian / Yang War. While this war lasted thirty years, it did little to change the status quo until 673 DD when Yang made a breakthrough and pushed the Davonian forces back to the line between Nuvis and Eagle Rock. This border, originally established in 94 DD, once again marked the northernmost limits of the Kingdom of Davonia.

690 DD
Yang having overextended itself during the Davonian / Yang War loses control of all of its lands west of Yangthorn Castle. This area comprising Nuvis and Trica, and their respective territories declares its independence under Lady Katryn of Nuvis.

c 700 DD
Nuvis annexes the city of Nusturm and thus comes to dominate the westernmost section of the islands. In essence the new Nation of Nuvis rules all the island west of Yangthorn Castle. Lady Katryn is declared Queen of Nuvis and Nusturm.

747 - 770 DD
The Fief of Braeburg erupts in war against the Kingdom of Yang. By 770 DD the city of Yang itself has fallen to Braeburg forces. Lord Cecil Yang retreats to Yangthorn Castle. He maintains his rule over a five mile area around it, but the Land of Yang has functionally ceased to exist after more than 500 years of history.

777 DD
Lord Marcus of Brae, has successfully annexed the entire Badian Spit. He places his two sons in the positions of Lords of Yungia, and Grendle Point, and proclaims himself Duke of Braeburg, and their Overlord. This marks the foundation of the Great Rule - Feudalism.

793 DD
Faced with internal strife, and recognising the difficulty of maintaining his rule at a distance King Henry II of Nuvis and Nusturm, grants limited autonomy to Nusturm, creating Michael Standish, Lord of Nusturm, and having him swear fealty to him.

795 DD
Davon's Berm is attacked and looted by Freeport Marauders. The capital of Davonia is moved to Helvetica, while Davon's Berm is rebuilt.

812 - 852 DD
Lord Gar of Helgravia, the largest of the small eastern city states, begins his program of expansion. Over the next 40 years before his death in 852 DD he extended his lands to include the ruins of Port Green which he rebuilt, Howton, Samelada, Cranton, Helgford, Cranton Wood (finally subjugating the Orcs in 837 DD), Eagle Rock, and the Helg Mountains. He was killed at the Battle of Yang, in 852 DD, leaving his son in control of all the previously uncivilised lands. For the first time since imperial days, all of the island was under the control of large nation states rather than small squabbling lords.

846 DD
Faced with the need to protect its borders from Helgravia, King Jared of Davonia, withdraws all troops from the southern part of his Kingdom, leaving it open to Marauder attacks. In protest, the southern half of the Kingdom secedes from Davonia, calling itself the Fief of Berm. King Jared renames his kingdom Helvet, after his capital.

853 DD
The threat from Helgravia having diminished, King Jared reconquers Berm, making its Lady Sara Davon, his vassal.

Thus by 853 DD, the political divisions of the island would have been familiar to the modern scholar. It consisted of the following:

The County of Helgravia (today known as the Crown Lands): under the rulership of Count Garia.
The Duchy of Braeburg (still extant today): under the rule of Duke Nathan 'The Scar' of Brae.
The Lordling Land of Yungia (now the Barony of Yungia): under the rule of Lord Bertrand of Yungia, vassal to Duke Nathan of Braeburg.
The Lordling Land of Grendle (now the Barony of Grendle Point): under the rule of Lady Manya of Grendle, vassal to Duke Nathan of Braeburg.
The Kingdom of Nuvis (now the Barony of Nuvis): under the rule of King Henry IV.
The Fief of Nusturm (now the Barony of Nusturm): under the rule of Lord Peter Nusturm, vassal to King Henry IV of Nuvis.
The Kingdom of Helvet (now the County of Helvet): under the rule of King Jared of Helvet.
The Barony of Berm (still extant today): under the rule of Baroness Sara Davon, vassal to King Jared of Helvet.

The only exception to this is Yangthorn Castle which maintained its independence of other rulers for another 70 years.

870 DD
Faced with increased Marauder attacks, Helgravia begins to construct its navy, which it bases out of Port Green. With the support of both the Duke of Braeburg, and the Lord of Grendle, Count Garia of Helgravia, constructs 'The Sentinels' two Fortress towers designed to protect the Great Eastern Bay.

877 DD
Construction begins of Helgravia Castle.

880 DD
Construction begins of Braeburg Castle.

c 900 DD
All of the Island of Caledon is under the rulership of Thane Vermik of Caledonia. This is the first time such an event has happened has occurred on the small island since the collapse of Imperial Rule. Helvet is worried by this development, and Helvetica is walled. In fear of its own vulnerability, Helvet signs a treaty of mutual aid with Helgravia, thus placing itself, and its vassal state of Berm in Helgravia's sphere of influence.

915 - 920 DD
Helvet and Caledonia are at war. Helgravia honours its treaty obligations and aids Helvet. The war is won, and at its completion, the Eastern half of Caledon Island is under Helgravian control. Count Garia II creates this area the Barony of Ursis, and builds Stokes Keep to protect its border. The King of Helvet is reduced to a Count, and he and the Baron of Berm quietly swear fealty to the Count of Helgravia.

923 DD
Lord Simon Yang, the last Lord Yang, facing crippling debts, and surrounded on all sides by larger neighbours, gives his daughter to Garia II to marry. When Lord Simon dies suddenly at the end of 923, Yangthorn Castle passes into the hands of Count Garia II.

925 DD
Braeburg Castle is completed.

927 DD
Helgravia Castle is completed.

929 DD
Count Gareth I of Helgravia, ascends to rulership. His first act is to demand that the Lords of Grendle and Yungia swear fealty to him, over the Duke of Braeburg, on the grounds that they lie closer to Helgravia, than Brae. Duke Midliam of Braeburg invades Helgravia and sacks Yang, putting every fifth man to the sword - including Count Gareth's eldest son and heir Danus, who is paraded naked through the streets before being ripped apart by wild horses.

929 - 967 DD
The Braeburg / Helgravian War. This war was incredibly vicious and bloody and culminated in 967 DD with the sacking of Brae by Count Gareth's forces. When Gareth captured the Ducal family of Braeburg, his revenge for his sons death nearly forty years earlier, was vicious and complete. Duke Nathan II was tortured to the point of near death, and then forced to watch while his wife, and daughters were violated and killed. His only surviving son (all the others had died in the cities defence), Lord Petria, was brought before him and made to renounce his father and swear fealty to Count Gareth. After doing so he was castrated publicly, along with his father, who was then killed and thrown into the sea. Count Gareth gave orders that all future Dukes of Braeburg were to castrated on their ascension to the Duchy, and then died. His son Garel, carried out his wishes through the thirty years of his reign, but his grandson Gareth II, the present King has discontinued the practice.

967 DD
The Lords of Yungia, and Grendle swear fealty to Count Garel of Helgravia, and are made Barons.

972 DD
Both Nuvis and Nusturm capitulate without fighting to the order that they swear fealty to Count Garel, now known as 'Blood Jowl'. The King of Nuvis, and the Lord of Nusturm become Barons. All the mainland is now under the rule of Count Garel.

974 DD
Episcopal Dalik, High Priest of the God Kriokos, the most worshipped God on the Islands proclaims Count Garel to be King of Helgraad, apparently on the orders of his God. Garel is crowned King at God's Landing.

977 DD
Victor, Baron of Ursis, annexes Caledon of behalf of Helgraad and installs his younger brother Edward as its Baron. Edward swears fealty to King Garel.

997 DD
King Garel is succeeded by his son Gareth II, King of Helgraad, whose is crowned at God's Landing.

992 DD
The Baron of Yungia transfers his fealty to the Duke of Braeburg from the King.

1007 DD
The present day. Since his ascension, Gareth II has been making plans to send ships of exploration off to rediscover the ancient lands of the Empire. Learning, including magical research is being encouraged, most notably at Nuvis, where a great University is to be established. Powerful elements within the Kingdom also wish to annex Buvia. It is not known whether Gareth is among them. Gareth has also instituted a set of laws - The Great Rule, which is the first attempt to give his kingdom a written law.

DD = Death of Davon
AI = Anno Imperio

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