The Great Rule

In 1005 DD, King Gareth II, drafted the following laws, the first time since the days of the Empire that any attempt has been made to write the law down. It is very incomplete, and is often ignored, but the Great Rule is meant to outline the laws and duties of Helgraad. The Great Rule is below.

His Majesty, Gareth, Second of that name, by the Grace of Kriokos, Only True and Undoubted King of Helgraad does proclaim the following Great Rule for his Kingdom:

No man, unless he be of noble birth, may carry any weapon larger than a dagger, to be used in his own defence. An exception is permitted on the authority of the local Lord. No bondsman may carry any weapon, but he may carry a knife, is such be necessary for his daily work.

No freeman may be executed for any crime except by the authority of his Lord, or one to whom the Lord has relegated the responsibility and power. No Noble may be executed except by direct authority of the King or His Regent.

No freeman shall suffer execution except for the following crimes: Treason, Murder, Rape, Smuggling, Theft, Abduction of a Noble Child, Rioting, or Piracy.

No Noble shall suffer execution except for the following crimes: Treason, Murder, Rape, or Piracy.

The crime of Treason includes the following: Murder or attempted murder of the King or a member of the Royal Family, Counterfeiting of the Coin of the Kingdom, Refusal to obey a lawful order of the King or of a Lord to whom one has sworn fealty. Disobedience of an order by a member of the Royal Army or the Royal Navy. Carnal knowledge of the Queen or a Royal Princess, outside the Boundaries of Marriage.

Blasphemy against the Gods is no crime.

No Bondsman may be sold, except with his land.

No Freeman may be made Bondsman except for payment of debt, or as just punishment for crime.

None of Orcish blood may be noble.

No Bondsman may travel without the permission of His Lord or his Lords appointed steward.

All vassal Lords must obey all legal commands of the Overlord, except where such order is Treason against the King.

All Overlords must protect their vassal Lords, excepting when the vassal is under the stain of treason.

All Gentry and Nobility must swear their fealty to the King, and any Overlord upon reaching their twentieth Birthday.

No Noble or Gentry may marry without the permission of their Overlord.

No child under twenty may marry without the permission of their parents.

No bondsman may marry without the permission of his Lord, or his Lords appointed steward.

Free travel, lodging and hospitality must be given to any Royal Knight, or Kings Messenger.

This Great Rule is to be read to all people of any settlement with more than five people on the first day of each month.



GARETH SECUNDUS REX, Count of Helgravia, Baron of Yang, Port Green, and of Cranton, Lord of Helgford, Friko, Eagle Rock, Samelada, and of Howton, Overlord of Braeburg, Grendle Point, Nuvis, Helvet, Ursis, Caledon, and of Nustrum, High Fleet Admiral of the Royal Navy, General of the Royal Army, by the Grace of The Gods, by Succession, and by Law, One, Only, True, Lawful and Undoubted KING of Helgravia.

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