Sailor Mercury vs Mr. Morden


The Shadows became aware of the presence of the sailor scouts on the planet Earth. The scouts impressive powers gain the respect and interest of the Shadows. Mr. Morden was sent to find out the scouts motives, to decide whether they will be enemies or allies in the Great War.

Morden was first to encounter Sailor Mercury. He approached the shy girl, introduced himself, and asked, "What do you want?" Ami introduced herself to Mr. Morden and wondered why he wished to know. She asked him, "Why do you ask me such a strange question?". Morden then explain to her that he and his associates know all about the sailor scouts and that she is Sailor Mercury. They are impressed with their skills and wish to know more about them, he explained. Once again he asked her, "What do you want?" Ami was shocked to hear that he knew her secret identity, she pressed the issue and demanded Morden reveal his true intentions. Morden asked Ami to answer his question first,then he would explain himself. Ami answered "I want for me and my friends to be happy and safe, we keep peace on Earth by defending it from invasions of evil." Morden replied, "Don't you want more power, you can't be happy being ordered around by SailorMoon. Ami told him forcefully,"We are a team, we work together to stop evil." Morden got what he came for, it was obvious that the scouts would not support the Shadows' philosophy of "Survival of the Fittest" to make the galaxy achieve its potential. If Ami wouldn't serve willingly, then just as they did with Anna Sheridan, she would be forced to. Morden made a gesture towards Ami and suddenly two of the Shadows appeared and moved towards her. Ami quickly ran and transformed, shouting, "Mercury Star Power!". As the Shadows closed in, Mercury knew she was in danger. She desparately used her "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" and sprayed a fog of bubbles everywhere so she could escape. She went to the safety of Mar's temple where she told the other scouts about what happened. They knew this was an enemy they could not defeat. Morden and the Shadows left to return to Z'ha'dum, but they still had plans to inlist the help of the scouts to help win the war.

Victor, Mercury (for now)