Amanda Spaulding

Malibu Madam

Amanda returned to Springfield after her illustrious career as the Malibu Madam in California. At first, she was hell bent on wooing her former flame, Ross Marler, but her hopes were dashed when former employee Matt Reardon spilled her secrets to Ross. She then turned her attention to her "father", Alan, in hopes of gaining his love and respect, but was once again rebuffed when her despised Aunt Alexandra informed Alan of her flesh-peddling career. Thoroughly pissed off, Amanda conspired with faux-fiancee Roger Thorpe to gain control of Spaulding Enterprises. Unfortunately, she is also developing feelings for the Dodger and is threatened by his renewed contact with Holly. To complicate matters, Mandy learned that Alex had been keeping her birth certificate from her, a birth certificate which stated that Alan is not really her father, but Brandon is. This makes Alan her brother, Alex her sister but not her aunt, Phillip her nephew but not her brother even though he never really was her brother, and Alan-Michael her...oh, I don't know. After all that blew over Mandy practically disappeared, but she has since resurfaced, vowing to remove Annie Dutton from her life. She will also still have Holly to contend with.

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