Welcome to Kelli's Home of the Mighty Ducks Page!

Thank you for coming to my Mighty Ducks Page. Here's links to see the ducks from D2 and D3:

Charlie Conway

Adam Banks

Luis Mendoza

Dean Portman

Dwayne Robertson

Guy Germaine

Russ Tyler

Fulton Reed

Les Averman

Greg Goldberg

Julie "The Cat" Gaffney

Jesse Hall

Ken Wu

Connie Moreau

Friends of the Ducks

Sorry, but I had to discontinue my survey and quizzes because I am hardly online anymore, so I couldn't check them. But you can still see the results to the Just For Fun Survey here.

I've started writing some non-movie fictional stories. My first one stars Josh Jackson, as Pacey from Dawson's Creek. You can check it out here.

This is a story about a bunch of teenagers on their last night of high school. It's called The Game 'O Love.

"Cake eater!"

Check out my favorite pictures.

I know you wanna see my favorite quotes.

Dean Portman, Chicago IL; Guy Germaine, St. Paul, MN; Jesse Hall, Minneapolis, MN; Julie Gaffney, Bangor MA; Louis Mendoza, Maimi, FL; Greg Goldberg, Philadelphia, PA; Les Averman, Brooklyn Park, MN; Fulton Reed, Still Water, MN; Russ Tyler, South Central, LA; Charlie Conway, Minneapolis, MN; Ken Wu, San Fransisco, CA; Connie Moreau, Minneapolis, MN; Adam Banks, Edina, MN; Dwayne Robertson, Austin, TX, and I'm Kelli, Omaha, NE.

And you, who are you?

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"Go away!" --Charlie, D3--

Just Kidding, but if you must, visit these very cool links

The best Mighty Ducks Page on the web, Bash Central

Another great MD page here

Check out Sheeena's Home Page

Also visit Katt1's MD Page

Did you like the movie Titanic? Well if you did there is a fantastic page devoted to the love story between Jack & Rose. To check it out, click the pic.

Like the movie Check out my page! (Click da pic.)

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Banks | Charlie | Luis | Portman | Dwayne | Guy | Russ | Fulton | Averman | Goldberg | Julie | Jesse | Ken | Connie | Friends | Survey | Home |