Welcome to my titanic page. This page contains pictures and facts about the movie of the century! Titanic! Titanic won 11 academy awards including best picture and most people have seen it six or seven times. And no wonder, guess who's in it? LEONARDO DICAPRIO! Well look around and have some fun! (Click on the pictures to make them bigger)

Titanic Pics

Leo Leo and Friend Cheering Titanic Loading
Jack and Rose Rose boarding the Titanic The Cover Picture

Titanic Facts

Here are some facts you may not know about the movie Titanic and the actual Titanic which set sail on it's maiden (and last) voyage on April 11, 1912 and sunk on April 15, 1912 at 2:20 AM!
  1. To accomodate the complex filming involved in shooting Titanic, a state-of-the-art movie studio was constructed in Rosarito, Mexico. It was built in only 100 days and included four sound stages which totalled 70,000 square feet, as well as an 8 1/2 acre, 17-million-gallon exterior tank to hold the 90% scale ship.
  2. Only half the titanic was built and the two halves were melded together using a film editor.
  3. After the sinking of the real Titanic in 1912, only one lifeboat, of the twenty launched, went in search of survivors (as in the movie). The boat was comanded by Fifth Officer Harold Lowe. He was able to find only three living survivors among the hundreds of frozen bodies left in the water. Most of Titanic's deaths were caused by the frigid waters as apposed to drowning.
  4. Some of the famous people aboard the real Titanic were American millionaires John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Strauss (who founded Macy's department store. American Financier John Pierpont Morgan who's company owned White Star Line, luckaly had to cancel his booking due to business delays.
  5. To re-create the ship, the Titanic production company built a 90% scale version of the 882 1/2 foot long, 92 1/2 foot wide ship. In doing this, they used 4.2 million pounds of steel, 1.1 million feet of lumber, 16,000 steel bolts, and 18,000 pounds of plastic.
  6. To completely re-create the atmosphere of the time, the actors and extras were taught how to sit, walk, eat, and speak in perfect Edwardian style. A video of this etiquette was played over and over in the wardrobe building.
  7. The price of a first class ticket for a trip on the Titanic was $3,100 which is $124,000 today. The price of a third class ticket was $32 then, which is $1,300 today! ($1,300 and you still have to content with the rats!)
  8. On the day the real Titanic sank, they had already received 6 warnings that there might be icebergs from other ships. The last warning was received at 9:40 pm, less than two hours before the Titanic hit an iceberg and started the greatest maritime disaster in history.
  9. There were 2,223 people on the real Titanic and 706 survived. 60% of the 329 first-class passengers were saved, but only 25% of the 710 third-class passengers survived. But worst of all, 685 of thw 899 crew members died in the wreck.
  10. There are only 6 known living survivors of the Titanic disaster as of March 7, 1998 when Eleanor Shuman, 87, died. They are: Barbara West, 90, and Milvina Dean, 86, in England. Louise LaRoche, 87, and Micheal Navratil, 90, in France. Lillian Asplund, 92, and Winnifred Vatongerloo, 94, in the United States.
  11. The first-class passengers enjoyed very luxurious accomodations which included reading and smoking salons, library, swimming pool, Turkish bath, gymnasium, and squash court. There were various eateries including the elegant dining saloon, the more intimate restaurant, Cafe Parisien and the chic Palm Court and Verandah restaurant.
  12. Molly Brown, a passenger on the real Titanic and a character in the movie (She helped Leo dress up for his big dinner with the first class passengers), was returning from a winter in England and a trip to Egypt with the Astors. She heroically and selflessly took command of her lifeboat and persuaded the other woman to help with the rowing. She then earned the nickname the "Unsinkable Molly Brown."
  13. The original design for Titanic called for 32 lifeboats, but White Star management felt that the deck looked to cluttered with that many boats so they reduced the number of boats to 20 making the total lifeboat capacity 1,178 people. This was more than the regulations of the time demanded, even though the Titanic was capable of carrying over 3,500 people including passengers and crew.

A List of the 11 Academy Awards Titanic Won

  1. Best Picture
  2. Best Original Song
  3. Best Original Dramatic Score
  4. Best Costume Design
  5. Best Art Direction
  6. Best Sound
  7. Best Cinematography
  8. Best Sound Effects Editing
  9. Best Visual Effects
  10. Best Film Editing
  11. Best Director

I'll leave you with a quote from the movie:
"1,500 people went into the sea when Titanic sank from under us. Six were saved from the water, myself included. Six out of 1,500. Afterward the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come."

Most of the pictures and information contained on this page is taken from my 1999 Titanic Calendar by Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount Pictures.
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