Dune Plot Summary
Dune is an epic saga set 10,000 years into the future. It is based on the book by Frank Herbert. The world at this time revolves around a substance called Spice Melange which prolongs life, and allows space travel. The Spice is produced on a single planet, Dune, making it a very valuable commodity. Fremen are the native inhabitants of the planet Dune, but they have been driven underground by successive dynasties wanting to control spice production.Dune is an epic saga set 10,000 years into the future. It is based on the book by Frank Herbert. The world at this time revolves around a substance called Spice Melange which prolongs life, and allows space travel. The Spice is produced on a single planet, Dune, making it a very valuable commodity. Fremen are the native inhabitants of the planet Dune, but they have been driven underground by successive dynasties wanting to control spice production.
Monarchic familial houses rule the known universe. Dune concerns the fight between House Atreides and House Harkonnen, and in particular the story of Paul Atreides (Dune Guy). Fremen legend has it that a man with remarkable powers will arise and rescue them from their plight. That man is Paul Atreides. Dune is a movie by David Lynch which means that you will either love it or hate it. He has a very bizarre and idiosyncratic style, one which is ideally suited to the futuristic, quasi-religious setting of Dune. There are plenty of lavish sets and lots of stylish cinematography to enjoy, but you will have to concentrate since if you blink you will miss important aspects of the movie, especially if you haven't read the book. I personally think Dune is a masterpiece of filmmaking with very little wrong with it, though you may disagree. It is a film that you can easily watch again and again and progressively discover more and more about it.
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