
Aviators / Military Gallery


Atomic Bomb Pilots
Charles Sweeney

Bock's Car pilot dropped A-Bomb
on Nagasaki, August 9, 1945
Paul Tibbets

Enola Gay Pilot dropped A-Bomb
on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945

Before "One Small Step"

Neil Armstrong
X-15 Test Pilot

A-Bomb Blast!

August 6, 1945 - Hiroshima, Japan

Four Enola Gay crew members
General Paul Tibbets, Tom Ferebee,
Dutch VanKirk & Richard Nelson

General Chuck Yeager
& General Fred Ascani

XB-70 Pilots

Supersonic Jet XB-70 Pilots
Al White, Don Mallick,
Joe Cotton & Fitz Fulton

Slick Goodlin

Chalmers "Slick" Goodlin
The first man to fly the Bell X-1
The plane that eventually broke

the sound barrier

Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan
Memphis Belle Pilot

X-1 Pilots

Eight X-1 Pilots
Gus Lundquist, John Grifith,
Scott Crossfield, Slick Goodlin,
Pete Everest, Chuck Yeager,
Fred Ascani & Bob Champine

Fastest Man Alive

William "Pete" Knight
X-15 Test Pilot
- Fastest Man Alive
Mach 6.7 (4,520 m.p.h.) - 10/3/67

The Right Stuff!

X-1 Team
Chuck Yeager and 4 Other Key Men
Who Worked To Break The Sound Barrier

Bock's Car

Bock's Car
Nagasaki A-Bomb plane
Pilot Charles Sweeney &
Co-Pilot Fred Olivi