spanked celebrities

site visitors contributions

the information on this page is sent in by site visitors and is unconfirmed by apollo unless stated.

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ali mcgraw - (contributed by jan) - the actress mentions in her biography that she was spanked by her parents.

ann miller - (contributed by bruce) - Film star and dancer Ann Miller, on page 199 of her autobiography Miller's High Life, recalled the conclusion of her divorce case against Arthur Cameron. Once the terms had been agreed upon, she and Cameron were back in the chambers of the judge, Edward R. Brand, an old friend of hers and Cameron's. Her former husband suddenly swept her off her feet and over his knee and spanked her while the judge looked on.

anne lorne gillies - (contributed by bruce) - the scottish singer explains in her biography two occasions when she was told to hold out her hand for the strap at school, once from a male teacher and another from a female teacher.

ann margaret - (contributed by jan) - life magazine snapped a shot of the tv/movie actress` uncle giving her a spanking at a rehearsal or some such that she was at when she was about 18-20. they publicised this picture, so it should be something which can be looked up if an archive copy of the magazine can be found.

anita ekberg - (contributed by nobody) - Some years ago Time Magazine included a brief account of a spanking that was administered to Anita Ekberg. While travelling with her husband and staying at a hotel, Anita went out alone one evening and returned very late. Upon her arrival, her furious husband put her over his knee and began to administer a severe spanking. Miss Ekberg's response was so spirited that it caused a commotion and brought the hotel management to their door, at which point the husband informed one and all that he was simply spanking his wife.

(contributed by henry) - Swedish actress Anita Ekberg was spanked by her husband.

amy fisher - (contributed by mike) - In Amy Fisher's autobiography, she talks about a spanking she received from her mother for hiding out at a friend's house when she was supposed to go home.

I put on my galoshes and walked very fast to Tracy's house. When I get there I tell her: "I never want to go home again!" Tracy's closet is huge. She's even put a pillow in there for me. I'm excited. I'm at peace. I'm happy with my new life. Tracy will hide me in her room, bring me food, and everything will be good. Three hours later, my mother has figured it out. She isn't stupid, she knows I'm somewhere. She's called Tracy's mother and Tracy's mother has come into her bedroom and - well, there I am. Tracy's parent's drive me home. That was the only time - ever - that my mother hit me. As soon as I got home, she looked at me with a face lined by hours of worry on top of two years of daily stress, turned me over her knee, and slapped my butt till it was red. "Why did you do that? You had me worried out of my mind," yelled this woman who never raised her voice at me. All the frustration of the difficult juggling act that was her life at twenty-six came out in that spanking, that plea.

brigitte bardot - (contributed by georg) - I recently read in Brigitte Bardot's biography, initials b.b., that she and her sister recieved 20 strokes with a riding crop from their father for breaking the vase. (confirmed) bardot did receive corporal punishment for the vase breaking incident. in the biography i read it stated that she was given 50 strokes of the cane. i have yet to read her biography titled b.b.

barbara mandrell - (contributed by jan) - the country singer mentions being spanked by her parents in her biography. also (contributed by david) - barbara recieved a spanking for throwing a $20 bill out of a car window.

britt ekland - (contributed by carolina jim) - from her book `true britt` the actress stated: "several times i collected a spanking from my father because of my rebellious nature. once for playing among the logs in the wood cellars from which we were barred because of the dirt and the danger." (confirmed)

in a magazine called the spanking scene it included text from magazine and tv interviews with britt ekland. it stated - in a magazine called aret runt she (ekland) said in 1985, "i know pictures of us in newspapers showed a smiling and happy family but the truth is i was always scared of my father, he held military drills with me and my three brothers. he seemed to pick on me more and if he felt we didn`t perform to his standards i was the one who was punished, the boys were sent away and i was either taken across his knee for a spanking `if i was lucky`, or sent to get the carpet beater. sometimes i think the carpet beater knew my bare bottom better than it knew the carpets." - also on a one hour talk show devoted entirely to britt ekland she spoke about it more. (interviewer) "i believe your father was very strict." (britt ekland) "to say the least." (int) "you`ve said before he beat you frequently." (b.e.) "yes, he spanked me, not just with his hand in fact, he used whatever he could get his hands on to bring me up properly, he used the carpet beater, a shoe, a wooden spoon, a hairbrush, once even a birch rod. i really dreaded the carpet beater, the march to get it from the kitchen cupboard was very long especially when you knew that this thing would soon whip your bare behind." (int) "you had to undress?" (b.e.) "yes, always on the bare, `to smart more` he said." (int) "when was the last time he punished you like that?" (b.e.) "i had just turned eighteen and had been to a party, i was late and he had this system, he had a broomstick against the door and it didn`t matter how hard i tried to sneak in the handle fell and woke him up." (int) "and what happened?" (b.e.) "i didn`t see him that night but at seven the following morning he was in my room with the carpet beater, he took the covers off and i had to pull my pants down and lie across a pillow while he whipped me."

barbara bush - (contributed by jan) - the wife of the former president of the united states mentions in her book that as a child she was spanked with a hairbrush by her mother. also (contributed by michael) - barbara mentions in her biography that she was spanked with a coat-hanger, and that her mother`s spankings were very hard.

beverly cleary - (contributed by jan) - in her memoir (a girl from yamhill) the american author recalls one day when she and her brother were bored and wondering what to draw on a blackboard their mother said: "why don`t you see who can draw the best bird." eventually the two of them argued who had drawn the best bird. her brother had sat down on a chair to argue his point. (memoir text) "mine`s best." winston stolid and insistent was not going to give in. "it is not!" before winston knew what was happening to him i grabbed him by the ankles and yanked him off the chair, he hit his head on the seat and began to howl, i knew instantly i had done a very bad thing, "beverly!" mother was shocked. father sprang from the floor, yanked me through the cold dining room and deserted kitchen into the bathroom where he sat down on the edge of the tub, turned me over his knee and spanked me. now it was my turn to howl: "i`ll be good daddy," i sobbed: "i`ll be good." she went on to add: "i knew i deserved that spanking so i had no reason to complain about it or feel sorry for myself, eventually i came out of the bathroom and was made to tell winston i was sorry."

billie whitelaw - (contributed by jan) - in the british actress` biography she gave an account about her uncle. She was shuttled about quite a bit during World War II (grew up in Coventry), and stayed with her Uncle, Jack Gallagher, for a while. He had two boys. She said that he "believed in the strap." She then told how they (her and her two cousins, apparently boys) slept under the stairs and at night would dare one another to sneak out and steal something from the kitchen. The next day when it was discovered she said that "out came the strap."

carol vorderman - (contributed by duncan) - in the local paper, the Bradford Telegraph & Argus, there is a page called "School Matters" which has a column entitled "11 Plus", where a personality answers eleven questions about their schooldays. It's the same eleven questions every week, and the final one is "Were you ever punished at school?", and the british tv presenter recalls once getting the cane. (enter for newspaper text) also contributed by duncan.

cleo rocos - (contributed by duncan) - Years ago, I remember reading an article in the Daily Mail, about Cleo Rocos, who used to play Miss Whiplash on the Kenny Everett Television Show. She mentioned that she had attended a convent school where she recalled "I was always being caned across the backside for some misdemeanour or other".

crystal bernard - (contributed by verbal kint) - the actress grew up in garland texas, one of four daughters of an evangelical southern baptist minister. taken from a newspaper tv guide she said: "i think of growing up as i did with my dad and mom, the discipline that they gave me, i`m really old fashioned. everybody`s going to hate me but i believe in spankings because i see people like my friends who were raised a little more liberally and they have more problems."

chely wright - (contributed by jay) - Chely Wright (the young country singer) admitted on a TNN talk show that her mother used to spank her "Black and Blue" with a pink hairbrush.

christina crawford - (contributed by michael) - recalling her childhood in her biography, christina mentioned that she was spanked across her mother`s knee with a hairbrush or ruler sometimes hard enough for the implements to break on impact, she also recalls that the spankings often left welts on her behind.

chris evert - (contributed by jan) - i recall reading in a biography long ago that her father sometimes applied a "stinging hand" to her behind.

cindy lauper - (contributed by bruce) - in a radio interview cindy lauper told how her mother used to make her and her siblings bend over and spank them with a belt. she joked that the sound of the belt striking different bottoms was `like a xylophone.`

(contributed by otk 999) - on the wogan show a few years ago cindy said her mother used to line up her and her siblings and beat them `like a xylophone`.

connie francis - (contributed by bruce) - on pages 187-190 of her autobiography `who`s sorry now,` the singer/actress describes recalling for her new secretary an incident that took place on her first visit to england in 1958 (when she would`ve been just short of her 20th birthday). she had been mortally offended by the interviewer on a british tv show, with whom she had been scheduled to be on for half an hour. the man asked her about any areas she didn`t want to discuss and she told him `money,` and no sooner did they go on live he asked her about money, she called him a snake and walked off after four minutes. her manager george scheck and her mother were furious as they returned to their hotel suite. no sooner were they inside scheck took off his shoe, bent francis over his knee and started spanking her hard. her mother stood by and rather than helping her, commented that this was something she and her father should have done `a long time ago.`

carley simon - (contributed by henry) - it was mentioned on the howard stern show that carley was spanked by her mother.

cathy lee crosby - (contibuted by henry) - it was mentioned in her book and also on the howard stern show that cathy was spanked by her father with a hairbrush, switch and strap.

(contributed by jan) - in her autobiography cathy mentions being spanked hard by her father with hand, belt, or switch.

chelsea clinton - (contributed by henry) - it was mentioned on the Donahue show that chelsea`s mother hillary spanked her when she was seven years old.

(contributed by rob) - i read somewhere on the internet that chelsea was spanked by her parents at home up to the age of 17.

cissy houston - (contributed by jan) - the mother of whitney houston and a singer herself in the 50`s recalls in her biography being spanked while growing up, she also mentions administering spankings herself when she became a mother. (enter for biography text) also contributed by jan.

cece winans - (contributed by jan) - Cece Winans is a famous American gospel singer. She has won eight Grammy Awards for her music. In her recently published autobiography, On A Positive Note: Cece Winans, she goes into some detail on how strict her parents were. (She is the eighth of ten children.) In one paragraph she said that the most important things in their household, in order, were: (1) love, (2) discipline, and (3) laughter. She mentions several times that they would "whip" the children, and indicates that it was on the "behind." She said that her mother used a belt, a light cord, and a shoe. She makes the following quote on page 18: "Your heart had to soften even if your behind still stung." noting that because her mother was so loving that she could not stay upset long.

debby boon - (contributed by michael) - in her biography the singer often mentions spankings. she said that her father spanked her bare behind with either his hand, belt or slipper.

(contributed by tracey) - debby was spanked over her father pat`s knee at the age of seventeen, as recalled in pat and shirley boone`s book.

(contributed by mike) - Debbie Boone's autobiography talks at great length about the bare bottom spankings she and her sister's received from their parents while growing up. She even has a chapter about her last spanking, which occured when she was 18 years old.

(contributed by jan) - In her biography debby mentions spanking numerous times, and implies that she and her sisters were spanked often and soundly. In fact, one chapter is titled, "The Last Spanking." It was when she was either 19 or 20 years old. Putting various references together, she notes that she and her sisters were spanked on the bare bottom, and that Pat would use "...slippers, belts, or anything that would sting." She said that afterward she and her sisters would go to her room, drop their drawers, and examine their bottoms in the mirror to see whose was reddest. Apparently, it was not uncommon for them to get them as a whole group. (enter for biography text) also contributed by jan.

della reese - (contributed by jan) - She is a famous American singer, and for several years has been the main star on a big American hit TV show, "Touched by an Angel."  In her biography she mentions that she had a very strict mother who would "whip" her with either a switch or a doubled up ironing cord. In one place, after proving her mettle in a fight at school, she notes that her mother spanked her for the fight and that, "My behind was bruised, but my reputation was in cement."

dorothy paul - (contributed by bruce) - the scottish comedian recalls in her autobiography being strapped at school with a leather tawse.

dixie carter - (contributed by jan) - the american tv star admitted in her biography to recieving regular spankings.

dominnique moceanu - (contributed by jan) - after obtaining a protective order against her father, dumitru, the american gymnast told the USA TODAY newspaper how he was following her around, and that both he and her mother often `hit` her for not performing well or gaining weight. dumitru`s lawyer, katherine scardino, responded to that by commenting: "I doubt it seriously, I would imagine over 17 years there have been instances when she has been spanked."

dyan cannon - (contributed by cindi) - the actress admitted that she got spankings until she cried as punishments over carey grant`s knee during their marriage in the 60s. (confirmed) during her divorce proceedings cannon explained that carey grant had administered spankings to her. but i`m yet to read or hear any further details.

(contributed by tom) - i read in tv guide that dyan cannon the actress was spanked by her then husband carey grant. (confirmed)

(contributed by henry) - Dyan Cannon was spanked by Cary Grant. (confirmed)

(contributed by paul) - Dyan Cannon some years ago told the story on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show of a short film she made called "One." It referred to a real life experience she had. As a grammar school student, she was caught by the principal sneaking into the boys' bathroom. She said she was marched to the principal's office and was "whipped."

erin moran - (contributed by henry) - the actress from tv`s `happy days` mentioned on the howard stern show that she was once given the strap while laying across her bed for playing `trick or treat`.

evelyn glennie - (contributed by bruce) - the scottish percussionist recalls in her biography having a fight with a boy at school, and as a result of it she said: "the teacher took out the leather belt and we got a whipping."

elaine c smith - (contributed by bruce) - there was an article in a scottish newspaper debating whether the belt should be brought back in schools. one of the contributors was elaine c smith. the `rab c nesbit` star said: "i got the belt several times at school but it had no affect, i continued to be a loud mouth."

elizabeth taylor - (contributed by henry) - Elizabeth Taylor was spanked by Michael Todd.

farah fawcett - (contributed by jan) - i read somewhere that when the actress misbehaved as a youngster she would have to pull down her jeans and lay across the bed for her father to spank her with a belt.

(contributed by cindi) - farah fawcett told tv guide that up until the age of 18 she was spanked with a belt, jeans down, laying across her bed by her strict father.

(contributed by tracey) - farah related on the howard stern show to bare bottom spankings with a belt by her father.

faith brown - (contributed by cb) - in a monthly magazine called, monocle, the british comedienne/impressionist mentioned getting `six of the best` at school when she was caught doing an impression of one of her strict teachers. (enter for magazine text) also contributed by cb.

felicity kendall - (contributed by chas) - In her autobiography, page 59, Felicity Kendall refers to the only time her mother lost her temper with her. She says her mother took a Mason Pearson Hairbrush to her bare bottom. (confirmed)

ginger rogers - (contributed by carolina jim) - in her book, ginger, my story, the actress wrote about the first time she smoked a cigarette with her friend leslie. they were about eleven at the time and she got sick. her mother embraced her and asked: "what happened darling?" and then she smelt the cigarette odour in her hair and said: "what have you been up to?" ginger then wrote: "after the spanking leslie and i both got i never thought of a cigarette for many years!"

gale storm - (contributed by henry) - Gale Storm was spanked by her TV father, Charlie Farrell, for showing up late for shooting. They later did a spanking scene on the show, My Little Margie.

geraldine (chaplin) - (contributed by chas) - In a book called, Charlie Chaplin and his Times, his daugther Geraldine is quoted as saying that she was spanked as a child. She said "we got the full routine - on the bum, across our father's knee and bang-o!"

heather locklear - (contributed by jan) - in a biography it mentions that the actress was spanked just once when she was six years old.

* hannah storm - (contributed by stephanie) - I have heard (although I cannot confirm) that NBC sports announcer Hannah Storm went to a catholic high school and felt the paddle more than once.

jane fonda - (contributed by jennie) - i heard that henry fonda used to give his wife and jane spankings whenever they needed them.

jenny jones - (contributed by michael) - the american chat show host mentions in her book that when she was still at home she got spanked with a belt while lying on the living room floor.

julie walters - (contributed by jimbo) - in a press article the actress recalled being caned on her behind at school for walking on a piece of grass that was out of bounds.

joanna lumley - (contributed by daniel) - the british actress writes in her memoirs (stare back and smile), "felicity and i found a pair of scissors and cut our fringes right off so we had tufts at the top of our foreheads, my bottom was smacked but felicity`s wasn`t." (confirmed)

(contributed by john) - I read in an entertainment magazine some time back about Joanna getting caned when she was in school. She was about 16 at the time and she was called to the headmistress' office for playing truant. It was not the first time she did this and as a punishment she was caned three times across her backside. It was the first time she got the cane and she said it hurt like hell.

joan bakewell - (contributed by fozzy) - i saw on a documentary, i think it was called `mothers and daughters,` the tv presenter was talking about her mother and said: "she was a smacker, i was smacked with a slipper, i was smacked with the back of a hairbrush, you know, left marks."

jenny mcCarthy - (contributed by magenta) - the american model/tv celebrity administered a swat of the paddle each on tv to 3 frat pledges, and she told them to "thank sister jenny for each one." "frat pledges" are young men who have pledged a fraternity. that is, they are in the process of being accepted into a university mens organization. (enter for film footage) also contributed by magenta.

jenny maxwell - (contributed by paul) - In a book I saw several years ago about Elvis, Jenny Maxwell was quoted fairly extensively, discussing her famous over-the-knee, sea-side spanking in "Blue Hawaii." My recollections here will have to be paraphrased. Ms.Maxwell noted that Elvis "really hit hard!" because they wanted to make sure the scene took on a certain validity or authenticity. It was noted by the author that, in the scene where Jennie rides on horseback, she was seen on the set "seated gingerly slightly above the saddle," due to the spanking she'd just endured from her leading man. What's more, I remember a passage where the author pointed out that Jennie had, in fact, twisted her ankle on the set of "Blue Hawaii," and was temporarily hobbling around with the assistance of a cane. She made a comment, the author reports, where she'd gotten it "twice," in "two places" -- referring, of course, to her bruised ankle AND her bruised behind!

jennifer o`neill - (contributed by jan) - The person is actress Jennifer O'Neill. In her new book, titled "Surviving Myself," she describes an incident when she was a young child when she tried to manipulate her parents. After being refused something from her mother, she asked her father for it when he arrived home. She states that he gave her a mighty whack across her bottom.

jody foster - (contributed by jbruce) - In her biography, Foster Child, the american actress mentions that while growing up herself and her sisters got an "ocassional strap across the butt" from their mother. (confirmed) the book, foster child, was written by jody`s brother, buddy foster.

judy garland - (contributed by henry) - Judy Garland was spanked by Mickey Rooney on a set - they may have still been teens.

katherine hepburn - (contributed by jan) - the american movie star mentions in her biography that her parents weren`t shy to apply physical chastisement. i can`t recall what implements they used but it seems like a switch was mentioned.

kim basinger - (contributed by krystal) - the american actress admitted recently to `jay leno` that her mother would chase her and her siblings in the yard with a switch. she said she recieved a lot of: "southern switchings."

(contributed by paul) - Several years ago, during the time Kim was attempting to buy an entire town in the Southern U.S.A. (in Georgia, I think), her mother was quoted in one of the tabloids (The Star or Globe, I believe) that her daughter was "a spoiled brat," and that what she needed was "a damn good paddling." Also, the cover of the tabloid ran a headline, something like "Kim Basinger's Mother Says Kim Needs A Good Spanking!

kirstie alley - (contributed by daniel) - the actress was interviewed on the tonight show in america and was asked if she was spanked while growing up, she confirmed that she was.

kathie lee gifford - (contributed by michael) - kathie lee said she was spanked with a fly swatter in one of her books.

lorna luft - (contributed by jan) - lorna recalls in her memoirs being spanked by her famous mother judy garland and her nanny mrs chapman. (enter for memoir text) also contributed by jan.

laura dern - (contributed by jan) - on a tv show the actress mentioned that either she was spanked at home or wasn`t much spanked at home, and also went on to add: "but catholic school took care of that."

lisa-marie presley - (contributed by js) - I remember a "People Magazine" story about Lisa Marie Presley. When she was about 14, she got in an argument with her mother, and Priscilla spanked her in the back of a car.

lulu - (contributed by jimbo) - in a press interview a few years back the singer `lulu` recalling her schooldays in glasgow scotland said: "i was always giving cheek to my teachers and i deserved all the beltings i got, and believe me i got my fair share." reffering to getting the tawse on the hands, a popular scottish school punishment at that time. she also hinted that she had had her bottom spanked at home for being cheeky.

liz hurley (contributed by pamela) - the actress likes to play spanking games at parties, the game involves having to bend over a sofa and guess who is spanking your behind. (confirmed) (enter for text from newspaper article) also contributed by pamela.

linda fiorentino - (contributed by jan) - in a newspaper article about the american actress the following text was featured. - ms. fiorentino, who grew up a middle class child among eight siblings, wonders what the good sisters at her catholic boarding school might make of all this. "if you even whispered in class you got spanked with the big wooden `board of education,` as they called it" she remembers. "maybe with roles like this i`m still rebelling against all their efforts to turn me into a good little girl."

linda gray sexton - (contributed by michael) - linda said in her novel `searching for mercy street,` that her mother (the poet anne sexton) spanked her over the knee, bare bottom with a brush and especially a shoe. she said her mother spanked her until she was not angry anymore. also linda mentions that her uncle ed spanked her across his lap, panties down with a belt.

lori anne crook - (contributed by david) - on one of her shows lori mentioned how she was once spanked all the way up the stairs by her mother after an argument.

linda darnell - (contributed by henry) - Linda Darnell was spanked by her mother on a studio set (not part of a movie).

marilyn monroe - (contributed by js) - some years ago, one of marilyn monroe`s early photographers told `entertainment tonight` that he once spanked her with a hairbrush for being late for a shoot. she would have been about 18 at the time.

(contributed by henry) - marilyn monroe was spanked by joe dimaggio.

mary pierce - (contributed by rambo) - `reffering to a discussion board on the net`. one knowledgable tennis fan recounted how mary pierce was spanked by her father and then coach, he had actual references for his story.

(contributed by michael) - i heard that mary pierce got spanked by her father a lot.

marie osmond - (contributed by tracey) - marie recalls being spanked in an early teenage biography.

maureen o`hara - (contibuted by no-name) - I heard that during the filming of the western movie McLintock, Maureen O'Hara taunted John Wayne for not being a better spanker, this in turn led to a spanking realistic enough to leave her shapely bottom bruised!

maya angelou - (contributed by jan) - in a biography about the growing up years of the american author she mentions on several occasions the threat of being whipped or actually being whipped with a switch, she also mentions that her mother kept one ready behind the door. she also recalls that she and her brother once got a switching for playing up in church, they were taken to another room for the punishment and made so much noise the pastor`s wife came and asked for quiet.

michelle pffeifer - (contributed by otk999) - in a biography by douglas thomson she is quoted as saying her father beat her after she ran away to see the circus. the actual quote is: `my father was very strict, i was very strong willed. my earliest memory was going off to the circus when i wasn`t supposed to go. i was about eight, i got whipped right in the front yard when i got home.`

(contributed by alexis) - I read a story in an american tabloid about Michelle Pfeiffer. They reported that Michelle was spanked while growing up in Southern California by her working class dad. The report was that her Dad spanked her after she went to the beach all day. No details of how he spanked her though. (confirmed)

mary martin - (contributed by larry) - in her biography my heart belongs, mary mentions that she once tried on her sister`s persian princess` costume before she did, and as she was doing so her sister walked in and she ended up being spanked hard by her mother with the flat side of a wooden harbrush. she also commented about her mother: `whenever she brought herself to whack me with the hairbrush i would refuse stubbornly to cry. she would say, `heartless child, why won`t you cry? anybody else would cry.`

martina hingis - (contributed by melvin) - i read on a message board that someone heard in an interview with the tennis star`s mother that martina got spanked if she didn`t train hard enough.

mary mcaleese - (contributed by ukfirm) - during her presidential campaign, mary said that things had changed since she was a child. she said: "when i was at school, corporal punishment was very much the norm." and she indicated that she had been punished with the strap on a few occasions.

marlo thomas - (contributed by jan) - the following text was posted on a newsgroup on the net. - Marlo was spanked by Danny Thomas well into her late teens. He used to tell the story of Marlo missing curfew and how he fell asleep in a patio chair while trying to wait up for her. He was awakened by the automatic sprinklers spraying him at 1 a.m. He was soaking wet as he saw her boyfriend drive her to the door. He spanked her all the way up the stairs but she was wearing several petticoats (the style of the early sixties) and he didn't think he did any real damage but she cried from the embarrassment and said " I'm too old to spank!!!!" (enter for biography text) also contributed by jan.

(contributed by cindi) - marlo`s father Danny thomas once told a funny story regarding Marlo's last spanking. She was out on a date and late getting back, so a very mad Danny waited for her out on the patio. He dozed off and woke up soaking wet as the automatic sprinkler came on and saturated him. Just then her boyfriend drove her home. Danny was so angry that he spanked her all the way up the stairs while she cried and said "I"M TOOOOO OLD TO SPANK!!!!"

paula yates - (contributed by otk999) - on a tv programme she was on with michael aspel, there was a debate about animal cruelty. paula admitted that the only time she had her bottom smacked as a child was when her mother caught her tying up her pet mouse.

princess grace of monaco - (contributed by jan) - in a biography it states that the princess was spanked as a youngster by her parents with a hairbrush. (confirmed)

(contributed by mike) - in a biography about Princess Grace it mentions how her mother would spank her with a hairbrush. (confirmed)

princess caroline of monaco - (contributed by jan) - in a newspaper article it was mentioned that when she was aged about 12 the princess and her brother were spanked by prince ranier. the same thing was also mentioned in a book.

(contributed by bruce) - i read in a magazine, princess caroline comment that she would spank her children just as her parents had spanked her and her sister princess stephanie.

(contributed by mike) - I saw an interview with Princess Grace years ago, in which she talked about how frequently she had to spank Princess Caroline and Princess Stephanie while they were growing up. I saw Princess Caroline being interviewed by Barbara Walters, and she confirmed these spanking facts, and said that her own daughter is as resistant to spankings as she was when she was a child.

peggy & patsy lynn - (contributed by nobody) - A couple months ago I happened to be near a TV that was showing the series Crook & Chase and the guests were The Lynns (Loretta Lynn's daughters Peggy & Patsy). I wasn't really paying any attention to it, but I did hear the phrase, "We got more spankings for that growing up than for anything else." Unfortunately, I don't know what it was they said they got spanked for.

peggy lee - (contributed by henry) - Peggy Lee (1950's singer) was spanked by her husband several times.

reba mcentire - (contributed by jan) - in her biography the country singer tells about growing up in the american west, riding horses, and helping her father with the cattle. she states that he kept a buggy whip over the door which when needed he: "would snap across our behinds." in another part of the book she said she was once asked if she resented her father`s whippings and replied that she didn`t.

rolonda watts - (contributed by michael) - the american talk show host mentioned on one of her shows that her mother used to spank her with a belt.

sarah ferguson/duchess of york - (contributed by wolfgang) - i remember an article in a magazine or newspaper mention that the duchess was once caned at school. she joked something like: `my bum is too big, maybe that`s because i was caned at school once`.

sharron davies - (contributed by markoshka) - in a newspaper article on the subject of corporal punishment the british former olympic swimmer said that she was spanked as a child and the cane was used for serious offences.

selina scott - (contributed by otk999) - on a breakfast tv programme many years ago after a report on school corporal punishment, the male co-presenter said that while they were off camera selina had admitted being smacked at school.

sarah miles - (contributed by fozzy) - in her autobiography `right royal bastard` the actress went into some detail about how her mother used to spank her bare behind with a hairbrush when she was a child. (confirmed)

susan lucci - (contributed by raymond) - Most people know Susan Lucci (famous character Erica Kane on the television soap "All My Children"). She has been spanked many times on this TV series. Many years ago I read an interview given by Susan. She admitted that she had been titillated by the spankings. She further admitted that she had flubbed the rehearsed spanking scene several times in one such eposide and, in order to punish her, the spanker had given her a hard, real spanking during the filmed scene.

susan hayward - (contributed by henry) - Susan Hayward was spanked by her husband, Lex Barker.

suzannah lessard - (contributed by mike) - In her excellent book, The Architect of Desire, the american writer describes a childhood spanking she received from her mother: (Suzannah and a friend had been caught by the local policeman playing a fairly harmless trick on two old ladies that lived in the village). `The upshot was only that I had to go and apologize to the the old ladies - not such an easy task for me at that age. My father stood by me, not only going with me but, when we were there, refusing to endorse the old ladies’ more extreme statements about my character and probable future. And then, when we had returned to the Red Cottage, he took me into the laundry and took down my jeans and underpants and hit me over and over. This may have been the first time since our return from Rome. Certainly it was the first time for a long time, for I had grown too old to spank.`

* sheryl crow - (contributed by stephanie) - I have heard a story about rock singer Sheryl Crow (although I cannot confirm it). I heard she grew up in the south (Missouri or Mississippi) and was paddled by her high school track coach several times.

tonya harding - (contributed by jennie) - i can`t remeber if i read or heard this but i recall something about tonya harding`s mother spanking her with a hairbrush quite often into her late teens.

(contributed by rob) - i watched a documentary on tv once about tonya harding and it did say that she was spanked by her mother with a hairbrush until she was about 15 or 16. her mother used to do it in the locker room or restrooms at skating competitions if tonya misbehaved.

toni tenille - (contributed by libctr) - the singer mentioned in a tv interview that she was switched as a youngster. she grew up in southern u.s. and she said that her parents would tell the housekeeper to go out and cut a switch off a tree.

(contributed by js) - toni told barbara walters in a tv interview that her mother used to switch her and her sisters.

tanya tucker - (contributed by jan) - in the american country singer`s biography titled `tanya`, the writer ace collins states that tanya`s father beau had to `spank her from time to time.`

(contributed by jan) - in her most recent biography, "Nickel Dreams," tanya states directly and cites a couple of instances (but not descriptions) of being spanked. (enter for biography text) also contributed by jan. (confirmed)

tiffany - (contributed by darren) - the 80's teen singer "Tiffany" it was reported was spanked by her step-father.

vanessa paradis - (contributed by varmint) - during an italian gameshow in march 98, vanessa mentioned that her father had once hauled her into the bathroom on a train from paris to nice, lifted her skirt, and gave her 5 or 6 decent swats. the reason was because vanessa (14 at the time) had snuck a beer from the food vendor, lying about her age (which should have been 16). this wouldn`t have been so bad apparently, except that she had insured service by pointing out that her father could buy the train if he wanted to. as she put it: `i said, if that`s not enough, maybe my father should make some investments here!` the worst part? the look on everyones face when she came out.

wynonna judd - (contributed by tracey) - wynonna was spanked by her uncle on the side of a road for being mean to her sister, this is described in naomi judd`s book `love can build a bridge`.

whitney houston - (contributed by jan) - whitney`s mother cissy`s biography yielded two things. First, there are several references to her own spanking experiences. Secondly, she provides a very strong probable for Whitney, her daughter. She says that she told her husband John that she wanted him to be the "softie" among the two parents so that when she "whipped the butts" of the kids they would have someone to go to. It doesn't explicitly state that Whitney was spanked so there's no official direct reference for her in this book, but it's about as close as you can get otherwise.

(contributed by michael) - I saw on Biography (a show on A & E) that Whitney Houston's mother commented that Whitney got  her last and most severe spanking at 16. 

many thanks to everyone who has sent information to me.

if anybody has any information about female celebrities who have been spanked, or if you have any questions, comments, or additional information about the celebrities currently featured, please e-mail apollo -

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