If you're looking for a respectable place, this ain't it. Kitty's is exactly the sorta high-class hangout ya'd expect ta find in a low-rent neighborhood like this.
Lookin' for some action? There's a couple games goin' on in the back room there. But ya wanna know the rules, always a good bet. Here's your ticket in.
Can I interest ya in a card game, pally?

Or would ya like to
shoot some craps?
Okay, okay, pally, so ya swore off gambling. Your loss. Came lookin' for a little fun, then? Lookin' for some a Kitty's regulars, eh? Can't help ya.
No, honest. I gave my word. I'm not supposed to let anyone in. The boys are a bit jumpy lately, what with one thing and another and--
Well all right, if ya insist. But I'm not takin' the blame for this.
Ya gotta go through that door over there and give Charley Victor the secret password. If ya don't know the right word, watch out, he's trigger-happy.
Okay, okay, so the password ain't important. I'll take ya there myself, I'm on break anyway.

Hey Charley Victor, how's life?
Pally, ya picked a bad day to stop by. The boys ain't even here right now. Only one here besides Kitty is good ol' Charley Victor, and he doesn't say much. But ya can case the other rooms ta find out more about the boys, so's ya can be ready for them when they get back. Help yourself.
There's our Number One Pally Dean Martin, simply The Most. . .
And the One and Only Frank Sinatra, Ol' Blue Eyes himself, the Chairman of the Board... ya know the drill...
Kitty's favorite lamppost-swinger, the immortal Gene Kelly. . .
And Montgomery Clift, the idol of a generation. . .
Peter Lawford, British actor, singer, dancer; one-time Rat Pack member; charming, sophisticated, troubled...
And Shirley MacLaine, multi-talented and simply amazing, not one of the boys but always welcome here at Kitty's. . .
And a lot more ta come, so be sure to stop back often. Ya wanna see Kitty's Russian Adventure, doncha? Well, ya won't find out what else is here if ya don't come back when the rest of these doors are unlocked.
So, what's new, ya wanna know? I'll tell ya. Kitty's is now the premiere locale for Peter Lawford online... Lots more pictures and reviews for him are here, if ya wanna take a look. Also ya can join the new PeterLawford@onelist.com... But mostly the news is the very new Links section... which I know ya wanna check out. So go for it. And come back soon...
Say, why doncha go case the joint of fellow Macon Mobster, the one and only Angel? It's the Ezzie and it's simply THE place.
Drop me a line!