Ryanburg demands answers. I have ways of making you talk!!!

Tulse Luper - 12/20/00 19:41:16
My URL:http://www.egroups.com/group/surrealmovies
My Email:surrealmovies@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: L'Age D'Or
Favorite Movie of 1998: The Exterminating Angel
Favorite War Movie: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Favorite Foreign Film: Un Chien Andalou
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: The Milky Way
Favorite Comedy Movie: The Phantom of Liberty


Jack Bernacki - 11/03/00 21:01:50
My Email:bernacki_jack@canada.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Fight Club
Favorite Movie of 1998: Dark City
Favorite War Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Foreign Film: Abres Los Ojos (Open YOur Eyes)
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: 12 Monkeys
Favorite Comedy Movie: Being John Malkovich

Great page man. Lots of good picks and lists. We have similar tastes in some movies. Keep up the good work.

Jim - 10/29/00 20:04:53
My URL:http://memebers.nbci.com/carface
My Email:carface@home.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Green Mile
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: Life is Beautiful
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Terminator 2

Neat site, Well done.

Darren - 10/24/00 21:57:18
My Email:dboxerh@hotmail.com

Great site! There's a great new movie you should all check out. It's called Girlfight and it won the best directors award as well as the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance. For more info. go to:http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/girlfight/

Darren - 10/24/00 21:57:00
My Email:dboxerh@hotmail.com

Great site! There's a great new movie you should all check out. It's called Girlfight and it won the best directors award as well as the Grand Jury Prize. For more info. go to:http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/girlfight/

ILuvTRL - 09/06/00 19:36:24
My Email:ILuvTRL@aol.com
Favorite War Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Foreign Film: Les Miserables

Hey! I love the site! You know what, there is this site for this awesome new movie that is out in theatres September 22nd where you can make your own movie! The movie is "Urban Legends- Final Cut" It might sound firmilar because it is the sequel to "Urb n Legends" The site is so cool and when you make your own movie you get to add your own script, pictures and music to it. Then all you do is get your friends to vote for your movie because if it gets the most votes Sony Pictures will show your movie on heir Official site! So go check it out! www.sony.com/urbanlegends

DJ Sketch - 05/08/00 23:37:46
Favorite Movie of 1999: GO
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Matrix

Nice site. You should go see Human Traffic when it comes out. Its a corky movie about people who work their asses off then party like crazy all weekend in the UK clubs. The soundtrack has Public Enemy, Fatboy Slim, Underworld, CJ Bolland.

Exhead - 03/11/00 18:39:27
My URL:http://www.idrive.com/exhead/web/
My Email:raarbogast@powernet.net
Favorite Movie of 1999: Meet Joe Black
Favorite Movie of 1998: ??
Favorite War Movie: None
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Right now - Pitch Black
Favorite Comedy Movie: I??

Great site. Poetry In The Key Of Pain

Larry - 01/24/00 20:07:46
My URL:http://www.personal.kent.edu/~ldcabane
My Email:ldcabane@kent.edu
Favorite Movie of 1999: American Beauty
Favorite Movie of 1998: Happiness
Favorite War Movie: Bridge on the River Kwai
Favorite Foreign Film: 8 1/2
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: 2001: A Space Odyessy/A Clockwork Orange
Favorite Comedy Movie: Annie Hall

You've got a great movie site. One of the best that I've seen in the MRR webring. You have a lot of good stuff on your lists although Forrest Gump is probably my #1 overrated movie of the 1990s. But hey, what would be the point of making lists if we al liked the same thing?

James - 12/13/99 03:40:42
My URL:http://www.onelist.com/community/PrincessMononokeTeam
My Email:james@m80im.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Princess Mononoke

Miramax will need all the marketing help the star names can provide: while it may prove an animation masterpiece, Princess Mononoke will probably be a hard sell in the United States." -- NEW YORK TIMES That can change with your help Please Join the Princess Mononoke on-line street team in Exchange for your help will send you a free CD sound track and Poster from the movie. Please Join the one list just started DEC 11th http://www.onelist.com/community/PrincessMononokeTeam

Sache - 10/07/99 13:00:41
Favorite Movie of 1999: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Trek: Insurrection

Jar Jar shouldn't die! I think you say he should because you're afraid. Jar Jar says "get bent." And you are the one who should "fucking die".

why - 09/19/99 20:38:22
Favorite Movie of 1999: starwars
Favorite Comedy Movie: the truman show

you stupid bastards why do you diss Jar Jar? he rules I swear if I ever Find you I am going to rip your heads off

- 08/17/99 19:50:07


VHMG from Germany - 08/17/99 19:49:11
My Email:vicus.limes@t-online.de
Favorite Movie of 1999: I hope Star Wars EP I
Favorite Movie of 1998: Dark City
Favorite War Movie: Stalingrad (German Movie)
Favorite Foreign Film: Ahh?? all US movies
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Terminator 2
Favorite Comedy Movie: Otto, der Außerfriesische

I haven'd seen EPI by now. In Germany the film starts this thursday. So I have to wait. But I hate JAR JAR as much as you do. He's so stupid. I think the entire movie is to funny. And I can't stand it, because I allways loved the realy dark side of the or ginal trilogy. But now all Staar Wars becomes a big comedy. And that's "Scheiße". That's the way we explain it in Germany. May the Forece be with us. But please not JAR JAR BINKS! Möge die Macht mit uns sein. Aber nicht bitte JAR JAR BINKS! VHMG form Stade, Germany

MissMistoffelees. - 08/14/99 08:22:32
My Email:smithk@btinternet.com

Hey there....again i think. I was reading this guest bokk and happened to see that the people who hate JarJar know more about him that i do...i didnt really know he was call a Gungan untill i read some death treaths?? *DOH* well i gonna go read the guest ook!!

MissMistoffelees - 08/14/99 08:18:32
My Email:smithk@btinternet.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: starwars1
Favorite Movie of 1998: rush hour? (i think)
Favorite War Movie: saving private ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: deep rising...(i'm english)_
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: um....

This page was a GREAT idea...not because i hate JarJar...coz i love him!! But because we get to see the adolesent behavour of other people. Ok everyone is intilled to an apinion and well this happens to be it!!! the guest book isx halarous by the way...a eal good laugh...this page is real funny...(i do love JarJar thought...dont forget that)

Marie - 08/01/99 14:17:08

I REALLY REALLY HATE Jar jar! Thank you so much for makin this site!

Catherine - 07/27/99 21:35:29

Everything looks good except for the JFK bit. He was a very important person and now he is dead. For you to be such a jerk about this just shows how immature you are. Grow up, you're just upset that no one would mourn your death like they are doing with his.

Sent from your page at:


What is your problem? I guess you're misunderstanding the fact that STAR WARS is a movie for the family and it includes all elements including comic relief (JarJar). It is pretty selfish of you to think that JarJar Binks should not have been in the movi . It's people like you that mess up the world because of your pessimistic views. Why the hell do you even like STAR WARS. George Lucas would spit on you if he saw this site. You're low and you got nothing better to do on your spare time, but criticize a movie for the stupidest reasons. If you want a serious, drama movie, hey, TITANIC has been out on video forever. STAR WARS is a family film and all elements of motion picture are used. Make sure all you little "I hate JarJar" buddies read this too an go ahead and write back to me. I want to see what your pitiful mind has to say!!

your friend

Qui Gon..

jar jar binks - 07/19/99 14:07:34
My URL:jar jar binks
My Email:jar jar binks
Favorite Movie of 1999: jar jar binks
Favorite Movie of 1998: jar jar binks
Favorite War Movie: jar jar binks
Favorite Foreign Film: jar jar binks
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: jar jar binks
Favorite Comedy Movie: jar jar binks

I am going to keep coming back evryday and spamming the fuck out of this page until you take it down!!!

jar jar binks - 07/19/99 14:07:05
My URL:jar jar binks
My Email:jar jar binks

I am going to keep coming back evryday and spamming the fuck out of this page until you take it down!!!

Jar Jar Binks - 07/19/99 14:00:15
My URL:http://jarjarbinks.com
My Email:jarjarbinks@gungon.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: Blade
Favorite War Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Foreign Film: Nikkita
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Comedy Movie: Ace Ventuera: Pet Detective

All of you JJB haters can all eat my shit Jar Jar Binks kicks ass !!! All of you JJB haters can all eat my shit Jar Jar Binks kicks ass !!! All of you JJB haters can all eat my shit Jar Jar Binks kicks ass !!!
NOTE: This actually goes on and on for pages and pages and pages. It is obviously the work of the distrubed adolescent mind with little time for things like sentence structure, spelling and general literacy.

???????????????????? - 07/18/99 17:20:22
My URL:?????????????????????
My Email:???????????????????
Favorite Movie of 1999: ????????????????????
Favorite Movie of 1998: ??????????????????
Favorite War Movie: ????????????????????
Favorite Foreign Film: ???????????????????????
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: ????????????????????
Favorite Comedy Movie: ????????????????????

jar jar kicks ass its you that should die

govner gomez - 07/18/99 08:11:51
My Email:mrpatton6@aol.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: South Park
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: i dont care for sci fi all that much
Favorite Comedy Movie: South Park

Jar Jar Sucks So much fucking ass. He ruined the whole freaking movie. I was sitting in my seat praying he would die. The parts without jar jar were good, but with him in it it was like muppets in space for christs sake. Oh yeah and that fuck you guy f om earlier Let me tell you something. You got way to much free fuckin time on your hands. That was psycho see a doctor. And what the hell is with those jar jar candy dispensers. That is one of the sickest things i have ever seen. I saw some little kid ucking on one of those things and i almost fuckin puked. That is so vile. Jar Jar must die!!!!!!

Diane Feinstien - 07/16/99 23:32:44
My Email:etaylor27@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Patton
Favorite Foreign Film: cinema paridiso
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: T2
Favorite Comedy Movie: Spinal Tap

This site is excellent. Jar Jar throughly blows. He fucking ruined the movie. Has Lucas gone soft. He is spending to much time with his kids these days.

Lauren Kirwan - 07/16/99 23:24:37


Jes - 07/16/99 17:30:11
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars Trilogy
Favorite Comedy Movie: There's Something About Mary

I think Jar Jar is cute. Although I am a die hard fan of Star Wars, and would never like anything that would degrate it, I am a little curious why people think Jar Jar is so bad. Chewie, R2, the Ewoks, and 3PO all brought humor to the original so why can' people accept Jar Jar? But I respect your opinion. Bye

Camille - 07/16/99 17:09:49
My Email:roseardent@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: i don't really know
Favorite War Movie: none
Favorite Foreign Film: ?????
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: empire strikes back
Favorite Comedy Movie: the one where we jjb slowly tortured to death

Jar jar binks must die!!!![repeat that 1000000 times]Qui-Gon should have sliced off that stupid gungan's tongue!!!!!

Jar Jar Fan #1 - 07/16/99 15:26:06
My Email:skeedogs@yahoo.com

Jar Jar is the best and you suck

Auri Appenzeller - 07/16/99 00:52:58
Favorite Movie of 1999: Eyes wide Shut
Favorite Movie of 1998: The Big Lubawski
Favorite War Movie: The Guns of Naberun
Favorite Foreign Film: Un Pure Formalite (A Pure Formality)
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Empire!!
Favorite Comedy Movie: The King of Comedy

If George Lucas does not declare that this pathetic charecter will not be in the next film, I suggest we all just find a way to make it clear to him that it is all done and over for us and we have no intentions of watching the next movies. We got to draw he line!!!

Elizabeth Kurz - 07/15/99 23:59:40
My Email:kurz@ora.auracom.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: I don't know
Favorite Movie of 1998: Titanic
Favorite War Movie: I hate war movies
Favorite Foreign Film: I don't know
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: I don't like science fiction
Favorite Comedy Movie: Austin Powers

I hate Jar Jar! And I hate Star Wars The phantom menace. Anyone who likes Jar Jar is a pathetic geek! Jar Jar should die a fiery death in a pit full of magma along with Obi-Wan Kanobi. They are both bastards!

FUCK YOU - 07/14/99 23:59:42
Favorite Movie of 1999: FUCK YOU
Favorite Movie of 1998: FUCK YOU
Favorite Foreign Film: FUCK YOU
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: FUCK YOU


FUCK YOU - 07/14/99 23:57:57
Favorite Movie of 1999: FUCK YOU
Favorite Movie of 1998: FUCK YOU
Favorite Foreign Film: FUCK YOU
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: FUCK YOU

NOTE: additional spam deleted.

tim - 07/14/99 20:18:48
My Email:irher2@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: episode1
Favorite War Movie: battle of the bulge
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: episode1
Favorite Comedy Movie: the three stoooges

Jar Jar saved all the nabooeins.Without him they would not huv had the gungans support.

BEAN - 07/14/99 18:37:17
Favorite Movie of 1999: STAR WARS
Favorite Movie of 1998: RINGMASTER
Favorite Foreign Film: LAST TANGO IN PARIS
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: STAR WARS
Favorite Comedy Movie: SOUTH PARK

God damn, hes so freekin gay, i wanna kill him. He and the backstreet boys are the lowest form of life ever created. Ibelieve that he should die a horrable death, burning in a pot of horrible suage, and should be spat on continuously years after his death Thank u for creating this wonderful webpage and keep up the goodwork

Sarah - 07/14/99 06:57:17
My Email:roswell_july1947@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Phantom Menace
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Comedy Movie: Clueless

Jar Jar Binks did not ruin the movie, one bad character cannot destroy the Star Wars epic, however, I have to agree with you. The movie certainly could have done without this unbelievable, computer-generated, ridiculously stupid thing with big floppy ear .

Wesley Tudor - 07/13/99 04:34:49
My Email:wtudor7720@aol.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Life is Beautiful
Favorite War Movie: Apocalypse Now
Favorite Foreign Film: Iron Monkey
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Blade Runner
Favorite Comedy Movie: The Holy Grail

By inserting Jar-Jar and not developing the characters of Obi-wan, Qui-Gon, and especially Darth Maul I feel Lucas has not ruined the Star Wars experience for me, just made it harder on my imagination. I have to accept that Episode I contributes little t the grandness of the epic, and try to imagine things as they would really be had Lucas kept in the vein of excellence of the original three movies. I can handle this, but if the next two episodes aren't more substantial it WILL irreparably tarnish the S ar Wars legacy and hurt future generations ability to appreciate the story.

- 07/13/99 01:18:09

In your heart exist so much bad feeling as lord Sith. Darth Sidius.

- 07/13/99 01:14:44


Oscar Fernando Pérez Castro - 07/13/99 01:07:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/Location/5709
My Email:locoloco@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Episode I, Phantom Menace

Only one think: Who is Satanic...Jar jar Binks or you??? In your page exist images destroy Jar jar, images whith blood. That is not satanic???

Zelda Master - 07/12/99 17:50:26
Favorite Movie of 1999: Austin powers

JJB can suck my cock

jar jar fag - 07/12/99 16:50:22
My URL:www.jjbsucksass.com
My Email:jjbsniper@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: star wars: episode 1 the phantom menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: scream 2
Favorite War Movie: the thin red line
Favorite Foreign Film: ghost in the shell
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: mst3k: the movie
Favorite Comedy Movie: big daddy

Die jar jar binks!

Johnson Ang - 07/12/99 15:09:30
Favorite Movie of 1999: Star Wars: Episode 1
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: None
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Favorite Comedy Movie: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

PLEASE do not allow Jar Jar Binks to appear in Episode 2. Let's have a world ban on JJB including Singapore. I think he sucks and spoils the whole show. George, if you are there, please delete this god dammed character!!!!!!!!!

N-10 - 07/12/99 14:24:30
My URL:http://expage.com/page/ccheatcp
My Email:n_md@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: STAR WARS
Favorite Movie of 1998: STAR WARS
Favorite War Movie: STAR WARS
Favorite Foreign Film: STAR WARS
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: STAR WARS
Favorite Comedy Movie: STAR WARS

jar jar bincks is the best character ever!!!!!

Chris Johnson - 07/12/99 03:02:33
My Email:cobradaddy@aol.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: Unsure
Favorite War Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Foreign Film: None
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Starship Troopers
Favorite Comedy Movie: Rustlers' Rhapsody

I am pleased to see that there is a strong following to eliminate that bastard JAR JAR BINKS. He destroyed the entire movie and I would like to see him die a thousand deaths, each being more terrible that the last.

- 07/11/99 05:51:35
Favorite Movie of 1999: Tarzan
Favorite Movie of 1998: A Thin Red Line
Favorite War Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Foreign Film: Central Station
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Beginning
Favorite Comedy Movie: Wedding Singer


- 07/10/99 10:58:36


Jar Jar Binks - 07/10/99 03:41:15
Favorite Movie of 1999: Star Wars:Episode 1, The Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: Meesa don't know.
Favorite War Movie: Meesa don't know.
Favorite Foreign Film: Meesa don't know.
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars:Episode 1, The Phantom Menace
Favorite Comedy Movie: Me thoughts dat da' movie ist a comedy.

Hullo, me is a stupid fag wid' no brain. Meesa tongue isa noting' but a dick wid' no balls on it. Meesa likes balls, dey is very tasty to Jar Jar. What you say? Meesa gonna die? How wude.

Shigaru Myomochima - 07/09/99 13:55:52
My URL:http://talk.to/shig
My Email:shiggie@usa.net
Favorite Movie of 1999: Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: Blade
Favorite War Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Foreign Film: Deep inside Debbie Diamond
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Return of the Jedi
Favorite Comedy Movie: Nutty Proffessor

Yousa Gonna Die!

Andy Ross - 07/08/99 21:11:14
My Email:retro_66@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: There's Something About Mary
Favorite War Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Foreign Film: Trainspotting
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Comedy Movie: Spaceballs

Hey you've got a good site design but thats it. What are you, 28? Grow up for god sakes. Episode 1 is a kids movie.

Juliet Maurukas - 07/06/99 22:54:43
My Email:margchef@bicnet.net
Favorite Movie of 1999: South Park
Favorite Movie of 1998: Never Been Kissed
Favorite War Movie: Face Off
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars Episode 1
Favorite Comedy Movie: South Park

What kind of LOSER are u??? I Think JAR JAR ROCKS ASS!!!! He was the funniest among the characters, Star Wars Episode 1 would have been BBBBOOORRRIIINNGGGG without Jar Jar!! Jar Jar is the most coolest character of Star Wars!!! LONG LIVE JAR JAR!!! I think people like you are a bunch of Mother Fucken, ass sucken, twat fucken LOSERS!!! JAR JAR WILL LIVE ON!!!

Phil Keller - 07/06/99 16:32:11
Favorite Movie of 1999: OK, I forgot... The Matrix!!!
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Cross of Iron
Favorite Foreign Film: The Professional
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: SW: Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Comedy Movie: Real Genius

Wow... the IQ level dropped again! Look at the ranting imbecils. Agreed: by defending Jar-Jar, (a *FICTIONAL* character) you indeed show your level of immaturity. Try going to defend Barney or the Teletubbies or something. LET'S GET JAR-JAR OUT OF EPISODE 2!!!!!! Please... for the sake of our sanity and the future sanity of our children.

Shugotenshi - 07/06/99 13:04:08
My URL:why would you care
My Email:gungan@xoommail.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: SW episode 1: TPM
Favorite Movie of 1998: SW episode 1: TPM script
Favorite War Movie: this site
Favorite Foreign Film: OVA 4
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: SW
Favorite Comedy Movie: anything with Adam Sandler

Um...okay. wow. What a really week site. I'm HARDLY 12 years old, but I decided to send a peice of my mind anyway. What kind of sick crap obsesses over killin a *FICTIONAL* Computer- generated character? Wow, look mommy! Its a mass halucination amoung biggots! This site sucks ass. LONG LIVE JAR JAR

Erin - 07/05/99 17:08:28
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: (Don't have one)
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Trek: First Contact
Favorite Comedy Movie: Men In Black

Why do you hate Jar Jar? Please quit bashing him. It is very annoying. What do you have against him?

Steve Shook - 07/05/99 16:44:23
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: Can't remember '98
Favorite War Movie: Platoon
Favorite Foreign Film: Ran
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Aliens
Favorite Comedy Movie: Airplane

To all who think that because Jar-Jar is not a real person that he is not important: Throughout history, people have believed that ideas which have no "real" existence such as truth, justice, and freedom are things which are worth fighting and dying for. Most people on this planet also think that their belief in their God is important and worth dying for, even though his existence cannot be proven. If you will examine your own belief structure closely enough, I think that you'll find that the most import nt things in your life, such as love, friendship, and security aren't real material things either. So, before you critcize someone for thinking that something that isn't "real" is important, check yourself!

Abyss_Knight - 07/05/99 09:00:13
My URL:doesn't matter
My Email:nathan@actaeon.net
Favorite Movie of 1999: Austin Powers:The Spy Who Shagged Me
Favorite Movie of 1998: Austin Powers (was this 97? can't remember
Favorite War Movie: dunno
Favorite Foreign Film: Godzilla vs. Mothra vs. Megallon vs. that wierd creature type thing with all the spikes sticking out of him.
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars Episode 6
Favorite Comedy Movie: drop dead fred and noises off

awesome page man. it's people like you who keep the Web a funny place. i'd like to comment first of all that someone said you suck because Jar Jar made episode have laughter in it. note people: that would be a reason for young kids to watch it right? what about the part where they are taking back the Naboo palace? a guard gets shot in the head and 3 more in the chest, is this good for little kids to watch? how about when Darth Maul impales Qui-Gonn with his lightsaber, or even, HOW ABOUT WHEN HE GETS CHOPP D IN HALF AND WE SEE BOTH PIECES FALL DOWN A REACTOR SHAFT???!! i swear you people are idiots if you think that just because there is one dumbass G-rated character that it's acceptable for everyone. what the hell is up with the Gungan's accents? they're f iggin' Jamacain for cryin' out loud!! it's suppossed to be science fiction not Shitty Scripts with really good Computer Animation:Episode 1! in case you people forgot about EVERYTHING that happened in the first series then you would know that putting Jar ar Binks into Star Wars is like putting Aliens into Austin Powers, it doesn't mix, damn it! if you people think that this is guy is dumb for hating something that isn't real than you people must be even stupider because you are standing up for something t at isn't real. This could have been my favorite movie except for that stupid Jar Jar Binks. I don't think that George Lucas even reads the scripts before saying yes to them. someone could write in Episode 2: cast of characters: Jar Jar Binks-dumb shallow character with a long tongue and no brain. is in half of the time with more lines than Sebulba (which I think is a better character, that's not saying much!) Die Jar Jar! Die!

Caire De'aun - 07/03/99 23:56:01
Favorite Movie of 1999: patch adams
Favorite Movie of 1998: good will hunting
Favorite War Movie: saving private ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: can't think of any
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: stars wars all of them
Favorite Comedy Movie: noises off

The people who commented on you website complain that you should stop putting Jar Jar down because he is not real and it doesn't matter. If this is their true oppinion then why do they care what you think? he's not real remember? By the way nice web site IT'S A FREE COUNTRY!

Phil Keller - 07/01/99 16:58:42
My Email:pkellar@bellsouth.net
Favorite Movie of 1999: Nothing yet, suck so far
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: The Professional
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Comedy Movie: Real Genius

Finally... I was thinking of doing my OWN Jar-Jar hate page, but here it is! Great job! Episode-2 should start off like this: Opening rolls, then pan over the stars to an airlock on the outside of a starship. Jar-Jar has stuck himself in it by accident (b ing a complete moron, looking for the kitchen or something), then he accidentally hits the "open to outside" switch, blowing him out into the void, then he explodes after a few seconds of depressurization. Not that I though about it... By the way, people ho defend Jar-Jar on here should take a step back and ALSO realize that HE'S JUST A CHARACTER, and since he is, why are YOU wasting your time defending him??? Eh?? Food for thought. Keep up the great work!

A Jar Jar Lover - 06/30/99 21:35:36
Favorite Movie of 1999: Phantom Menace
Favorite Movie of 1998: All rereleased Star Wars movies
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: All Star Wars ones

Jar Jar is a FICTIONAL character, are you aware of that term?? That means that Jar Jar is NOT A REAL PERSON. Let's repeat that together slowly. JAR. JAR. IS. NOT. A. REAL. PERSON. Let your brain think about that for a couple of minutes. Sure, building an anti-Bill Clinton website is fine, because Clinton is a real person! Jar Jar is a fictional character that is MADE UP. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS NOT REAL. Think about that for a while. I don't care if you hate Jar Jar, everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion, but you are wasting your energies on this mindless obession.

Katie and Darian - 06/30/99 16:19:33
My Email:AphroditeTheGoddess@excite.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: Star Wars Episode 1
Favorite Movie of 1998: Titanic
Favorite War Movie: Any Star Wars
Favorite Foreign Film: NONE
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars Episode 1
Favorite Comedy Movie: You've Got Mail (not comedy but oh well)


Steph - 06/29/99 18:40:22
My URL:http://www.whitis.com
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Favorite Movie of 1999: Episode One
Favorite Movie of 1998: None
Favorite War Movie: Apocolypse Now
Favorite Foreign Film: None
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Wars: New Hope
Favorite Comedy Movie: Don't Tell Her It's Me

Count me on your side. I enjoyed the movie, but it would have been much better without such a twit character like JarJar. Let's hope the opening scene of Episode II has Ani "accidentally" dropping a large levitated object on him while learning to be a J di.

mean motherfucker - 06/28/99 19:29:48
My URL:http://666.com
Favorite Movie of 1999: star wars episode one
Favorite Movie of 1998: practial magic
Favorite War Movie: full metal jacket
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: star trek inserrection
Favorite Comedy Movie: half-baked

you are a stupid bastard jar jar rules........... as mr hat would say you go to hell youmgo to hell and you die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RedHot - 06/28/99 11:57:52
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/redhot13
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Favorite Movie of 1999: Austin Powers
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Comedy Movie: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Nice page. I really like it. It's entertaining

Kris Mitchell - 06/27/99 15:22:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/Location/3147/
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Favorite Movie of 1999: The Phantom Menace (gets me excited for the next one)
Favorite Movie of 1998: Dark City
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: Beauty and the Beast (French, 1930's)
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Alien
Favorite Comedy Movie: Dr. Strangelove

Love your site! Mostly, I love your wry humor so I'm adding your site to my favorite links. We have similar tastes in the films we like with one notable exception. (I couldn't really watch Antz. Woody Allen in a cartoon that kids would see. Brrr...it cree ed me out!) I hate the way Hollywood grovels on the feet of some of its stars (eg. Streisand, Nicholson). They're good but there are better ones. Midler sings better than Streisand and Hopkins is a much better actor than Nicholson. The Oscar usually doesn t go to the most deserving but is the testament of who is the most popular. Hollywood loved The Thin Red Line which I found painful to watch with its naked natives splashing about in the water and its meandering narrative. Oh, wait ... I'm ranting. I'll s op now. Visit me sometime. I have very short movie reviews, preview links, and quizzes.

Michael - 06/25/99 06:01:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/sector_001
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Favorite Movie of 1999: Star Wars Episode 1
Favorite Movie of 1998: Titanic
Favorite War Movie: Gettysburg
Favorite Foreign Film: Das Boot
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Star Trek: Insurrection
Favorite Comedy Movie: Born in East L.A.

Hi. I am writing to tell you that i think that you overrated the character of JAr Jar Binks. when I was siting in the theatre, little kids behind me, who barely had a clue what Star Wars was, were laughing and cheering Jar Jar for every stupid thing the did. i laughed my head off at him, and I think he brought some light heartedness into Star Wars. Star Wars can't just be all killing and death, because that is no fun. did anyone complain at the rash humor or c-3P0 and R2-D2 in Star Wars? To end, I just want to say that Jar Jar Binks was a very good character, and I though he made Star Wars better than it already is. And allot of us hope he is in the next movie as well. After all, he did kill a whole bunch of droids and aid in the Gungan victory on the planets' surface, even though he had no clue what he was doing. Michael

Jar Jar Pissed off - 06/24/99 22:04:48
My URL:www.fuckyouall.com
My Email:bithchnet.fuckyouguys.cum
Favorite Movie of 1999: Austin Powers the Spy Who Shaged Me
Favorite Movie of 1998: Playboys Babes of BayWatch
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: Godzilla
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: Barnie goes to Hell
Favorite Comedy Movie: South Park

fuck you queeres you are the stupid fucking mother fucking queers who should die. jar jar shoul fucking shove a lightsaber up your fucking acne filled queer mother fucking asses to all you fucking retard dumb fucks who are fucking bitching about jar jar aying all this fucking bullshit that he runnied the fucking movie fuck you queers you stupid mother fucking queers don't even know what funny is all you stupid fucking queers who say he runnied and gave it a disney touch you dumb fucks proabably watch bar ey and play with teletubies you fucking queeers masturbate over barbie or somwe shit you probably want to fuck jar jar and our just mad you can't get him and your writing this bull shit fuck all you queers who write to this page fuck all you queers who w ite to this page fuck all you queers who write to this page fuck all you queers who write to this page fuck all you queers who write to this page
NOTE: This actually goes on and on for pages and pages and pages. It is obviously the work of the distrubed adolescent mind with little time for things like sentence structure, spelling and general literacy.
If you mother fucking shithead worthless mother fucking queers go ether go fuck your self or fuck off because i don't gave a fucking shit after all you people arer the sad mother fucking queers masturbating over barnie fuck all of you who don't like my opion i don't give a shit about your stupid opion you fucking dumb ass queeer

neil - 06/24/99 21:18:01
Favorite Movie of 1999: the general's daughter
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Platoon
Favorite Foreign Film: Ran
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: SW- The Original
Favorite Comedy Movie: Caddyshack

Great site. Jar Jar absolutely sucks.

Dan - 06/23/99 23:58:30

I pity you

Melanie (MNL) - 06/23/99 23:06:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MNL_1221/index.html
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Favorite Movie of 1999: Star Wars: Phantom Menance
Favorite Movie of 1998: Prince of Egypt
Favorite War Movie: well, Dances With Wolves started with the Civil War...
Favorite Foreign Film: Cinema Paradiso
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: ET (probably)
Favorite Comedy Movie: The Producers

I like Jar Jar Binks! But I didn't like his scream. The Village Voice says you guys hate Jar Jar with a passion because he's unmacho. Search for that article at http://www.villagevoice.com

jade prock - 06/23/99 18:54:48
Favorite Movie of 1999: star wars
Favorite Movie of 1998: saving pvt ryan
Favorite War Movie: ''
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: empires strikes

I agree that Jar Jar did make the movie unbearably annoying. I saw the movie twice. Both times with different people. The first group of friends hated Jar Jar in 30 seconds. The other group had one person love him. I think it appealled to children of today. They cherish a certain tacky humor. Anyway, your site is hysterical and not hateful. It has its own humor that only those who do not enjoy jar jar's humor can appreciate.

- 06/22/99 21:03:11
Favorite Movie of 1999: The Phantom Menace
Favorite War Movie: The Same

You die, you suck, and your the idiot, Jar Jar Binks is going to be in the second episode os Star Wars so tough luck bub.

Never mind - 06/21/99 11:37:21
Favorite Movie of 1999: stars wars


Anton - 05/05/99 00:01:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org:80/Colosseum/Stands/8434/main.htm
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Favorite Movie of 1999: Matrix
Favorite Movie of 1998: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite War Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Foreign Film: Fifth Element
Favorite Science Fiction Movie: 12 Monkeys
Favorite Comedy Movie: Hard one to answer

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