WOLVERINE, OVER 100 Issues and Still Going Strong

A complete rundown of the WOLVERINE Regular series:
Wolverine #1(1988) "Swordquest"
           Graduating to his own ongoing series, Wolverine tracks down the 

personal secretary of his one true love , Mariko Yashida. On  the Indo-
nesian island of Telambang, Logan tackles a nasty army of pirate slavers, 
dispatching each in his own trademarked snikt-like style. As Wolvie learns 
the true nature of his mission---to stop the deadly Cult of the Black Blade 
from obtaining the dreaded Muramasa Sword. His next stop: Madripoor. 
Assuming the identity of  the one-eyed Patch, wolverine comes to the 
rescue of  Lindsay McCabe.
Wolverine #2(1988) "Possession is the Law"
            After a few drink's with Lindsay, Patch continues his search for 
the Muramusa Blade. But so does the Silver Samurai. And after a greeting 
that is less than amicable, the two find the blade in the possession of 
former Spider Woman, Jessica Drew, who is possessed by the sword's 
evil influence -- and is out for blood.
Wolverine #3(1989) "The Black Blade"
          Patch, now possessed by the Muramusa Blade, makes off with 
Jessica Drew while Lindsay McCabe and the Silver Samurai watch 
helplessly. After an Oscar winning performance as a nutcase, Lindsay, 
alongside with the Silver Samurai and Patch's  business partner O'Donnel, 
storm the Cult of  the Black Blade's temple to save Jessica from being 
sacrificed to the power of the sword. It's a heavy-metal extravaganza as 
the heroes struggle to free Patch from the blade's influence and escape 
with their lives.
Wolverine #4(1989) "Bloodsport"
           Someone is trying to systematically disassemble Tyger Tiger's hold 
on Madripoor's underworld. With such hired muscle as the hulking 
Roughouse and the vampiric Bloodsport on the scene, it's not long before 
Patch starts sniffing around.
Wolverine #5(1989) "Hunter's Moon"
            As Lindsay and Jessica seek shelter at Luckman, Landau & Lake 
for the injured Tyger Tiger, Patch takes on the mercenary  Harries in the 
Golden triangle, clawing his way to victory and dismantling  General Coy's 
opium crop. But all is not well in Madripoor when Bloodsport and 
Roughouse come calling for Tyger, and Logan's old friend Chang is caught 
in the middle.
Wolverine #6(1989) "Roughouse!"
        Patch has a re-match with Roughouse and Bloodsport, taking the fight
to the royal palace of Madripoor in an effort to rescue Lindsay, Jessica and
Tyger. It's an all-star brawl with plenty of fists  and blood-letting. But 
the heroes prevail, and just as the ruthless General Coy is about to get his, 
and the sovereign Prince of Madripoor arrives, with troops in tow.

Wolverine #7(1989) "Mr. Fixit Comes to Town"
            It's a stand-off at the royal palace as tentative truces are made for the 
control of Madripoor's underworld. And while Prince Baran makes a friend 
in Lindsay McCabe, Patch learns that the troubles he's caused for General 
Coy by destroying his opium has resulted in a Las Vegas enforcer by the 
name of Mr. Fixit hulking his way to the South Seas for a little "chat".
Wolverine #8(1989) "If it Ain't Broke-!"
            Joe Fixit isn't too thrilled at the practical jokes being played on him 
by  Patch, who tricks the big guy into smashing general Coy's  slave ring 
and cocaine refinery and than sends him packing on the wrong plane home.
Wolverine #9(1989) "Promises to Keep"
         A page out of Wolverine's history unfolds as Patch reminisces about 
a promise of retribution for the murder of an innocent. While a group of
mercenaries flees from its hunting trip, Logan dispatches them one-by-
one in the woods, under a raging river on a high cliff. Things get real rough, 
as the sins of  the past return to take their toll.
Wolverine #10(1989) "24 Hours"
          It's not a very happy birthday for  Patch as the ol' Canucklehead 
uncharacteristically tries to avoid trouble on his special day. Unfortunately, 
he's caught up in a barroom brawl a mugging and an attempt on his own 
life, all while flashing back to a bygone anniversary and a battle with the 
ferocious Sabertooth.
Wolverine #11(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 1/6,"Brother's Keeper"
         Patch, Archie and Jessica wring their way to 'Frisco to lend a hand 
as Archie Corrigan's brother Burt is about to be declared mentally unfit.
But when Burt crashes into court riding a horse and dressed as a certain 
whip snapping movie archaeologist, with pseudo-vampires close behind, 
all hell breaks loose. Meanwhile, Jessica learns of the  theft of the 
mysterious Gehenna Stone.
Wolverine #12(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 2 of 6,                                                                                 "Straits of San Francisco"
             It's contempt of court all around as the gang fends off the 
pseudo-vampires. And when the chase hits the steep streets of San Fran on the 
horseback and by stolen police car, you can bet Patch is in for disorderly 
conduct, reckless driving and vandalism of public property.
Wolverine #13(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 3 of 6,"Blood Ties"
        The twin thieves Larry and Gar, possessors of a shard of the Gehenna 
Stone, mix it up at the Princess Bar. Meanwhile, back in California, the 
chase continues. Burt relates the insidious secret of the gem to patch and 
the gang as they seek air passage to Madripoor. But the demonic Ba'al and 
his pseudo-vampires await them at the airport, ready to claim Burts piece 
of the stone.
Wolverine #14(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 4 of 6,"Flying Wolves"
         With Patch's partner O'Donnel holding one of the Gehenna fragments, 
things heat up in Madripoor for  the bar owner and Lindsay McCabe. And 
with  the gang in hot pursuit of  Ba'al, Patch reveals himself as the mutant 
Wolverine just in time for a high-flying battle over the Pacific .
Wolverine #15(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 5 of 6,"Homecoming"
          There's something strange happening to the residents of Madripoor-, 
and it's not in the water. The Gehenna Stone begins bringing out the 
animal in everyone except, ironically, the man called Patch. Old allies can't 
be trusted as Wolverine and company face the police, still more pseudo-
vampires and an alliance between Prince Baran and Ba'al.
Wolverine #16(1989) The Gehenna Stone Affair:Part 6 of 6,"Electric Warriors"
            As the partnership between Prince Baran and Ba'al dissolves into  
treachery, the Gehenna Stone is made complete, and Ba'al achieves full 
power. With an army of pseudo-vampires besieging the royal palace, the 
good guys have their hands full. How do you beat an evil as old as the 
bible? Try two sets of three-foot-long adamantium claws and lots of faith.
Wolverine #17(1989) "Basics!"
          Daredevil makes a cameo as a new adventure begins. There's 
someone new manipulating the drug trade in Madripoor with a lethal 
mixture of cocaine the cyborg Geist. and after a double-dealing Prince 
Baran and General Coy, the mysterious villain shanghais Wolverine's 
favorite sparring partner, Roughouse.
Wolverine #18(1989) "All at Sea"
        The bond between friends can be as strong as the tie binding 
sparring partners. In hot pursuit of Geist and the captive Roughouse, 
Wolverine learns of the insidious plan to turn his former foe into a drug 
induced superhero for the Latin American nation of Tierra Verde. But 
there's no explaining that the doped-up Roughouse as he starts a 
shipboard brawl with Logan, while Geist conspires with General Coy 
and Prince Baran.
Wolverine #19(1989) "Heroes  and Villains"
            Arriving just in time for a revolution Tierra Verde, Wolverine 
runs afoul of a tussle between the mutant hero  La Bandera and the very 
nasty Tiger Shark. The first round ends with a draw as the story unfolds, 
and revelations are disclosed. These include the hidden players in a larger 
scheme, Sister Salvation's role in Roughouse's evolution and Geist's bizarre 
shaving fetish.
Wolverine #20(1990) "Miracles"
         What do you do if you're mixing it up with Wolverine, and you don't 
want to get skewered by those  nasty claws of his? If you're Tiger Shark,
you just stick him on an under-water coral reef while you go off  to beat up 
on La Bandera some more. Meanwhile, Geist  and President Caridad force 
Sister Salvation to lay her healing touch on mutating Roughouse.
Wolverine #21(1990) "Battleground"
It's a run through the jungle as Wolverine, Roughouse and Sister Salvation 
flee into the dense rain forest of Tierra Verde. With Geist and President 
Caridad close behind, the feverish Logan succumbs to the effects of the 
tainted cocaine. As hallucinations over-take him, Wolverine battles 
phantom Nazis and learns the true power behind the drug is an ancient 
menace created by the Deviants: the monstrous Spore!
Wolverine #22(1990) "Outburst!"
          Shackled  with Roughouse in a Tierra Verde military camp, Wolvie
plots their escape, while President Caridad plans to unleash the Deviant 
Spore upon his own son in his mad quest to create a superhero. As La 
Bandera and the rebels attack, Caridad unwittingly finds himself playing 
host to the nasty Deviant infection.
Wolverine #23(1990) "Endings"
              Hope is in the hands of Sister Salvation as the Spore-consumed
President Carudad plays Godzilla on Tierra Verde . In the end, Roughouse 
makes amends, Democracy reigns and Geist gets his due, first in a clean, 
close shave from Wolverine and then in a nice little "conversation" with 
Magneto, who doesn't particularly cotton to old  cyborg Nazis.
Wolverine #24(1990) "Snow Blind!"
          It's business as usual in Madripoor, Street thief Aldo steals the 
bomb-laden valise of the Mutant assassin Snow Queen, who then peruses 
Aldo. Wolvie high-tails it after both of them. In the end, the Snow Queen 
dies. Case closed.
Wolverine #25(1990) "Heir Aid"
            Taking a page out of  "The Jungle Book," Patch stands guard over 
the youngest of Madripoor's warring crime bosses and  relates a slightly 
familiar bedtime story. But in this telling the jungle's been replaced by 
the Canadian wilderness, Mowgli's now a kid named Logan and those 
good-natured animals that raised him are a pack of wolverines!
Wolverine #26(1990) "Memory of Peace"
           Logan doesn't have many close friends, but when one of his oldest 
and  dearest comrades in Japan is ruthlessly murdered, the X-Man won't 
rest until justice is served and family artifact is brought to its final resting 
Wolverine #27(1990) The Lazarus Project:Part One "Predators and Prey"
            While Patch and tyger Tiger dispatch some Lowtown thugs, Prince 
Baran and General Coy conspire with the Broker to learn the potential for 
the sinister Lazarus Project by obtaining the master Form. Standing in the 
way are the island inhabitants of Rumika. After learning what they're 
planning, Both Jessica Drew and Wolverine face the awesome power of 
the robotic Pinochio- and he sure ain't no little wooden boy.
Wolverine #28(1990) The Lazarus Project:Part Two "The Stranger"
            After getting a vial of acid tossed in his face by Dr. Page last issue, 
Wolvie fell into the Pacific. Washing ashore on the tiny island of Runika,
the bewildered and amnesiac hero is found by the natives and adopted 
into their peaceful lives. But the Rumikans are in possession of the Master 
Form, and the mercenaries prowling the island consider them and their 
friend expendable.
Wolverine #29(1990) The Lazarus Project:Part Three "The Road Back"
            Wolverine, Karma and Target compare notes, each revealing their
involvement with the Master Form, while a funeral pyre bums for the dead 
of Rumika. When a few remaining mercs show up to take he mysterious 

object, there's enough revenge to go around for everyone.
Wolverine #30(1990) The Lazarus Project:Conclusion "Family Matters"
            The secrete of Pinochio and the Lazarus Project are revealed as 
Wolvie, Karma and Target storm the Prince's Palace. In the end, the Broker 
fakes a suicide, and Logan doles out a measure of mercy to General Coy 
by handing him over to Karma rather than killing him. 
Wolverine #31(1990) "Killing Zone"
    Patch and Archie Corrigan are just having a little drink in the Princess
Bar when the Yakuzza come calling. Meanwhile, high above the streets of 
Lowtown, a deal is sealed among General Coy, Tyger Tiger and Prince 
Baran with the Yakuzza warlord Dai-Komo that spells a world of hurt for  
Wolverine as a new and deadly drug comes to Madripoor. 
Wolverine #32(1990) "Terminal Trauma"
           Convalescing in Tyger's safe-house, the injured Logan faces still 
more Yakuzza assassins. Lying near death with a katana run through him, 
Wolvie receives a psychic visit from Jean Grey. After some healing time, he 
discovers the true horror of the Zap and Thunderbolt drugs-a warehouse 
full of dead spider-monkeys.
Wolverine #33(1990) "Grave Undertakings"
       Wolverine takes the battle to the house of Dai-Komo! After smuggling 
his own body  into Japan inside a coffin, Logan is buried alive in the drug  
kingpin's family cemetery. But a wooden crate and six feet of earth mean 
nothing to adamantium claws. To end the threat of  the Thunderbolt Drug, 
Wolverine takes apart Dai-Komo's house and chemical factory and has a
short and sweet re-match with the assassin  Goro.
Wolverine #34(1990) "The Hunter In Darkness"
           For Sergeant Doolin of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, there's 
something strangely familiar about the man helping him trail a wanted 
fugitive and his hostage. Doolin, who's lying near death with the armed 
gunman on one side and the ferocious Hunted in Darkness staling the 
woods around, flashes back to World War II where he once hunted the 
legendary creature. The common thread? A mysterious figure and the 
name "Logan."
Wolverine #35(1991) "Blood, Sand, and Claws"
           While enjoying a little R&R with Alpha Flight's Puck in 
Vancouver, Logan kills his time with some fishing and a game of 
"split the fly." But Lady Deathstrike is just a spatial warp away from 
Wolverine and her vengeance. Something's really amiss when the three 
of them are transported to 1937 Spain, smack dab into the middle of 
the Spanish Civil War with "Papa" Ernest Hemingway!
Wolverine #36(1991) "...It Tolls for Thee!"
         You say you want a revolution? Logan, Puck, the beautiful Inez and 
"Ernesto"; Hemingway make some timely contributions to the 
Siege of Guernica in 1937 Spain. Lady Deathstrike slithers with her own 
crowd, making deals with the Nazis. The fight's in the rebels' favor until 
Puck is gravely wounded. Then it's time for that groovy snikt sound.
Wolverine #37(1991) "Fall Back & Spring Forward"
                  Making short of the Fascist and Nazis in 1937 Spain, the time-
displaced Wolvie parries adamantium claws with arch-foe Lady Deathsrike. 
While Puck struggles to keep up, the battle crosses several time-lines 
before the continuum is righted. Look for a cameo by Power Pack's Katie 
along the way. Elsewhere, cyborg Donald Pierce plots his revenge with 
sweet little Elsie Dee.
Wolverine #381991) "See Venice & Die"
       Storm guest-stars in this one, as the elemental mutant is on the trail 
of low-rent mobsters out to ring down Wolverine. Apparently, someone 
with Logan's face is busting up the gambling  joints in Venice, Calif. He's 
actually a Pierce-built android named Albert, who's a dead ringer for the ol' 
Canucklehead. But when the real deal shows up, you can bet that Logan 
separates the androids from the adamantium!
Wolverine #39(1991) "Deconstruction"
      With the android Albert down for the count, Elsie Dee's prime directive
is on the line. Packed to her pink bows with plastic explosives, the tiny and- 
roid sets a raging fire hoping that Wolvie will come to her rescue. While 
Albert pulls himself together and seeks a way to defuse her, Elsie's logic 
circuits evolve, resulting in her main target becoming her best friend.
Wolverine #40(1991) "Reconstruction"
            Wolverine, Forge and Jubilee learn that Albert's alive and well. 
Breaking out of the police lock-up, the radically altered android steals the 
ultimate stealth Bomber. Winging his way to Logan and Elsie Dee in New 
York, Albert plans on keeping Elsie from exploding by killing Wolverine 
himself. As the trio  hovers over the East River and resolves their 
differences, the U.S Air Force comes gunning and knocks the plane into 
the river.
Wolverine #41(1991) "Down in the Bottoms"
          Another birthday, another chase. While Forge and Jubilee search the 
East River for Wolverine, Elsie Dee takes the injured Logan to the safety 
of the Morlock sewer tunnels. Cable makes an appearance as rising waters 
and Sabertooth complicate matters-especially when Sabertooth claims that 
he's Logan's Father!
Wolverine #42(1991) "Papa Was a Rolling Stone!"
          Wolvie and Sabertooth continue their battle as Elsie Dee makes the 
ultimate sacrifice to save them all from the flooding Morlock tunnels. 
The timely intervention of  S.H.I.E.L.D. plucks them from further trouble, 
and Nick tells Logan the truth about Sabertooth's revelation- he's not is 
dad. Meanwhile Albert is revived in the river.
Wolverine #43(1991) "Under the Skin"
         Needing a little downtime to deal with his recent skirmishes, Wolvie 
sets off for New York City. At the zoo, he finds a kindred spirit in his 
animal namesake and lets off some much-needed steam by thwarting a 
budding serial killer. Across the river, Lady Deathsrike comes to town.
Wolverine #44(1991) "Babes at Sea"
        Flashback time! Cryptic dreams send Logan packing on a cruise ship 
to thwart an ancient demon who's  targeting the unborn children of three 
single mothers. With nasty, pointed teeth and dripping entrails, it's sue 
not a scene from "The  Love Boat!"
Wolverine #45(1991) "Claws Over Time Square"
           It's more than a coincidence when Albert causes a blackout in the 
Big Apple while trying to rebuild Elsie Dee. Add Sabertooth, Lady 
Deathstrike, a mystery assassin and Wolverine, who's trying to keep the 
Hunter in Darkness from becoming a sideshow attraction, and you've got 
Wolverine #46(1991) "Home is the Hunter"
          More claws than you can shake a stick at, smack dab in the middle 
of  Time Square. As Wolverine, Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike and the 
Hunter in Darkness continue their wild fracas, Emmy Doolin exacts her 
revenge. And to make things even more confusing for Logan, both he and 
Sabertooth experience the same strange hallucinations.
Wolverine #47(1991) "Dog Day"
            Rabid dogs and a murderous drug addicts are on Wolverine's mind, 
when all he really wants to do is got on his Harley and feel the wind in his 
hair .
Wolverine #48(1991) Shiva Scenario:Part One, "Dreams of Gore:Phase One"
           Seeking clues to his origins, Wolverine heads off with Jubilee to 
Alberta, Canada. There, in an abandoned nuclear power plant, Logan's 
memory is sparked by familiar objects, recalling tattered images of the 
Weapon X experiments, as well as recollections of times past when he and 
Sabertooth were much closer.
Wolverine #49(1991) Shiva Scenario:Part Two, "Dreams of Gore:Phase Two"
        Once upon a time, Logan lived in a little log cabin with his dog Blue, 
and he was loved by the beautiful Silver Fox. But as Professor X and Jean 
Grey probe Wolverine's mind and send  him on a walking tour of his 
buried past, he quickly realizes that all of his life may not be as real as he 
Wolverine #50(1991) Shiva Scenario:Part Three, "Dreams of Gore:Phase Three"
           As Logan crashes the S.H.I.E.L.D. heli-carrier and has words with
Nick Fury, further clues to his origin unravel. Hines, the Professor from the 
Weapon X project, the X-Men and H.Y.D.R.A. each make an appearance 
as Wolverine heads back to Canada to once and for all track down the 
mystery of his memory implants. Standing in his way is Shiva, a leftover 
from the Weapon X project determined to bury the past and its participants.
Wolverine #51(1992) The Crunch Conundrum: Part 1 of  3, "Heartbreak Motel!"
       Quite a few former foes get their  virtual-reality noggins' clocked as 
Professor X and Forge monitor the changes in Wolverine's demeanor while 
he claws his way through the Danger Room. Elsewhere, Albert and the 
rebuilt Elsie Dee take the Hunter in Darkness for a  ride in a stealth bomber. 
And later at Cloud 9 Motel, Logan and Mystique are interrupted by Spiral.
Wolverine #52(1992) The Crunch Conundrum: Part 2 of  3,                                                                                "Citadel at the End of Time"
            The universe began with the Big-Bang and it'll end with the Big-
Crunch! After an attack by a plasma wraith, Wolverine, Mystique and Spiral 
head to the end of everything to thwart Mojo's mad scheme to bring about 
the temporal convergence. back at the Cloud 9 Motel, Jubilee confronts 
Mojo himself, while Albert and company find somebody's adamantium-
clawed skeleton in Canada.
Wolverine #53(1992) The Crunch Conundrum: Part 3 of  3                                                                           								"The Chimerical Mystery Tour!"
       As the battle in Mojo's  citadel at the end of everything rises to a
fever pitch, the only hope for all time lies with the mutant gateway and a 
cruise missile courtesy of Albert and Elsie Dee.
Wolverine #54(1992) "Station Identification"
            The VidKids are a roving gang of mutant murderers who specialize 
in preserving mayhem on camcorders for posterity and future broadcasts. 
Wolverine and X-Force's Shatterstar specialize in doing violence to 
mutant haters, usually with very sharp claws and blades. You do the
Wolverine #55(1992) "Thirty Slashes Over Tokyo" or                                                                               "Sayonara Yellow Brick Road"
          Get your score cards out! When Logan travels to Japan to fetch the 
time displaced Jubilee (thanks to Mojo), more than a few old enemies start 
popping up. But this time, he's got Gambit and Sunfire to watch his back 
when the Hand and the cyborg Cylla flash their metal. Elsewhere, just as 
the assassin Reiko spares Jubilee's life, the wild one Yukio shows up.
Wolverine #56(1992) "We Got Cylla, Can Mothra Be Far Behind"
      While the Hand makes its play for control of the Clan Yashida, Sunfire 
and Gambit bring the house down on the local police station, right on top 
of  the battling Logan and Cylla. The plot thickens as Silver Fox and 
H.Y.D.R.A. capture Reiko, and the Silver Samurai reveals himself just in 
time for a ninja assault on the House of Shingen.
Wolverine #57(1992) "Death in the Family"
         As Wolverine and his allies wind their way through the hidden booby 
traps of the House of Shingen, the forces of  H.Y.D.R.A. and the Hand plot 
our heroes' demise. And while Logan heads off to  help Jubilee and Yukio 
fend off an attack from Cylla, Mariko Yashida pays the ultimate price: death.
Wolverine #58(1992) "Monkeywrenching!"
       A new adventure begins as Wolverine seeks action to take his mind 
off  the death of his beloved Mariko. With Jubilee tagging along, Logan 
journeys to Oregon in search of an industrialist's kidnapped daughter.
There, they meet up with the gruesome Terror, just in time for an attack by 
Monkeywrench and his eco-terrorists, leaving Wolverine with an explosive 
spike lodged in his chest.
Wolverine #59(1992) "Unnatural Resources"
          After an icy bath in a  frozen river to remove the explosive spike
jutting from his ribs, Logan opts for a shave and a haircut, going deep 
under-cover to find the abducted Alice Hoff. The Terror & Jubilee continue 
the ride as Wolvie teaches a lesson in environmentalism to Monkeywrench 
and his goons.
Wolverine #60(1992) "Counting Coup"
      In a story taking place before the events of Wolverine #58-59, Logan's  
friends attempt a measure of consolation for the mutant X-Man at the grave 
of  Mariko Yashida. Meanwhile, the Weapon X assassin Shiva makes an 
attempt on Sabertooth's life in New York, while Expediter John Wraith 
makes a timely first appearance. Back in Japan, Wolverine whittles away 
at his grief by taking a  piece out of Hand master Matsuo Tsuyaraba.
Wolverine #61(1992) "Nightmare Quest!"
       Further dreams of his past send Wolverine in search of answers. First 
stop: a rendezvous with Kestrel(a.k.a.)John Wraith, another in line on Shiva's 
hit list. Wolverine, Wraith and Jubilee meet up with the rapidly aging  
Mastodon and a surly Sabertooth who's been hog-tied and rigged to explode.
Wolverine #62(1992) "Reunion!"
            Why can't they just get along? As Wolverine and Sabertooth scrap.
Silver Fox shows up with Hines to get to the bottom of their involvement 
in the Weapon X project. After the rapidly aging  Mastodon dissolves all 
over Jubilee, the gang heads off playing tag with a cruise missile. Plus, 
they meet up with Maverick.
Wolverine #63(1992) "Bastions of Glory!"
                    The Psi-Borg Aldo Ferro triggers more nightmarish memory 
implants in Wolverine and the rest of the Weapon X subjects as they head
into his spiral computer  net  to separate the truth from their muddled 
Wolverine #64(1992) "What Goes Around..."
            While Jubilee patiently waits, Logan and the gang venture into  
Ferro's computer complex. The Psi-Borg himself unleashes a full psychic 
assault upon the Weapon X  subjects, just as Shiva attacks, but this time, 
unlike in the implanted memories, Silver Fox dies under Sabertooth's 
claws for real.

Wolverine #65(1993) "State of Grace!"
         Virtual-reality revenge in the Danger Room is little comfort for the 
grieving Wolvie, so he heads off to a bar for the inevitable brawl in hopes 
of getting over the death of Silver Fox. After some soothing words from 
Jean Grey and the aid of Wraith and Nick Fury, Logan takes Fox's body 
home to be buried near the cabin in his dreams. And, for a brief time at 
least, Wolverine is at peace.
Wolverine #66(1993) "Prophecy"
            After sorting out the fiction from reality in his Weapon X memory 
implants, only one mystery remains to haunt Logan- an aborted 
assassination. While Professor X and the X-Men search for the missing 
Wolverine, the hallucinating Logan wanders through a gallery of 1967 pop 
culture and political figures. Guided by a cryptic angel in his search for 
Terry Adams, whoever or whatever that may be.
Wolverine #67(1993) "Valley O' Death!"
            Left for dead by marauding Russian border guards, Logan finds a
 strangely familiar  blue and yellow costume. Meanwhile, the X-Men cont.
their hunt for Wolverine,  crossing paths with Maverick, who's hot  on the 
heels of a mutant serial killer. back in Russia, Logan breaks into Tyuratam
Space Center, known among the spy types as Terry Adams!
Wolverine #68(1993) "Epsilon Red"
            The whole truth  behind Terry Adams is finally revealed to Logan
as he meets up with Epsilon Red, the Soviet Super Astronaut he was 
assigned to kill way back in 1967! As the real  memories unravel, Logan 
holds off the troops while Epsilon Red hijacks a Russian space shuttle and 
the X-Men speed toward the Space Center to pull Wolvie outa there.
Wolverine #69(1993) "Induction in the Savage Land"
            It's a Jurassic-sized adventure as Wolverine, Jubilee and Rogue 
make camp in the Savage Land to track down a certain magnetic mutant 
previously believed to be dead. And it wouldn't be a Savage Land 
adventure without  the Mutates, Dino-Riders ands that scaly rapscallion, 
Sauron !
Wolverine #70(1993) "Tooth and Nail!"
            It's a three-sided bout as Wolverine trades slashes with Sauron and 
the Mutates, Rogue  teaches a little lesson in evolution to Brainchild and 
Gaza, and Jubilee shows those Dino-Riding barbarians just how to rope 
a pterodactyl. Plus, further clues to the resurrection of Magneto are 
Wolverine #71(1993) "Triassic Park"
            As Wolverine is stampeded by the dinosaurs and Mutates, Rogue
comes flying on the scene to take a hand in the battle against Sauron and 
his united front. With victory close, the X-Men strap Sauron into 
Brainchild's genetic transformer to change him back to human form. After 
a debate in Savage-Land sociology, there's a change of heart and no 
change for Sauron, as Storm and Bishop arrive for a little backup.
Wolverine #72(1993) "Sleeping Giant!"
		Investigating the Reaver's (and the one time X-Men's) former 
compound in the Australian outback, Wolverine and Jubilee bear witness 
to the remains of a slaughter by the mutant-hating Sentinels. As Jubilee 
re-lives the deaths of her parents in one of Gateway's space/time warps, a 
lone Sentinel arises from the carnage, self-aware and ready for action.
Wolverine #73(1993) "The Formicary Mound!"
            With Jubilee as hostage, the independent-minded Sentinel  leaps
into the past to alter history. At the so-called "Ant Hill" buried by the 
Avengers, the Sentinel  reactivates his brethren  and begins building a 
weapon to destroy all human life on Earth, right after he thoroughly 
trounces Wolverine.
Wolverine #74(1993) "Jubilee's Revenge"
            While the Sentinel 3.14159 (that's "pi" to you and me), continues 
making life rough for the time-displaced Wolverine and Jubilee, his robotic 
brothers have a similar awakening of  self. But when Wolvie and Jubilee 
start beating them, 3.14150 starts cannibalizing his brothers for spare parts. 
After feeling remorse at  the "death" of his Sentinel compatriots, 3.14159 
discovers empathy and spares the two X-Men and the rest of the Earth 
from his solar flare, returning them to Los Angeles in time for Jubilee to 
exact a little retribution on her parent's killers.
Wolverine #75(1993) "Nightmares Persist!"
            Following the events of X-Men #25, Wolverine lies  near death due 
to Magneto's violent removal of the adamantium from his skeleton. As his 
fellow X-Men ferry him back to Earth in the crashing Blackbird, Prof.  X. 
and Jean Grey do their best to keep him alive and maintain his already 
taxed healing factor. Later, Logan makes a startling discovery as he 
unleashes claws of  bone which he  previously thought were solid 
adamantium. Realizing that Magneto's attack has changed him more 
significantly than he can fully fathom, Logan says goodbye 
to Jubilee and goes walkabout.
Wolverine #76(1993) "Northern Dreams"
            Logan heads north to Ottawa to heal the wounds inflicted on his 
body and soul by Magneto. After an untimely motorcycle crash and 
fevered dreams, some very nice  bikers drop the bettered Wolvie off on 
the doorstep of Alpha Flight's Heather Hudson, a.k.a. Viindicator. While 
Heather soothes Wolvie, Lady Deathstrike drops to pursue a long-standing
Wolverine #77(1994) "The Lady Strikes"
            Want a little redecorating done? Just let Lady Deathstrike loose on 
Wolverine. That's Heather Hudson's dilemma as a clawed battle is waged  
in her house. Puck tries to help, but the actions over as quickly as it began 
when the nasty Lady D learns that Wolvie no longer has the adamantium 
she's long sought. After settling up with Heather for home repairs, Logan 
is back on the road. but hot on his trail are Cylla and the vampiric Blood-
scream, once known in Madripoor as Bloodsport.

Wolverine #78(1994) "Deathstalk: A Test of Mettle"
            Logan leads Cylla and Bloodscream on an icy, hunger-filled chase 
into the Canadian High Country with the Honor Sword of the Yashida Clan 
as his only weapon. But for the increasingly wild Wolverine, the odds are 
in his favor as the appetites of his foes force them to turn on one another, 
and Logan stands ready with his katana to take on the one left standing.
Wolverine #79(1994) "Cyber! Cyber! Burning Bright!"
            In Scotland, the  wayfaring Wolverine runs  afoul of Zoë Culloden, 
apprentice to Logan's old buddy Chang, while he calls in a marker at
Luckman, Landau & Lake. Without his adamantium claws, Wolvie is hard 
pressed to rove his identity, even when the offices are attacked by the 
hallucinogen-addled and adamantium-skinned wrecking machine Cyber.
Wolverine #80(1994) "...In the Forest of the Night!"
            After having one set of his bony claws snapped off by Cyber,
Logan speeds off into the night with Zoë. While Cyber makes his getaway 
in an ambulance and chases after them in hot pursuit, he desiccated body 
of Cylla is discovered in Northern Albert. Plus, Bloodscream emerges from 
the frozen wilderness not quite dead.
Wolverine #81(1994) "Storm Warning"
            Making their way to Muir Isle, Zoë and the hallucinogen-maddened 
Wolverine makes life tough on Nightcrawler, Kitty Pride and Moira 
MacTaggert because he believes they're in league with Magneto. After 
curing him of the demons induced by Cyber's drugs, the gang gets its 
act together just in time for the onslaught of Cyber himself.
Wolverine #82(1994) "Omnia Mutantur"
            As Logan continues to devolve into his wilder nature, he finds a 
moment of peace in Japan. home of his late beloved Mariko-  as well  as 
his sworn enemies, the Hand. Obligations and honor are on tap as Yukio 
and Silver Samurai pay their respects  and improve the life of  Wolvie and 
Mariko's foster child, Amiko. Meanwhile, a world away in Canada, 
Bloodscream comes across the time-displaced and long-buried Albert 
and Elsie Dee.
Wolverine #83(1994) "Cold Comfort"
          While Bloodscream, Elsie Dee and Albert begin a search for Wolvie 
to inform him that his healing factor's way outta whack, the mutant 
himself wings his way  to an isolated Canadian scientific outpost to ask a 
favor of his long-time friends James and Heather Hudson, a.k.a. Guardian 
and Vindicator. Borrowing some  thrills from "Aliens"  and "The Thing" 
the adventure turns bloody as fearsome creatures begin making mincemeat  
of the researchers. 
Wolverine #84(1994) "Things That Go Bump in the Night!"
            Creatures resembling Wolverine's old foe The Hunter in darkness 
continue their  bloody assault on Logan and the Hudson's research outpost. 
Meanwhile, Elsie Dee tells Bloodscream the tale of how she and Albert 
wound up in the past in search of answers to the mysterious adamantium 
skeleton from Wolverine  #52.
Wolverine #85(1994) Phalanx Covenant: Final Covenant Part One,                                                                                                  "Full Shred Thrash"
         Life is looking pretty grim for Cyclops and Jean Grey on Muir Island, 
as the techno-organnnic Phalanx steps up its invasion of Earth. That is, 
until a certain Canucklehead drops by on his return trip from Canada. 
Add Cable, and things really get cookin'
Wolverine #86(1994) "Claws Along the Mohawk"
            Arriving after the carnage on Muir Island, Albert, Elsie Dee and 
Bloodscream continue their search for Logan. And a tale of time-
displacement involving Wolverine, Forge and the Adversary is told as 
Bloodscream seeks answers to Albert and Elsie Dee's connection to  the 
Indian Burial Ground and Wolverine.
Wolverine #87(1994) "Showdown in Lowtown"
           Logan and Gambit share brews and brawls in Madripoor while 
complaining about  their mutual disdain for Sabertooth. But Wolvie sheds 
a little light  on some of Saber's good points before Hand assassins take 
the pair to the rooftops of Lowtown. There, they have a surprise run-in 
with Maverick who, dying from the Legacy virus, tries  to trick them into 
killing him.
Wolverine #88(1994) "It's Deadpool, Folks!"
            While checking up on Weapon X/Garrison Kane for his pal James 
Hudson, Logan is caught in a mutant love triangle involving Kane, the 
shape-shifting Vanessa and old boyfriend, the slightly whako (and quite 
dangerous) Merc with the Mouth , Deadpool.
Wolverine #89(1995) "The Mask of Ogun"
            Ogun, the mentor and later demonically possessed foe of Wolvie 
(from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine limited series),  returns from the grave to 
challenge his former pupil and the new Ghost Rider  to a raucous battle in 
the Metropolitan Museum. Back at the X-Mansion, the caged Sabertooth 
rattles his prison bars and Gambit.
Wolverine #90(1995) "The Dying Game"
            Sabertooth picks the wrong day to  challenge Logan and threaten 
the lives of his dearest friends. As a  sordid  tale unfolds involving police 
brutality on a serial killer that Wolverine once encountered, Logan  realizes 
that the best way to neutralize the threat of Sabertooth  might be to take 
extreme measures. Neither mutant backs down from the  final confron-
tation, but just as Wolverine pops his third claw, "the Age of Apocalypse 
Wolverine #91(1995) "Path of Stones, Wood of Thorns"
            With time restored to relative normalcy, the increasingly wild 
Wolverine bides his time in the woods surrounding the X-Mansion. And 
as a neighboring abusive husband is targeted by Logan's sense of honor-
as well as his heightened predatory nature-it's up to Storm, Beast and 
Professor X to make Wolverine do the right thing, even if it goes against 
their own values.
Wolverine #92(1995) "A Northern Exposure"
            Guardian and Vindicator guest-star as the X-Men experiment on 
Wolvie and the lobotomized Sabertooth to find clues to Logan's regression.
Wolverine escapes to the night air as his friends monitor his ironic chance 
encounter with the hit-and-run driver and the X-Men's abusive neighbor 
from last issue.
Wolverine #93(1995) "A Tavern in the Town"
            The deadly dark Riders liberate Cyber from his imprisonment on 
Muir Island. Mean-while, back at Xavier's, Wolverine challenges Cannonball 
to a race and then buys the beer as Juggernaut makes his own escape from 
the X-Mansion and trashes the pub. But try explaining that to Storm when 
Juggie vanishes into thin air.
Wolverine #94(1995) "The Lurker in the Machine"
            Unbeknownst to Wolverine, Cyber and the Dark Riders head toward 
their destiny in the ruined Akkaba. But it's back to school for Wolverine as 
he accepts an invitation to be a guest-lecturer at Xavier's School for Gifted 
Youngsters. The subject? How about teaching the kids in Generation X some 
mutant fighting  skills? Unfortunately, class is cut short when a dead spirit
raises Logan's hackles in the Biosphere.
Wolverine #95(1995) "Manhattan Rhapsody"
            While the mysterious Dark riders test the mettle of Cyber and his 
adamantium skin, Logan heads into the city for some action, with 
Guardian and Vindicator tagging along as concerned chaperones. Fearing 
that the wild side is clouding his judgment, the Hudson's mistakenly 
interrupt Wolvie's tussle with the shape-shifting, body-snatcher DirtNap, 
a lowdown rat of a mutant.
Wolverine #96(1995) "Campfire Tales"
            Better pack  the bug spray! Some much needed R& R in the 
Canadian Rockies finds Logan,  Storm, Caliban and Cannonball eating 
Smores, telling old tales  and meeting up with a hungry grizzly, while Zoë 
Culloden and Noah continue their surveillance . Back in decimated Akkaba, 
Genesis reveals himself and sets some flesh-eating mutant death Watch 
Battles upon a hapless Cyber. They eat all his flesh, leaving only his 
adamantium behind.
Wolverine #97(1996) "...Bump in the Night"
            Returning to Scotland, Wolverine and Jean Grey head through a 
Luckman, Landau &Lake warp chamber in search of Cyber's kidnappers.
On the other side, the pair meet up with the lovely Chimera, wielder of a 
very dangerous Dragon hand-puppet. Things look mighty rough for the 
mutants until Zoë Culloden reveals herself.
Wolverine #98(1996) "Fade to Black"
            Awakening in his old dive the Princess Bar, the disoriented Logan 
discovers the clawed bodies of some of his most trusted friends: Archie 
Corrigan, O'Donnel and Rose Carling! Arrested for the murders by Police
Chief Tai, Wolverine is visited by that little rat Dirt Nap and Tyger Tiger 
before being set up by Prince Baran. Loose ends are tied up in Madripoor,
as both the Prince and general Coy get their due before the X-Man heads 
through another warp chamber in search for Cyber.
Wolverine #99(1996) "Of Mythic metal Forged"
            With Cannonball hot on his trail, all roads (and warp chambers) lead 
Logan to Egypt and the horrific ruins of Akkaba. Expediter Zoë Culloden's 
connection to the events are as cryptic as ever, while the Dark Riders take
down Wolverine and bring him before Dirt Nap and their Master the evil 
Genesis. His plans? Does the phrase "adamantium bonding process" ring a 
Wolverine #100(1996) "Furnace of His Brain, Anvil of His Heart!"
            Trapped by genesis in a stasis tank, Wolverine relives a world of
pain as the heir to Apocalypse attempts to molecularly bond Cyber's adamantium
to Logan's bones. While Zoë and Cannonball watch helplessly, the true 
horror is revealed: With a new indestructible skeleton and claws, as well as 
some more excruciating memory implants. Wolverine is to be transformed 
into the Horseman of Death for the resurrected Apocalypse. Rejecting the 
adamantium and transformed anew, the more feral and decidedly more 
dangerous Wolverine makes short work of the Dark Riders and Genesis. 
A world away. Logan's regression is felt by Elektra and her mentor Stick.
Wolverine #111(1997):
            A very special "jump-on" issue of  WOLVERINE! With Professor X gone,
Logan decides it's time for a change of locales -- and moves into New YorkCity!
Here, he'll encounter an involving and evolving supporting cast -- as well as 
an ultimate nemesis that will plague him throughout '97!
Wolverine #112(1997): 
            Warned by Stick that his friends are in danger, Wolvie moves from
the relative peace of Salem Center to the absolute chaos that is New York City!
here, Logan will find a menace that is the very reason Elektra endeavored to put
him "back on the path". 
Wolverine #113(1997):
            Featuring the return of Ogun, the demon masked warrior from the
KITTY PRYDE & WOLVERINE limited series! Kitty comes to the East Village to seek
out Logan, what she finds is the man who once attempted to steal her soul!
Meanwhile, Lady Deathstrike and Spiral wait in the wings!
Wolverine #114 (1997):
            WOLVIE'S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER! He's got a brand spanking 
new artist, he's wearing his costume again, heck, he even has a nose again! 
You can bet he's ready to throw down with anybody, unfortunately, there's 
someone who's just as anxious to scrap, the cyborg known as Donald Pierce!
             FLASHBACK! He's got claws made of adamantium and he knows how to
use'em! Long before the ol'Canucklehead began a feral mutation, long before he
joined the X-Men, he was Weapon-X, a super-agent in the service of the Canadian
government! Here, Logan and his pal James Hudson run into one of the US's
Legends, a man in the process of forming the world's foremost espionage agency
Colonel Nick Fury!
Wolverine #115 (1997):"Zero Tolerance"
             After the events of X-MEN #65, the children of the atom are firmly
in the grip of Bastion! Now it's up toWolvie and Cyclops to find the location of
Professor X-the man who changed both of their lives! [Note: From June through
August, the five core member of X-MEN (Logan, Storm, Cannonball, Cyclops and 
Jean Grey) will only appear in WOLVERINE!
Wolverine #116 (1997):
              After escaping Bastion's converted Hulkbuster base, Wolverine,
Cyclops, Phoenix, Cannonball and  Storm find themselves stranded in the middle
of the New Mexico desert! That is, until they come upon a quiet little town. The
question is, are the strange beings that populate it friend or foe? 
Wolverine #117 (1997): Operation: Zero Tolerance 
            The X-Men have discovered the horrible truth behind the new, deadly 
Prime Sentinels! Now they must put an end to Bastion's plan - a plan that           
threatons mutants everywhere! But to do so, they must survive a town full of 
Operation: Zero Tolerance's hideously transformed agents!
Wolverine #118 (1997):
            Operation: Zero Tolerance is over, and if you read X-MEN #69 you'll 
see that the team has been profoundly impacted by the ordeal. Can Wolverine, 
the quintessential loner, hold the team together-or for that matter, can he hold 
himself together? 
Wolverine #119 (1997): Not Dead Yet
            Beginning a savage four-part saga. In the wake of Operation: Zero
Tolerance and the Trial of Gambit, the X-Men are hurtin! As for the ol 
'Canucklehead who's just getting back to "normal" himself-this goes double! 
But now that his teammates need him around as much as possible, Logan finds
himself up against a new and deadly enemy. 
Wolverine #120 (1997): "Not Dead Yet" Part2/4
            Twenty years ago, the man named Logan prevented the world's 
deadliest assassin from murdering Hong Kong's most influential man. Now,
The White Ghost, long thought dead has returned to enact revenge on 
Wolvie! The catch? He's had two decades to formulate a plan to kill an opponent 
with an unbreakable skeleton so just imagine his joy when he realizes that 
Logan is no longer protected by his adamantium! 
Wolverine #121(1997):"NOT DEAD YET"  PART 3 /4
            Chapter3 of four-part thriller! The enemy he'd thought long-dead, the 
one-time assassin known as "The White Ghost" has returned-and systematically
made hell of Logan's life! His new apartment has been trashed. His friends
have been hreatened. Now, with perhaps the one man in the world capable of 
killing him hiding behind every corner, Wolverine fights back-hard! 
Wolverine #122(1998):"NOT DEAD YET" PART 4/4:
             The bone-popping, flesh tearing conclusion of Warren Ellis's four-
part saga! He's tracked down Wolverine. He's laid waste to his burgeoning life
outside the X-Men. He's taken more than his pound of flesh from the ol'
Canucklehead. Now he's looking to hammer home the last nail in Logan's coffin!
It's all-out mayhem as Wolverine has his final confrontation with "The White
Ghost"- the assassin who's had nearly a decade to plan Wolverine's destruction! 
Wolverine #123 (1998):
            The return of Roughouse and Bloodscream! Has Wolverine lost his 
edge? Following his "tete-a-tete" with Marrow in X-MEN #72, the ol' 
Canucklehead has to wonder! What he needs now is a test and his two old
sparring partners from Madripoor are all too happy to oblige! 
Wolverine #124 (1998):
            Guest-starring Captain America! Ladies and Gentlemen and children of
all ages, in one corner we have the titanic tag team of The Best There Is At
What He Does and the Living Legend of W.W. II! In the other we have the all-new
menace of the Rascal! Let's get it on-live, from Madison Square Garden
Wolverine #125 (1998):
            Viper wants Wolverine in the worst way, and she's drafted 6 of the 
people that Logan cares about most to get him! Only Kitty Pryde and Jubilee 
remain free to help Wolverine, but do they have any chance against the combined 
might of Rogue, Psylocke, Tyger Tiger, Jessica Drew, Yukio and Phoenix 
(not to mention Hydra and the Hand)?! Get set for a heart-wrenching brawl with 
lasting repercussions for Wolverine and the one he loves! It all hits the fan here, 
and then the action spills into X-MEN#76     
Wolverine #126 (1998):
            Wolverine vs. Sabretooth! Wolverine's luck finally runs out when he
faces the deadliest foe of his life! Okay Wolverine's fought Sabretooth about 
ten bajillion times." Well, bub, never like this! Because today is the most 
painful day of Wolverine's life, and Sabretooth's vowed to make it his last-and
he's gained an unbeatable advantage to guarantee that his threat becomes a 