
Fan-Fiction Archive

The_Labyrinth Labyrinth Fan-Fiction

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Luna's Note:
Amethyst has again departed, but I think I've managed to fully reconstruct her Fanfic Archive. I'll be working on the Archive continuously, but there's just oodles to do. If you are an author who has a copy of your story, finished after November of last year and you have it all in one piece, I'll love you forever if you send it to me at I'll also be collecting biographies of both authors and listeans as well as pictures. If you have your fanfic on your own web page and don't want me to archive it here, I'd still like to make a page of links to off-site fanfic. Please send whatever info you feel is necessary, and I'll update the Archive accordingly. Please send me a line if you notice any links not working. I mean it! Don't be shy - I'll never find the broken links if no one points them out to me! Thanks for you patience!

We're now onto our third list. The first was run by Amethyst and her friend Mike Ellis on his work machines at Hal computers. Mike had to shut it down cause of the vast amount of bandwidth being used. Then we moved to Coollist and expanded to two lists but they were slow and unreliable. Now Shan runs two majordomo lists from work computers for us. This was arranged by sp00ky who admin'd for a while but left due to a dispute on the main list. There is also a third list for roleplaying. There's more detail available about the mailing lists and procedures.

The discussion list

To subscribe: mail to with the message subscribe labyrinth
To post: mail to

The fan-fiction list

To subscribe: mail to with the message subscribe labyrinth-fanfic
To post: mail to

The role-play list

To subscribe: mail to with the message subscribe labyrinth-roleplay
To post: mail to

Amethyst created a Labyrinth newsgroup last year called alt.movies.labyrinth. If this group is not available to you then please ask your service provider to add it to their list.

If you like Labyrinth you can mail order merchandise like posters and lobby cards from
Cinema City; P.O. Box 1012, Muskegon, MI 49442.

You can also write to Henson Productions, makers of Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal, at...
Jim Henson Productions
Raleigh Studios
5358 Melrose Avenue
West Office Building, 3rd floor
Hollywood, CA 90038
(213) 960-4096
Fax: (213) 960-4935
Jim Henson Productions
117 East 69th Street
New York, NY 10021
(212) 794-2400
Fax: (212) 570-1147
Jim Henson Productions
1(B) Downshire Hill
Hampstead, London.
England. NW3 1NR.
(0171) 431-2818
Fax: (0171) 431-3737

All stories © their authors, except for previously copyrighted material.
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